'61 Memory Fix v1.0 by Avi Drissman, drissman@acm.org http://detroit.freenet.org/~drissman/newton/ Requirements A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater, with 4 Megs of DRAM. (That means an upgraded MessagePad 2000, a MessagePad 2100, or eMate with the Newer Technology memory upgrade.) About 2K free on the internal store. Purpose There is a bug in the Newton OS that affects machines with 4 Megs of DRAM. This package installs a backdrop button which is a workaround to the problem. Installation Use the Newton Connection Utilities program that came with your Newton device to download the included package. '61 Memory Fix is not needed if Avi's Backdrop is installed. The functionality of '61 Memory Fix is included in Avi's Backdrop. Use First, credit where credit is due. Frank Wegener (wegener@travel-cs.com), not me, is the person who came up with the NewtonScript code to fix the problem. Secondly, this is experimental! I don't guarantee that this will work on all -10061 problems. In fact, I don't guarantee that this will work on any -10061 problems at all. But it's worth a shot, and it should help. THIS IS NOT A CURE FOR THE -10061 PROBLEM. Only Apple can provide that. This only alleviates the symptoms, and hopefully will keep your Newton from requiring a restart after a -10061 attack. What happens is that, for some reason, on Newtons with 4 Megs of DRAM, the Newton OS occasionally loses track of a program. The program is still in flash memory, but it gets disconnected from the dynamic RAM. No one knows why, or how. Then, when the application is accessed, a -10061 error is generated. What '61 Memory Fix does is to try to reload and reset the connections to the packages in the flash memory. To use it, you need to experience a -10061 error. When a -10061 error occurs, switch to your backdrop program and tap the status bar button labeled "'61". The fixing of memory can take up to ten seconds, depending on how many packages you have installed on your Newton. When the "'61" button returns to normal and the Newton makes a "ding" sound, the fix is done. Try whatever it was that you were doing again. Some caveats: First, there are other reasons why a -10061 error might happen. The Fix only attempts to fix the infamous memory-mapping bug; it does not affect other reasons. Secondly, if your backdrop itself gets disconnected by the -10061 bug, you won't be able to access the Fix. You'll have to restart. The Fix is harmless if accidentally selected. Version History Version 1.0 (10 May 1998) Initial release Legal stuff The backdrop button '61 Memory Fix is freeware. Please feel free to give a copy to anyone you wish. You are not allowed to charge any fees for distributing it without express written consent from Avi Drissman. You may not modify the package in any way, and must transmit the package and this documentation file together at all times. Avi Drissman will not be held liable for any damage caused by the package '61 Memory Fix. Even though Avi Drissman has worked his darnedest to try to eliminate all problems in the package, some may still exist, so you use this package at your own risk. If you don't like it, erase it from your Newton device. That is the only recourse you have if '61 Memory Fix does not suit your needs. The package and this documentation are copyright ) 1998 Avi Drissman. All rights reserved.