JAddressAccess - the better card file - Version 2.01e - 22.06.97, by Thorsten Lange, Hamburg, Germany ) 1995-1997 Thorsten Lange and his licensors. All rights reserved. Preface Just a note before we get started: This program is shareware and must be registered for only US$25 if used after a trial period of about 4 weeks. Although the functionality of this version isn't limited (only using it as backdrop is diasabled), registered users have a couple of advantages (for details see chapters "Shareware" and "Registration"). Any suggestions or error reports are welcome (even from unregistered users). My postal and email address can be found in chapter "Registration". Since English is not my native language I apologize for possible "unidiomatic expressions" and errors. So any corrections in this respekt are welcome, too. AddressAccess supplies an easy and efficient interface to the cards stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address. AddressAccess features: - Sort your cards by first name, last name or company. - comfortable editor for easily changing or adding cards with optional non-floating keyboard - compatible: uses the same data as the built-in app - quick searching: only enter the first few characters of name you are looking for - Address is formatted according to the country. - Export to notes - Direct dialling of phone numbers without any further dialogs (after a configurable delay). - Direct beaming of cards. - Direct beaming of your card (owner info is used). - together with "i++" V1.10 or higher: - create a new card directly from the "i" button (without opening names or AA - fast!) - open the built-in names (usefull if AddressAccess redefines the names button) - And a lot of user-configurable options (redefine names button, select one of five different keyboards,...) Note: AddressAccess 2 is for Newton OS2.x only. If you are using OS1.x you can download AddressAccess V1.61 from my homepage http://pobox.com/~bnet/thorsten (where you can find the latest versions of all my Newton applications) I hope you will enjoy this program - so much that you will gladly register your copy :-) Installing AddressAccess Simply install AddrAcc.pkg on your Newton (remember to remove "AddrAcc Ext" from the Extensions folder if you had used AddressAccess 1.6x. This package is no longer needed). After getting used to AddressAccess I+ll recommend that you take a look at the preferences ("i"/"prefs"). There are really a lot of user-configurable options so that you can make AddressAccess fit your needs. You+ll find more about these options in chapter "configuration". AddressAccess uses the same data as the built-in application. No data will be copied or moved and you can still use the same tools for importing/exporting data as with the built-in names file. Consequently if you want to deinstall AddressAccess (which I hope will never happen ;-) all you have to do is remove the icon from Extras. If you had used additional indexes you can remove them using the index maintainace dialog (see chapter "index maintainace"). Functional description The key to efficient access to your cards is the user interface. On the screen you see at a glance: - information about a selected person - a list of cards matching a search-criterion (beginning of first name, last name or company) - a keyboard for entering the criterion Each character entered on the keyboard will be added to the search string. The list of matching cards will be updated automatically and the information about the first matching card will be displayed. Normaly only a few characters will be sufficient for finding the right card. AddressAccess features a card view of its own. Apart from "All Info" (the tap with the "!") you can view only a selection of a persons data: I.e. if you are looking for a phone number just tap the phone icon above the card view. If you have collected a lot of information about a contact this will speed-up working with Names, too, since you don+t have to browse through the long "All Info" view. There are five view modes: phone&pager&email, postal address, custom fields, notes and "All Info". I believe that in most cases phone&email will be sufficient. J Every input on the integrated keyboard will be added to the input field above. Instead of "Enter" a key for clearing the search string is provided. Or just enter a capital letter to replace the text entered so far (if this option is checked in "prefs.". There is also an option for automatically pressing the shift-key after a configurable delay). If you prefer using handwriting you can select a very small keyboard so that there is more space left for the list and/or the card view. On the right side of the input field you can select what field shall be used for sorting and searching: first name, last name or company. If you select "standard" ("std.") the cards will be sorted the same way as in the built-in card file. The first time you select a non-standard sorting order a new index has to be generated. Since this might take a little if you have lots of contacts AddressAccess will ask you before proceding. Note that with "i"/"Index Prefs." you can create the indexes need or remove the unneeded ones. In the middle of the screen there is a list of all cards matching the search criterion. Every time you change the criterion this list will be updated and the first card will be selected. You can select any other card of the list by tapping on its name (or switching to the next/previous with the standard arrow-keys). If there are more matching cards than there are lines, then arrows for scrolling are displayed on the right side. For a full-screen overview of all matching cards just tap the overview button. Here you can also select multiple cards for printing, beaming, filing, ... To dial a number, tap on the phone icon at the left of it. Optionally there is another button representing the "Calls" application. Tapping this one will open "Calls", create a new log-entry and dial the number. Note that there are a couple of options for dialing,too ("i"/"Dialing Prefs."). At the upper right corner (below the "tabs" for changing the view mode) there is a "zoom box" for changing the size of the card view. Tapping that button toggles between a full screen display and the small window. For Notes and "All Info" the default size is full screen (but that can changed -> chapter "configuration"). Within the card view there will be scroll arrows at the right hand side if more information is available. In notes mode these scrollers are always present to allow entering large notes. In the upper left corner there is a button for opening/closing the "Styles" dialog. Each address is formatted according to the country (if the country is missing the owner-country is used for the default format). So an American address will be city, state zip country while a german one will be zip city country The country name must be written according to the "nationality" of your Newton: On "English speaking" systems it is "Germany" while on German ones it is "Deutschland". Up to now, there have still been countries missing. So if you encounter an ill-formatted address please contact me! "i" opens a popup menu with items for opening the about box ("info box" - where you can enter your registration code) or changing preferences (see chapter "Dialing preferences" and "Configuration"). If "i++" (>=V1.10) is installed the selected additional items will be displayed, too. The "A-Z" Button toggles an additional floating button bar (on top of the bottom row of the keyboard, so it is mostly useful only if a keyboard with a space bar is used) showing the alphabet. Tapping a letter clears the input field and inserts the letter in one step. "Extra" opens a small menu which allows you to open the built-in card file (in any modes) or directly access one of the recently used contacts. After pressing the "New" button a menu pops up. You can select wether you want to create a new person or company card. Afterwards the editor integrated in AddressAccess will show up with a blank card (the country is filled by default with the owners country). The "action button" (envelope) allows you to print, fax, mail, export to the notepad, beam, duplicate or delete the selected card. With Beam Me Up you can easily beam your owner info to another Newton (where it will be inserted in the Names file). Editor This editor of AddressAccess provides a more comfortable way for changing multiple fields since you don't have to pick the fields seperately. There are three different ways to open this editor: - create a new card using the "New" button - tap on any field in the card display and the editor opens in the corresponding mode - if you have installed "i++" V1.10 or better you can create a new card from the i-menu in most applications (note that selcted text will be used to fill in the fields of the new card) The editor uses different modes simmilar to the card display. The button bar on top allows switching between modes with a single tap. There can be multiple addresses, companies and/or affiliates for a single contact. In these cases you can create a new instance with the "New" button at the bottom of the screen (this buttons does *NOT* create a new Names card). Note that a new instance will be added after the currently displayed item. Of course there is also a "Delete" button to remove i.e. an additional company. For siwtching between the different instances there is a picker above the address/company/affiliate. Some more notes about the editor: - In phone,pager or email mode all empty entries will be removed when you leave this mode -> To erease an entry just clear out the corresponding field(s). - The keyboard-button at the lower left corner toggles the on-screen keyboard of AddressAccess (not the floating standard keyboard). - All changes will be saved when the editor is closed or an other card is displayed. - A new card without any information will not be added (if choosing new accidentally). - The country of a new card will be set by default to the owner's country. - Some input fields provide the 8 most frequently used values in a popup menu. - Hitting "Tab" on the on-screen keyboard moves the cursor to the next input field. If necessary the window will scroll to this field. - In dates-mode you can enter birthdays and anniversaries. Here you can also specify the text that is used in dates for the note. Only if you press the corresponding "Add" button the displayed information will be written in the calendar (and an old belonging appointment will be removed). Configuration To customize AddressAccess please open the Preferences dialog (i/Prefs.). The settings are grouped using divider bars. Note: Use scrollers at the right to display different parts of the settings. > General < "Always store new names internally" overrides the global setting where to store new objects. If checked new contacts created with AddressAccess will be stored in the Newton itself and not on a memory card. Checking "Quick Start" makes AddressAccess start up a little faster but at the price of showing an empty list and no card. Otherwise a list of all addresses is shown and AddressAccess opens to the card shown when it was closed last. With "Startup display" you can select the card view mode that is displayed when AddressAccess opens. Specifying "last" will result in the same mode as the last time AddressAccess had been used. You can also limit the "Number of past entries in Extras" (the history of recently accessed contacts). > Searching & Keyboard < At next you can select a keyboard for AddressAccess. You have five opportunities: using a standard keyboard but omitting the row with numbers and/or the row with space&option. Or you can select a tiny single-line keyboard which is especially usefull if you prefer using handwritting. For the MP2000 there is also an option to use "larger keys" (especially usefull in conjunction with the "A-Z" keyboard). By default "Capitals clear input line" is checked. So you do not have to clear the input field before entering a new search string - just start with a capital letter. Therefore "Auto-Shift" is quite usefull: After a (customizable) delay after the last character entered the "shift" key will be pressed automatically since you normally want to look for a new card afterwards. Another options is "delayed searching": If you disable this option (by moving the slider to the left edge) AddressAccess updates the list of matching cards after each character entered. Although searching is quite fast there is a delay between taps. For people who use to enter multiple characters very fast, better performance will be obtained if AddressAccess waits a little while after each keystroke for further modifications and searches only once. The delay between a keystroke and the beginning of the search can be controled by a slider. I would recommend setting the slider about one third from the left. When using the MP2000 this option is only needed when there are really a lot of entries in your Names file otherwise I would set the slider to the left side for immediate response. > Card display < You can set the height of the card view by specifying the "number of lines" (i.e. in phones mode). Note that you can specify different values for portrait and landscape mode (rotated screen). "All Info" and "Notes" usually open in full-screen mode. With two checkboxes you can control this feature Additionally there are checkboxes to control wether to show honorifics (before the persons name) or titles (on the divider bar) or to show phone numbers as they are dialed (that means ommiting the area code if possible or adding the country code if needed). > Editor < As with the search keyboard above you can enlarge the keys if you think the standard keys are to tiny on a MP2000. And with a picker you can specify wether the address mode of the editor should order the input fields US like (city, state, postal code) or eruropean style (postal code, city, state). > System modifications < Checking "Global search with AddressAccess" replaces the built-in card file when making a global search ("Search"+"All"). With OS2.0 only you can modify the "Names" button: tapping it will open AddressAccess. (Hint: together with "i++" V1.10 or better AddressAccess alows opening the built-in names via the "i-menu" of most applications like the notepad). For OS2.1 (MP2000) this option isn+t available and it isn+t needed since you can simply by drag+n+drop customize the OS2.1 soft button bar. Index maintainance For using non-standard sorting (first name, last name or company) AddressAccess has to built an index once. This will happen when you first change the sort field. The index maintainace dialog (selecting "Index Prefs" from the i-button) is only needed if you like to generate multiple indexes at once or to remove an index i.e. when deinstalling AddressAccess (which I hope will never happen ;-). In the dialog simply check the indexes you plan to use and uncheck the ones that aren+t needed. Next tap on "Update Indexes" and AddressAccess will built/remove the indexes as specified. Dialing preferences When selecting "Dialing Prefs" from the i-button a dialog will be displayed. With the first picker you can select the current owner and the workplace setting from the owner info for the right areacode, dialing prefix ... (This selection is - as usual - valid for all applications in your Newton. So this also controlls which owner card will be beamed by "Beam Me Up", if there are multiple owners defined). The next controls what service should be used to dial the number ("Modem", "Speaker" or "Telephone"=do not dial at all, usefull for logging calls without any dialing). "Dialing method" defines what should happen after tapping the phone-icon. - "AddressAccess": Use the dialing floater of AddrAcc that waits a configurable time before dialing (use slider at the bottom of this dialog to control the delay). This dialing method also allows to configure the delay between a phone number and the extension. - "Standard, direct": The built-in dialing routine is used (always waits three seconds before dialing and shows up a control pannel afterwards) - "Standard, dialog": This is the Newton-way of dialing. The standard slip will be displayed to control various settings before dialing will be initiated. If you check "Show call log button" there will be two buttons next to each phone number. The second one will open the calls application, create a new log entry and dial the number (this will always use the standard dialing method). Comments and known limitations - You can enter any character in the search string. But searching (at the moment) is case and diacritical-mark insensitive ("A"="a"=""=" "). - Do not remove a memory card while AddressAccess is showing an address stored on that card. You might confuse your Newton (but reset should fix this). - Duplicating a card in the built-in card file (and modifying its contents) will not be detected by AddressAccess properly. It will show the same card twice. Restarting AddressAccess fixes this. Better solution: use "duplicate" in AddressAccess! - When a card is received (beamed) AddressAccess will not always switch to it automatically. Shareware This program is shareware. So you may try it for free for about four weeks. After this trial period you have to pay a fee (US$25) if you're using it on a regular basis. Since you should be able to really try this program there are no functional limitations when using an unregistered copy (except for the fact that only registered versions can be used as backdrop)! But some people need a "motivation" to register their copy which is very easy (just put money in an envelope and send it to my address listed below) and cheap - see chapter "Registration" for details. So registered users have the following advantages: 1.) Email support for questions/problems 2.) For the present I will maintain an email list of registered users to notify them when a new version is available at my homepage http://pobox.com/~bnet/thorsten. 3.) When using this program, a notification will be displayed that you have to register your copy. The more you use this program the more often the notifications are displayed. After entering the registration code no more messages are displayed. This code also enables using AddressAccess as the backdrop application. And everybody has the advantage that I will continue working on the program. You can register AddressAccess by - sending cash, - using CompuServe's SWREG forum (ID 9876) , - online (using a credit card) via Kagi at http://order.kagi.com/?LT or - you use "Newton register" to pay by credit card, US check, ... using Kagi and Newton email. For more informations about registering AddressAccess please read the enclosed file "Register", check out my homepage http://pobox.com/~bnet/thorsten or just contact me by email: Thorsten_Lange@kagi.com or 101353.2024@compuserve.com (kagi is the preferred address, please do not use both addresses since kagi is only a forward to my CompuServe account) Copyright notice AddressAccess is ) 1995-1997 Thorsten Lange and his licensors. All rights reserved. This program is Shareware - IT IS NOT FOR FREE. You are allowed to try out AddressAccess for four weeks for free. If you continue using it you have to register your copy. For more information see chapter "registration" above. Please support development of cheap and reliable software for the Newton and pay for Shareware you are using regulary! Restrictions You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to a human-perceivable form. You may not modify the software or the documentation. Disclaimer You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of AddressAccess is at your sole risk. The software and related documentation are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. I make no warranty of the performance of this program, expressed or implied. In no event will I be held responsible for any damages or loss as a result of using AddressAccess. When this disclaimer does not apply, my liability will be limited to the amount paid for the product. Famous last words ... Apple and Newton are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.