Soup Mixer 2.1.1 Description Soup Mixer is a soup manager for the Newton MessagePad. It was created because of the poor quality or functionality of soup managers that we looked at. Some of the formatting problems that we encountered in other managers may be in our own, as we've only been able to test it on MessagePad 110s. Features include: - Movement and duplication of soups of varying stores. - Deletion of soups. - Emptying of soups (removal of their entries). - Hierarchical viewing of soup contents to the n-th level. (Just tap the items you wish to expand.) - Deletion and duplication of soup entries. - Global Garbage collection thrown in for free. Features don't include: - Modification of soup entries in any way. Known Problems: - Occasionally moving through soup entries slows down to a crawl because of soup access time, this can be sped up with a garbage collection. Any bugs, possible features, or comments can be sent to us at the addresses listed under Contact Information below. Version History All versions before 2.1.1 were in house versions. Version 2.1.1 - Found a soup it crashed on, fixed the minor bug. Version 2.1 - Added Garbage Collection. Version 2.0 - Added Entry duplication and removal - Added Soup duplication and movement - Added bells and whistles, such as the size indicators and sounds. Version 1.2 - Added hierarchical viewing. Version 1.0 - Initial working version. Legal Stuff The Authors and Michigan State University are not held responsible for any damage real or imagined caused by Soup Mixer. You downloaded, it's your fault. Soup Mixer is FreeWare, but we'd love to hear from you. Contact Information The Authors are: Andrew Ehmke ( Jason S. Greanya ( We can be contacted at the above addresses. The newest information and version of Soup Mixer (and other stuff) will be available at "".