Introduction I wrote the Place Settings utility because I live in Seattle, and my city isnUt in the Time Zones list. Yeah, I could choose Portland, but it just wasnUt right. Also, I prefer using 24-hour time, and didnUt want to choose a French Canadian locale to get it. Telling Newton Where You Really Live First choose the closest city to where you live, using Time Zones (in the Extras Drawer). Then open Place Settings. If you know the latitude and longitude of where you live (or at least your local airport), you can enter them. Be sure to choose N/S and E/W with the radio buttons. If you donUt, the distances shown in Time Zones will be from the city you chose there. Enter the name of your city, and tap Set. If you donUt want to use 24-hour time, you should be able to remove Place Settings from your Newton. The city name is remembered even if you reset your Newton. (After you set a city with Time Zones, be sure your home area code is correct by dialing any number and tapping Options.) Telling Time If you prefer 24-hour time (00:00-23:59 instead of 12am [or is it pm?] to 11:59pm), open Place Settings, tap the radio button, and tap Set. The setting takes effect immediately. When you reset your Newton, it uses the Locale (from the Preferences) to determine whether or not to use 24-hour time. Thus, youUll need to use Place Settings each time you reset. Credits Place Settings is Copyright )1993 Pense Corporation. All rights reserved. It was written by David Dunham, with help from Scott Shwarts. Comments/Suggestions Send via Internet: