SoupCleaner 1.0 By Hamodi AL-Mukhtar. 1995 Warning : This utility will modify your date soup entries. Use at your own risk. I will not assume any responsibility for any damage caused by SoupCleaner. You should backup your Newton before using this product. SoupCleaner : I've noticed that over time that some of the Date Soup's entries get corrupted. By that I mean that some entries will loose required slots or that these slots will contain some invalid entries. Each entry consists of required slots like the mtgStartDate slot which specifies the start date of the event. If that slot is missing, the event-in most cases if not all-will not be displayed. SoupCleaner will attempt to examine each entry and determine whether or not any slots are missing or corrupted. Corrupted entries can also be repaired depending on the user setting. How to use SoupCleaner : SoupCleaner has two options : Scan and Fix. %Scan : This option (the 'Fix Corrupted Entries' check box is turned off) will scan all the Date soups and report how many entries are corrupted. %Fix : This option (the 'Fix Corrupted Entries' check box is turned on) will scan and fix all the Date soups and report how many entries were fixed. How will you know which entries were repaired : %If any of the entries were fixed, the message "This event has been modified" will be appended to the event's title (To Do items' Text is not modified.) You can do a Find in Dates for the previous text, once you find you can determine what you want to do with it. %If the mtgStartDate slot was fixed, the event will be displayed on the current date. %If the mtgDone slot is corrupted in a To Do, the To Do item will be set to Undone and will be displayed on the current date. Product Distribution : This package may be distributed freely and may NOT be charged for. This readme file must be included with the package. This Software package is NoWare. Contacting the Author : Please email me any ideas, suggestions, features, improvements, and especially bugs to the following address : WEEKDAYS : WEEKENDS : NOTE : This product is not affiliated with, sanctioned by, supported by, or sponsored by Now Software. Thanx to Don Vollum Steve Dohrmann.