Sieve // :doObj('add,'Sieve) // :doObj('build,'Sieve) // :doObj('remove,'Sieve) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Freeware... // The standard sieve benchmark for the Newton. // Info: Runs in about 143 seconds on my OMP. // Runs in about 65 seconds on my MP100. // // Thanks to Steve Weyer for explaining a few things // and making some suggestions about the GoBtn object // // Ver 0.3 9/17/94 -RunNewt // Ver 1.0 5/18/95 - Newt 3.0 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _proto: 'protoApp, title: "Sieve", ViewBounds: RelBounds(0,10,220,100), _package: { version: 100, copyright: ")1994,1995 S.Koren. All rights reserved.", icon: :GetIcon("Sieve"), devSignature: "SKoren", }, } ----- Sieve+about { _proto: 'protoFloatNGo, viewBounds:RelBounds(5,5,200,90), } ----- Sieve+AboutBtn {_proto: 'protoTextButton, text: "About...", viewBounds: RelBounds(5,5,60,16), buttonClickScript:func() about:open(); } ----- Sieve+SStatus { _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(20,30,200,16), text: "Prime benchmark." } ----- Sieve+Status { _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(20,50,200,16), text: "Calculates primes from" } ----- Sieve+GoBtn { _proto: 'protoTextButton, text: "Go...", viewBounds: RelBounds(150,5,60,16), buttonClickScript:func() begin SetValue(Status,'text , ""); SetValue(EStatus,'text , "Please wait..."); // SetValue will wait to display until end of buttonClickScript unless... RefreshViews(); // force screen update (use judiciously/minimally) local x, size, i, k, prime, count, iter, long ; size := 8192; long := Ticks(); // start timer for iter := 1 to 10 do begin count := 0; x := NIL; // to avoid memory problem of old&new arrays co-existing for a moment x := Array(size+1, 1); // reallocating (with new initial value) seems faster than recycling&filling for i := 1 to size do if x[i] = 1 then begin prime := i + i + 3; for k := (i+prime) to size by prime do x[k] := 0; count := count + 1; end; end; SetValue(SStatus,'text ,"Start:" && long); // NumberStr optional j := Ticks(); i := (j-long) / 60; SetValue(Status,'text , "End :" && j); SetValue(EStatus,'text ,"Elap.:" && i && "sec."); :Notify(3,EnsureInternal("Sieve"), // avoid later "grip of death" EnsureInternal("Num primes:" & count && "Time:" && i)); end; } ----- Sieve+EStatus { _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(20,70,200,16), text: "1 to 8192, 10 times." } ----- Sieve.about+maboutText { // about text viewclass: 'clParagraphView, text: "by Serg Koren \u000D\u " & Sieve._package.copyright & " \u000D\u \u000D\u Freeware." , viewFlags: 3, viewBounds: RelBounds(5,20,200,80), } ----- Sieve.about+title { // about title _proto: protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds ( 20,5 ,150 ,16 ), // reformat version to x.xx in text text: "Sieve - Ver." && SubStr(NumberStr(Sieve._package.version),0,1) & "." & SubStr(NumberStr(Sieve._package.version),1,2), } -----