Virtual Scrollbar 1.0 demo ========================== copyright 1995, ChickenWerks Software Co. What does it do? ================ Virtual Scrollbar allows you to quickly scroll to any part of a Notepad note with one tap of the pen. How do I use it? ============== It's easier to describe how Virtual Scrollbar works with pictures than with words, "X" represents the spot to "tap" on the Newton screen. Newton Screen ============= ------- | X a tap here scrolls to top of note ... | | | | | | | | ------- ------- | | | | | X ... a tap here scrolls to center of note ... | | | | ------- ------- | | | | | | | | | X ... a tap here scrolls to bottom of note ... ------- ... you get the picture. Notes ===== When Virtual Scrollbar is installed it will draw a black rectangle over the region of the screen that you must tap on to scroll notes. The rectangle is not required for Virtual Scrollbar to work and it will disappear after using the Notepad for awhile You may need to switch to a note other than the one that is visible when you install Virtual Scrollbar for it to begin working. Virtual Scrollbar may conflict with other applications that change the way the Notepad works. Standard Disclaimer =================== Use of the Virtual Scrollbar software constitutes an agreement to the following terms: 1. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of this software is at your sole risk. This software is provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. 2. Under no circumstances including negligence, shall ChickenWerks be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of this software. 3. You may not distribute this software or make it available for distribution. If you do not agree to these conditions then do NOT use Virtual Scrollbar! What's it gonna cost me? ======================== This copy of Virtual Scrollbar will only work for a period of 5 days after being installed on the Newton. By sending in a registration fee of $10 you will receive a version of Virtual Scrollbar that has no expiration date and will be entitled to receive future updates of Virtual Scrollbar at no additional cost. Virtual Scrollbar is only distributed electronically, you need to have access to an email account in order to receive the registered version of Virtual Scrollbar. Contacting the author ===================== email: snail mail: ChickenWerks 4595 Mt. King Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 Any other ChickenWerks software I should know about? ==================================================== YAPI (Yet Another Package Installer) An application that transfers Newton packages from any host that can speak Xmodem to the Newton. TekIO Transfers text files to/from the Notepad application via the Newton's serial port. TekIO is activated via the routing menu of the Notepad application, makes it very easy to use.