JDigital Native P.O. Box 1264 Mtn. View, CA 94042 net: Beowulf2@eWorld.com vox: 408-923-8136 TrueNames* 1.0 by David K. Simerly Shareware: $5 US TrueNames is a simple Newton application that lets you assign a name to your MessagePad's internal and/or card storage. Just choose a predefined name from the popup labels, or write in your own, and tap the Set... button. There's no grip o' death, so you can eject the card and insert another one if you have multiple cards you want to name. Try it for 10 days and then pay for it or erase it. Why name the stores? Because you can. Also, it's a welcome change from the "Card 1," "Card 2," and the other boringly generic names that NCK creates when you synchronize. Names make it easier to determine which archive is which, and make it imposible for NCK to switch the names on you (as it can with the "Card #" names). At this point, it's probably good form to warn you that there may be programs lurking out there that will choke if they come upon a store with inidividuality...but we haven't seen any yet. We've been using named stores for months now with no problems (some of our favorite names are in the popup lists). Digital Who? Digital Native -- 'cause it's a virtual jungle out there! -- creates simple and elegant solutions for desktop and mobile computing devices. In addition to our line of shareware and direct mail products, we're also available for custom development work on Macintosh, Newton, Windows, weddings, and bar mitzvahs. At Digital Native we're also concerned with social and environmental solutions. That's why 10% of our profits go to non-profit organizations selected by our users. See the product registration form (REGISTER.TXT) for more details. Legalese You can't sell this software, but you can charge a nominal fee for connect time or media (not to exceed $5). Contact Digital Native if you plan to include it in a shareware collection, or bundle it with a commercial product. By using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Digital Native and the author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall Digital Native or the author be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. TrueNames ) Copyright 1994-95, Digital Native. All rights reserved. Newton, MessagePad, Connection Kit, NCK, and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.