Backdrop Plus Memory Management and a Custom Backdrop for the Newton OS Table of Contents 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Backdrop Plus 1.2 Registering Backdrop Plus 1.3 Contacting Stand Alone, Inc. 1.3.1 Business Hours 1.3.1 Email 1.3.2 Phone 1.3.3 Regular Mail 1.3.4 World Wide Web 2 Installation 3 Installation and Memory Management 3.1 Special Installation Instructions 3.2 Memory Management 4 Using Backdrop Plus 4.1 Battery Level 4.2 OwnerUs Info 4.3 Heap Level 4.4 Date and Time 4.5 Logo Artwork 4.6 Volume Control 4.7 Save Mode 4.9 Open NotePad 4.10 Rotate Screen 4.11 Extras Drawer Folders 4.12 Apps Button 4.13 Application Icons (The Dock) 4.14 Info Button 4.14.1 About 4.14.2 Help 4.14.3 Prefs 4.14.4 Personal Info 4.14.5 Edit Apps 4.14.6 Beam Backdrop Plus 4.14.7 Remove 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 Welcome Welcome to Backdrop Plus, a memory manager and backdrop for the Newton OS. Backdrop Plus is an application that replaces the NotePad as the standard Newton OS backdrop, using less heap than the standard NotePad. Included in this archive are the following packages: Backdrop Plus.pkg This is the software package that you need to install on your Newton. Backdrop Plus.pdf This is the usersU manual for Backdrop Plus. You are reading it right now. Backdrop Plus.txt This is the text only version of the manual. If at all posible, use the pdf version of the manual, as it has layout and graphics that cannot be included in the text version. The pdf format is viewed using Adobe( Acrobat Reader(, which can be obtained free of charge at SAStuff.txt A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone Inc. 1.2 Registering ButtonBar Plus The Backdrop Plus Demo will work for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30 Days, it will stop working. To avert this tragedy, you need to get in touch with Stand Alone, Inc. to register your software. You can register with us by several different methods. You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose to register. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it is entered in your Newton, including spaces. We use this to generate your password, so it must be precise. You need to specify which programs you wish to register, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well. Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of card you are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email is the preferred way, followed by your address and phone number. An Email address is not strictly necessary, but it will result in much faster service. For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa or Mastercard. To do so, call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over the phone. Alternatively, you can send us a check for $25 to the address below. You can also Email us one of several ways. The application has a Register section under the button, tap on that to open up a registration slip. If you fill out that slip, and have an Email client on your Newton, it will automatically Email us and we will send you a registration code. You can also just Email us the relevant information from your Newton or a desktop machine, and weUll send you a code. If you are registering through Compuserve, use GO SWREG # 9566. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. There is an option to Enter Password under the menu. Tap on it to bring up a screen that has a space to enter the password. When the password is entered, you will receive a message confirming the entry. Backdrop Plus is now registered and ready to go. 1.3 Contacting Stand Alone, Inc. There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone. Email is the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don't hesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below. 1.3.1 Business Hours Stand Alone is open from 9 AM to 9 PM Monday to Friday, and 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday. These hours are CST and GMT -5. 1.3.1 Email: internet: AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 1.3.2 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 1.3.3 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657 USA 1.3.4 World Wide Web: 2 Installation The first thing that you need to do to get your software up and running is to install it on your Newton. To do this, you need to have Newton Backup Utility, or Newton Connection Utilities, set up to talk to your Newton. If you have problems with this part of the installation, please contact consult the documentation that came with your Newton. Once Newton Backup Utility is set up, just follow the steps listed below to for each of the packages you wish to install. 1. Open the Newton Backup Utility , or Newton Connection Utilities on your Desktop machine. 2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon . The connection icon could also be found on the ButtonBar. 3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sure your cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton. 4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following: % Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility % Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package. % Click on the RInstallS button 3 Installation and Memory Management 3.1 Special Installation Instruction Backdrop Plus provides a custom backdrop for your MessagePad. To use it, you must install Backdrop Plus on the internal memory of your MessagePad. It is important to save it into the internal memory, otherwise, it will not work correctly. Once installed, a window appears asking if you want Backdrop Plus to be the backdrop application. Tap RMake BackdropS to close the NotePad and start Backdrop Plus as your new backdrop application. If you ever need to change the backdrop application or remove Backdrop Plus, you have two options. One way to do it is to open your Extras drawer, select the Notes icon, and hold until you hear a squeak. Then tap the action button envelope at the bottom right of the screen and select RMake Backdrop.S Backdrop Plus now appears in the Extras Drawer, like a normal icon. Another way to beam or delete Backdrop Plus is through the menu, as is detailed in sections 4.14.6 and 4.14.7. 3.2 Memory Management A NewtonUs heap is the equivalent of a Desktop machineUs RAM. Heap is used by applications when they are installed and when they run. When an application is installed on your Newton, it consumes a small amount of heap. When the NotePad is used as the backdrop for your Newton, it consumes heap as well. When Backdrop Plus is used as the backdrop, it saves an average of 8k and up to 15k less heap then the standard NotePad, which leaves you with more memory for the rest of your NewtonUs functions. For more information on memory management, see section 4.3, or the Stand Alone FAQ Sheet, which is found at 4 Features of Backdrop Plus The Backdrop Plus screen contains a wealth of information. All of its features are outlined below. 4.1 Battery Level Shows the power left in your battery. 4.2 OwnerUs Info Backdrop Plus displays your owners info here. The button menuUs Personal Info option lets you edit this information. For more details, please see section 4.14.4. 4.3 Heap Level Backdrop Plus Shows unused heap here. You should try and keep your heap above a certain level. depending on the type of Newton you own. MP 120: 40-50k MP 130: 120-150k MP 2000: 95-115k eMate: 95-115k As applications are run, they tend to use a certain amount of heap. You will see your available heap drop after an application is opened, and probably a little more when it is closed. This heap is not permanently lost, and most of it is marked as unused, but will not get added back to the main heap until you perform a Garbage Collection. Tapping any clear space on the backdrop screen will run a Garbage Collection. Garbage Collections are best performed before opening large packages, to insure that as much heap as possible is available. To perform a Garbage Collection, just tap on any blank space on the backdrop. 4.4 Date and Time This runs by the Message PadUs internal clock. Tapping it opens a standard window where both date and time can be set. 4.5 Logo Artwork Backdrop Plus includes four graphics, or this spot can be left blank. You can set your choice of graphics using Prefs under the button. To do this, please see section 4.14.3. It is also possible to include your own artwork, or a company logo. To customize your version, please contact Stand Alone. 4.6 Volume Control Tap to adjust the sound volume. 4.7 Save Destination When the icon is a Newton, all items you save (like notes, dates, names, etc.) are saved to internal memory. Tap the icon to automatically save information onto a card. When it saves to a card slot, the graphic is a Newton with a card showing. 4.8 Quick Note This is a fast way to enter info to the NotePad. A small edit window lets you type or write in info, and when you close it, the information is automatically converted into a standard note. Using Prefs, you can set what kind of note pops up when using Quick Note. If you tap and hold on this button, a list pops up where you can set the type of note. 4.9 Open NotePad Tap this icon to open the NotePad. Tapping and holding the icon pops up a list of the folders in the Extras drawer. 4.10 Rotate Screen Tap to rotate the display between Portrait and Landscape. Tap and hold this icon to cause the system to reboot. 4.11 Extras Drawer Folders Tapping on this brings up a list of the folders in your Extras Drawer. Tap one to go directly to the icons in that folder. Tap and hold to put the Message Pad to sleep. 4.12 Apps button Displays a popup menu of all apps included in the list. You can launch applications directly from this list. To add or remove apps from the list, please refer to section 3.14.5. 4.3.13 Application Icons (The Dock) Tap on these icons to launch applications. To remove icons from the dock, tap and hold on an icon and a dialog box will open and ask you to confirm removal. For more information on adding or removing icons, please see section 3.14.5. 4.14 Info Button The Info button gives you access to a number of important features of the program. 4.14.1 About Tells you a bit about the program and lets you know how to contact us. 4.14.2 Help This includes a full on-line manual for Back Drop Plus. 4.14.3 Prefs The Prefs menu has a number of choices to help you customize Backdrop Plus to your needs. At the top of the window, you can set the font, face, and size using the available pickers. Below the pickers are a number of preferences for Backdrop Plus. If the boxes are checked, then the option is turned on. To turn them off, just uncheck the box. Close Extras Drawer when opening apps This tells the Newton OS to automatically shut the extras drawer once a new app is launched. Show Silk Screen Floater in Landscape You can open up a floating window of the silkscreen buttons when the Newton is set to landscape view. This only works on MP 120Us and MP 130Us. Show Sound Volume This will put an icon on the desk top that allows you to adjust the sound levels. Show Silk Screen toggle button Here you can place a toggle button on the desk top that opens up a floating widow with the silk screen buttons. This feature only works on the MP 120Us and MP 130Us. Show Backlight Toggle This places an icon on the screen that lets you turn the back lighting off and on. 4.14.4 Personal Info Use this menu to change your personal information. Any changes you make here will be displayed in the Owner Info space on the back drop. 4.14.5 Edit Apps This screen is used to set or change the programs that are accessed through the Apps Button, or the Dock. The Edit Apps menu gives you a list of all of the programs in the NewtonUs memory. Next to each program are two boxes. The first list Rin listS sets which programs are included in Backdrop PlusU Apps button. The second list, Rin dockS determines which icons are placed on the back drop. In both cases, if the box is checked, then the program will be included. If the box is not checked, than the program will not be included. The buttons at the bottom of the screen remove all applications from either the Apps Button or clears all the icons from the Dock. An alternate way of removing the icons from the Dock is to tap and hold on them. You will then be given the option to delete the icon. 4.14.6 Beam Backdrop Plus This choice gives you a quick way to beam Backdrop Plus to another Newton. 4.14.7 Remove Selecting this will erase Backdrop Plus from your MessagePad. Make sure that you really want to do this, because once chosen it cannot be undone.