Copyright ) 1997 Jeremy Wyld. All rights reserved. Cliphoard Cliphoard is a preferences panel which allows you to set the number of clipboards which are available on for use on the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300. Multiple clipboards were added into these products but were not turned on by default. This panel gives you the ability to set the clipboard "depth" to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20 through the use of a simple picker. When multiple clipboards are invoked, the main or active clipboard will be black. All other clipboards will be a shade of gray. This gives you a visual clue as to what Cmd-V will paste when using the keyboard. The newest items placed on the clipboard replace the oldest items on the clipboard (e.g. your clipboard depth is 3 and you place a 4th item on the clipboard; the 1st item will "fall off" of the clipboard). The bitmap for only the active clipboard is kept around. This was done in order to hold done memory usage. In the case where the bitmap is no longer available, you will drag a marquee around the screen instead. Don't worry, the clipboard contents are still fine. Installing Use NPI or NBU to install this extension onto your Newton device. This extension will only work on the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300, but will cause no harm if loaded on the MessagePad 120 or the MessagePad 130. The package will take around 2K of user store space. Using Cliphoard Tap on the "Prefs" icon in the Extras Drawer (usually in the "Setup" Folder). Tap the "Cliphoard" preferences item on the slip. Tap on the "Give meI" label picker. This will present a popup list allowing you to select the number of clipboards which you wish to have. Simply select one and that's it. Close the "Cliphoard" slip and the "Preferences" application. Rolling Your Own The number of clipboards is controlled by a user configuration slot called 'clipboardDepth. By default, this slot does not exist. Should this slot contain NIL or 0, one clipboard will be assumed. Should you right your own package, you should only set this slot's value to an integer greater than 0. Version History v1.0 Public release. Any Ideas Or Requests? Send email to me, Jeremy Wyld, for any requests or ideas.