No Sleep version 1.70 --------------------- No Sleep) is a program that will keep Newton from going to sleep when Newton's AC adapter is powering it. No matter what sleep time you have set, Newton will remain alive. No Sleep Main Features -------------------- 1. No Sleep is the only Newton keep-on-if-plugged-in program that does not alter Newton Internal things to function. * 2. No Sleep lets you have your own Power On and Power Off sounds. 3. No Sleep can automatically change the Sleep Time when not on A/C for longer battery life. 4. No Sleep displays the Data Backup Battery status.* (* That I know of and I think I've look at all of them.) How to use No Sleep: ------------------ First Select the kind of Newton you have: Original MP MP110 with v1.3 roms MP110 with roms greater than 1.3 (ie. bug fixed - see below) MP100 with 1.3 roms (upgraded Orig. MP, I think that's the rom number) MP100 with roms greater than 1.3 (ie. bug fixed - see below) Why the Selection ? Two reasons: First, an original Newton (or upgraded roms or MP100) can't quite tell the difference between A/C or fully charged batterys. The Power Level registers as 100%. On a MP110, charged (new) batterys are 100% and A/C is 200%. Second: There is a bug on MP110 v1.3 roms in the PowerOff / Sleep code. Selecting rom 1.3 uses extra code, a patch, to overcome this bug. This patch is only active for NoSleep. Another installed App may have the same problem. If you get an Error -48809 and then can't turn off the MP, your rom has the bug. Select a rom 1.3 machine to have a patch installed. The patch is installed (no matter which MP rom1.3 you select) only if certain internal items are detected that signal the bug is there. At this time, we presume the bug is also in the MP100 (& upgraded MP) roms. We also presume that the rom level numbers for the MP100 (& orig upgraded) will match the MP110 numbers. Just remember, there are two options: one with a patch, the next without it. MP110 Batterys / AC Power: -------------------------- It's been reported that when a MP110 is in a Recharge Station, the Power Level fluctuates between 100% and 200% so No Sleep may have a hard time keeping Newton On. The same problem has been seen with some NiCad battery packs and the plug in AC adapter. If you have this problem, try setting the MP Type to on of the MP100 types. This will enable No Sleep to keep Newton awake when the Power Level is at 100% or greater. Running No Sleep --------------- After launching No Sleep and selecting a MP type and options, just tap the 'Hide' button at the bottom of the window. No Sleep will then hide but remain active. While hiding, it won't use much CPU time, won't modify the Sleep Time you have set (unless you have Smart Sleep Times enabled - see below). It will just prevent Newton from turning off as long as it's getting power from the AC adapter, i.e. the power level is at least 100% (greater than 100% on MP110). While operating from AC power and you want to turn Newton off, just hit the power switch twice within 5 seconds. Newton will then power off. Stop No Sleep from running by clicking on its icon (in the Extras Drawer) and click the close box. Installing No Sleep and the Sound Updater: -------------------------------------------- You will need whatever you use to load programs to your Newton. i.e. NTK or the Connection Kit. The Sound Updater App. can be loaded and run before loading No Sleep. The Sound Updater will only work with the SERIAL (Modem) port on you Mac - Not the Printer port. You can use a standard printer cable. No Sleep Display: --------------- Main Power Level Status: The power level of the Main Battery / AC Adapter is displayed. 100% or more, is the level of a fully charged battery (or plugged in to AC), 0% is DEAD (which, by definition, can't be displayed. I did see 0%, once, for about 2 seconds). Data Battery Backup Status: The power level of the Data Backup Battery (the little round one) is displayed. Now you will know when it is time to replace it. Active After Reset: If checked, No Sleep will restart after a Reset. If unchecked, you will have to restart No Sleep yourself after a Reset. Smart Sleep Times: This feature sets the Sleep Time depending on the amount of battery power left. It has 5 levels to conserve power. When you quit No Sleep, it restores the sleep time to what you had it set to. The five power levels and sleep times are : 90% = 30 min., 80% = 10 min., 50% = 5 min. and 40% or less = 1 min. No Sleep checks the power level once every two minutes and then sets the Sleep Time. Play Sound at Power On / Off: Enable either or both to play your sounds when Newton is powered up or goes to sleep. If you have not downloaded a sound file, the 'Boot Sound' is used at power up and the 'Drawer Close' sound is used for power off. See below for downloading your sounds to Newton. Hide Window Button: Press this button to put No Sleep in the background. It hides the screen but stays active. Only about 1.2k of memory is used when No Sleep is hidden. Sound Storage: -------------- No Sleep stores the sound you download in what's called a Soup. If you remove No Sleep from your Newton, the Soup that has the sound stays. Newton compresses items stored in a Soup so it's hard to figure how much memory is needed for the sound. No Sleep Sound Updater (NSSU) checks to see if there is (sound size + 10,000) bytes free in working memory for the sound before downloading. You need to check if there is enough space in Newton or a PCMCIA card for the sound. NSSU forms the sound in a temporary array as the bytes are received and then asks Newton to copy the whole sound to the Soup when it is all downloaded, hence the need for more memory than the sound. Cautions about Newton Sound Downloader Program for the Mac: ------------------------------------------------------------------ NSDP is not 32 bit clean. It seems to work OK with 32 bit addressing turned on, but why take a chance ? So, turn 32 bit addressing off before downloading a sound. If you are using an '040 machine, you may need to turn off the cache. Downloading the Sound to Newton: ----------------------------------- NSDP allows you to send a file with a 'snd ' resource to your Newton. A 'snd ' resource is the standard way Macintosh programs store sounds. The most common sampling rate for sounds is 11 khz, that is, one second of sound has 11,000 samples (or bytes) of information. There are other sampling rates, but at present Newton only plays sounds at 11 khz and 22 khz. 11 khz was chosen as it takes less memory and still had good sound quality. The NSDP will inform you if it detects what may not be an 11 khz file, but will still download it. No Sleep Sound Updater App: ------------------------------ NSSU has three main buttons: 1. Download - This starts the download sequence for Newton. 2. Play the Sound - Allows you to play the sound after it has been downloaded. It will play the sound that No Sleep has in the Soup. 3. Delete Sound from Memory - This button will delete the sound from the Soup. There is no second chance if you press this button ! It's main use is to free up memory before another sound is downloaded if you have a limited amount of memory. A newly downloaded sound replaces the one in the Soup only when the download is complete. If the download fails or is canceled, the old sound remains. Also, you can select which of two sound memorys to download to. You select how each sound is to be used. This lets you have a diferent sound for On and Off. You can also use the same sound for both functions. If you select the same use for both sounds, sound #2 overrides. Select the sound and usage before downloading. Sound Download Sequence: --------------------------- 1. Launch No Sleep Sound Downloader (NSSD) on your Mac. 2. Click the OK button in the sign-on dialog box. 3. Select "Open..." from the File menu and select a sound file to download. 4. Launch No Sleep Sound Update (NSSU) on the Newton. Connection Status displays "Ready to Connect to Mac. Press Download". Select which Sound and Use. 5. Press "Download" on the Newton. Connection Status displays "Connection Open, Start Mac Send". 6. Select "Download" from the File menu on the Mac. Mac will show the file name and the sound size. It will also warn you if it thinks that the sound was not recorded at 11 khz. 7. Mac will now send the size of the sound file to Newton. Newton will confirm that there is enough memory. 8. Mac will now send the sound to Newton in 128 byte chunks. Mac and Newton will display how many bytes were sent. Sending may seem slow. It is. This is because Newton takes a bit of time to process the bytes and store them away. Apple hasn't released the 'native' communications format of Newton that is used to download packages. When they do, I'll update the program. Sorry about the slowness . . . 9. When the entire sound has been sent, it is saved to the Soup. 10. You can now press "Play the Sound" on Newton to hear it. Tips about Downloading: ------------------------ 1. Don't touch anything on Newton while downloading. Don't, Don't, Don't ! Let Newton use all of its CPU power to decode and save the sound. 2. If an error occurs (detectable or Newton's own numbered codes), it's best to start again from the beginning. Close NSSU on Newton, wait a few seconds and re-open. 3. Newton's memory may get fragmented after a couple of sound downloads. Some times it's best to quit and relaunch before downloading another sound. To provide maximum memory, don't have many programs installed as each program takes some "Frame Memory" . Just do a "reset" (the button's inside the battery cover) of Newton. 4. You can always cancel a download in the middle. On Mac, press CMD & PERIOD. On Newton, tap the close button. Wait a few seconds for Newton to clean up the serial port & relaunch. 5. After downloading your sound, you can remove NSSU from the Newton's memory. Its main use is to download sounds. You can install and run it at any time to change the sound usage without downloading. 6. Don't run NSSU again if you have the sounds stored on a PCMCIA card and you have removed the card. NSSU will not see any sounds and create 2 'blank' ones on Newton. Since Newton first looks inside for stuff when you re-instert the card, the sounds won't be played. Use "StewPot)" or an other soup program to remove the 'blank' sounds inside Newton. Remove the entries, leave the soup if possible. Detectable Errors: ------------------ Newton: "Serial Port is in Use" - Some other application has the port. Quit the other application or cycle power or reset Newton. Newton: "Not enough memory in the Internal Store" - Happens after a download when trying to save the sound to the Soup. Free memory space was marginal. Mac may also show this as "Save to Soup Failed". Mac: "Please select a sound file first" - You selected "Download" before selecting a file to download. Mac: "Newton does not have enough memory for the Sound" - Newton has replied the it is very doubtful that it has the free memory for downloading and saving the sound. - Select another file. Sometimes necessary to restart Newton NSSU program. Mac: "Newton Data Overrun" - Newton did not respond when Mac was sending data to it. Check for a loose cable (boy, we hate to put that 'loose cable' thing in, we think you're smart enough to check, but Hey, maybe the cable _is_ loose). Not a loose cable? Maybe Newton went to LaLa land. Restart Programs, try again. Mac: "Error #xxx at Line nnn" - Internal Error (or we forgot to check something in the program, send us a nasty e-mail and we will thank you), Restart the Programs. In reality, except for trying to send a too big sound file, you should never get any errors. We had to MAKE the above errors appear on purpose while testing. Sound downloading should be a snap. Undetectable Errors: -------------------- Undetectable Errors, by definition are unknown and thus unlistable. Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks ! -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using No Sleep for Newton by DMP Systems. We hope you won't have any problems with it. But, if you do, just drop us a note on AOL/eWorld/CI$/AppleLink. We'll be glad to help you overcome any difficulties. Also, if you have any suggestions (we abhor the term 'input') please pass them along. No Sleep is now Shareware ------------------------ You have 30 days from the time you first use No Sleep to decide if you like it. By the end of the 30 day trial period you agree to either pay the shareware fee of $10.00 US or stop using the program. No Sleep used to be a direct sale program. Also, since the demo version did not work on a MP110 ( due to aformentioned MP110 bug), sales have fallen off so I'm releasing the latest version as shareware. If you purchased No Sleep, Thank You, consider this a no charge upgrade. No Sleep may be distributed by any online service. No fee (except online time charges) may be charged for distribution of No Sleep. If you wish to distribute No Sleep on CD, Shareware disks, or any other means, you must first obtain my permission. You also may be asked to provide me a nocharge copy of the disk set / CD in exchange. Why Only $10.00 for Three Programs ??? -------------------------------------- First, If this were being sold in a retail store, the price would be $49.95 or more as the middle men have to get their share, the store would buy it at half (or less) of list price. etc. Second, maybe this will be written up in a MAC / Newton magazine as GREAT shareware and I'll get thousands of registrations ! After all, No Sleep really does useful stuff ! Third, I LIKE low priced software, don't you ? The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. Who owns this Software: ------------------------- The programs in this package are licensed, not sold to you when you pay the Shareware Fee. They remain owned by DMP Sysems. They are Copyright ) 1993,1994 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. You may use the programs only on one Newton and Macintosh at a time. No copies of this software shall be made except for backup needs. If you transfer a registered license of this software, all copies of this software shall be destroyed. This software may not be dissassembled or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, or verbal or any other way. The No Sleep and No Sleep Sound Updater programs were developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. The No Sleep Sound Downloader was developed with Microsoft Quick Basic ) Microsoft. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton or Mac. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Please send your $10.00US Shareware Registration Fee to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 For questions and comments: AOL: DPOMPEA (Best) eWorld: DPompea AppleLink: DAVID.POMPEA Compuserve: 74736,172 Revisions: 1.0 11/9/93 First release of No Sleep 1.5 1/23/94 ----------- Changed from just one to dual & selectable sounds. Changed soup usage. before sounds always stored internally. now respects user pref. Soup now not removed when program removed. Changed download format to be (slightly) faster with more error detection on Newton. Programs & soup names changed so as not to be confused with older versions. No Sleep options now saved so no need to re-select. Added Extra Drawer close. Added more cleanup of memory on close. Revision 1.60 5-3-94 Made main window smaller for MP110 screen. Changed detection of A/C to 100 % or more (MP110 shows 200% on a/c) (was just equal to 100%). Revision 1.65 5-15-94 Found bug in MP110 v1.3 roms. Devised patch. Added selection of MP type to implement patch and determine A/C on for MP110. Revision 1.67 5-22-94 Revised Patch for 1.3 roms for package removal. Allowed power level >100% for Orig. & MP100 to keep on as some battery / AC Adapter / Recharge station gives only 100% for MP110. Revision 1.67d 6-19-94 Fixed spelling error in text. Minor documentation changes. Revision 1.70 9-10-94 Released as Shareware. Changed "Stay Alive" to "Active after Reset" option. Added relaunch when icon clicked. Changed Smart Sleep Times setting from one to two mins.