Copyright C 1993 Michael S. Engber. All rights reserved. Password v1 Another fine product from Avarice Software Password is a small utility for quickly turning on an off password protection on the Newton. Its icon in the extras drawer indicates whether password protection is currently turned on or off. Click on its icon to toggle the state. The built-in way of turning on/off password protection is somewhat cumbersome, especially if you do it often. To turn off password protection you use Prefs, enter your old password, and leave the new password line blank. To turn password protection back on, you return to Prefs and reenter your password. Use of Password is free of charge. I encourage you to share it freely. Send comments and bug reports to: Michael S. Engber U.S. Mail: 3486 Golden State Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95051 oInterNet: oAppleLink: engber ofrom CompuServe: > Known Bugs: - If you turn on or off password protection using Prefs, Password's icon will not reflect the new state until you tap on it. This is because the current version of Prefs doesn't notify other apps when it changes the system soup. - Sometimes the icon will flicker briefly when it changes state. This is only a cosmetic problem, it doesn't mean Password is having trouble setting the state of password protection. Version History v1 - first public release