J ScrollEx) is a shareware utility based on the Extras drawer. You may use it for 14 days for free from first installation on your Newton*. Next, ScrollEx will ask you to register. >>>>>>>> INSTALL ScrollEx) INTO INTERNAL MEMORY <<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>> See ReadMe FIRST !! For installation <<<<<<<<<<< Purpose !!!!!!!! % Scrolling of the icons in the Extras drawer. % Extras drawer draggable overview. % Packages manipulation: move to or from card, beam and remove. % Packages filing. % Packages archiving: save heap memory. % Add standard permanent buttons. % Scrolling of Prefs overview. % Card changing optimization. % Fixes the icon alignment problem in the Extras drawer. Use ScrollEx !!!!!!!!!!!!! Scroll and overview !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % Tap the Arrows to scroll the icons. % Tap the Dot to get an alphabetical sorted list of all the applications installed. % From overview, tap a name to open (or close) the application. (use arrows to scroll the list) Applications by folder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can view applications by folder in the Extras drawer. 1. Tap the folder tab at the top of the Extras drawer. 2. Tap the name of the folder you want to open. You can also tap Unfiled to see items that aren't in folders, or All to see evry item. Action button !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set Extra button !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can define up to six Extras buttons which are available at any time as the Names, Dates or other standard buttons. 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap Set Extra Button . 3. Tap on the NAME of a standard button, below the icon. (Ex: "Find" or "Names") 4. Tap the application you want to attach to this new Extra button. (Ex: "ScrollEx" or "Calculator") % You may now tap at any time on "Names" to get the Calculator or tap the icon of "Names" to get the Names file. File a package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap File Package . 3. Tap the package to be put in a folder. 4. Tap the name of the folder where you want to file the package. You may tap Edit Folders to create, rename or delete a folder. 5. Tap File. Beam a package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (from ROM version 1.3 only) 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap Beam Package .  3. Tap the package to send and follow the instructions on the screen. NOTE: If a problem occurs during transmission, tap SendI Beam from OutBox. To beam a package, ScrollEx needs as much internal memory as the size of the package being sent. Receive a package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (from ROM version 1.3 only) 1. Open the InBox. 2. Tap ReceiveI Beam. 3. Put away the first received element, the other segments will be received automatically. NOTE: If a problem occurs during transmission, return to step 2. If the application is not installed, you may need to check Prefs.Beam configuration. Remove a package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap Remove Package . 3. Tap the package to remove. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Move a package to/from card !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (from ROM version 1.3 only) 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap Move to/from Card . 3. Tap the package to move. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. NOTE: To move a package, ScrollEx needs as much card memory as the size of the package to move plus the same amount of space on the destination memory. Archive/Install a package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can archive packages installed on the card. An archived package frees up heap as if it were removed, but the icon stays in the Extras drawer, and is still runable. An archived package will have a small A on it. To run it, just tap the icon. 1. Tap the Action button. 2. Tap Archive/install . 3. Tap the package to archive or install. WARNING: The archived packages are NOT saved by NCK. After a card restore, You need to remove icons of archived packages by tapping them and download packages again. See Extras buttons & free heap mem. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To see the applications attached to the Extras buttons and the free heap memory, tap the lower right screen corner at any time. -- means no attachement for the Extra button. After a while or if you tap on the Extras buttons list area, the list is closed. ScrollEx and its' HelpBook !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % ScrollEx does not need this HelpBook to run. You may remove it from the card or internal memory using the standard remove. The HelpBook does not show up in the Extras drawer (When ScrollEx does not find the package of a selected application to remove, it shows a menu of unlinked packages, just tap the correct one; try it on a built-in application). % To remove ScrollEx, use the usual function from Prefs.Memory.RemoveI NOTE: The MessagePad will reset on ScrollEx remove. ScrollEx and its' Preferences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % ScrollEx does not need Preferences to run. After entering your keyCode, you may remove it from the card or internal memory using the standard remove. The Preference does not show up in the Extras drawer (see ScrollEx and its' helpBook). % If you select Erase preferences on remove and if ScrollEx is not installed, the stored informations about ScrollEx will be removed at remove time. Distribution !!!!!!!!!!!!! ScrollEx ) L.Durand-Texte / LOG-ACCESS ScrollEx is fully copyrighted Distribution is allowed under the following conditions % I reserve all rights to the "ScrollEx" program. % You may distribute copies of this software to other users as long as this book is included with it. % Distribution with or as part of any commercial product is prohibited, unless I give permission to do so. Warranties !!!!!!!!!!!! This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. I do not warrant this software to be free from errors, and you use it at your own risk. This program has been written and tested under Rom version 1.11 and 1.3, so it is possible that ScrollEx does not work on other Rom versions. The use of Beam an Move to/from card is available from version 1.3 only. Registration !!!!!!!!!!!!! International Credit card (Amex, Visa) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shareware FF100 (approx. US$20) 1. Send me your exact name from Prefs.Personal.Name (case Sensitive) with your international credit card number and expiration date to: DURAND.TEXTE@AppleLink.Apple.com 2. You will receive the key code to set in prefs.ScrollEx. This key code will remain the same for future versions of ScrollEx which are available for free downloads (But you'll have to re-enter it with each update). Cash (no ckecks) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shareware US$20 1. Send me your exact name from Prefs.Personal.Name (case Sensitive) with your Email address and US$20 cash to: Ludovic Durand-Texte 80, Bd St Marcel 75005 PARIS - FRANCE 2. You will receive the key code to set in prefs.ScrollEx. This key code will remain the same for future versions of ScrollEx which are available for free downloads (But you'll have to re-enter it with each update). Special Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Special Thanks to Ashley Armstrong for beta testing.