Souper Version 1.1 - Soup Manager of the Newton* -------------------------------------------------------------- As I began to work with, and develop software for the Newton*, I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn't clear out a file ("Soup") easily. I had to delete each record ("Entry") individually, so I started to write an application that would clear out a Soup. Once I got started, I began to add other things to my 'wish list' and the package you now have grew out of that list. Within the Souper application you have the ability to select the "Store" on which you want to work and the Soup you wish to operate on. You may rename a given Soup, Delete to entire Soup, Clear all entries out of a Soup, or get information about a Soup. The functions Rename,Remove,Clear, and Duplicate operate as you would expect. The Information function returns the number of entries in a Soup, the total size of all entries within the Soup, and a list of all the indices over that Soup. At present, that is all that is available in this function, however, I intend to add the ability to create new Indexes, remove old Indexes, or view/edit individual entries within the Soup. Bugs Fixed : 1. Souper was preventing you from seeing the last Soup in a Store. This has been fixed. 2. Souper was returning a count of one object in an empty Soup. This has been fixed. Known Bugs: 1. If you try to duplicate a soup using the same name and in the same Store, a warning message appears. This message disappears and doesn't clear all of its self off the display. Note: I have included the files for Souper with the application, but they should not be taken as examples of good programming technique. However, I would greatly appreciate any comments you wish to make, as it will help me in my attempts to program follow-on applications. Now for the standard warning : This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. I DO NOT warranty this software to be free from errors, and you use it at your own risk. This software has been released as "Shareware", that means that you may make use of the software, and distribute it to any other user. However, this software may not be used or distributed as part of a commercial program, and I reserve all rights to the "Souper" program. As it is shareware, if you find this program useful, please send $5.00 to: Stephen Rose 23 Oak Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, Y1A 4A9. This donation would be welcomed by my wife, and be used to pay for my Newton. In addition, you will receive any new updates to the program, and may request the source code for it. If you have comments, questions, or requests feel free to send them to me on Compuserve @ [71036,40], or AOL at Stephen506. August 20, 1993 Stephen Rose, Summit Software, 23 Oak Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, Y1A 4A9