Newton Movie Player (0.91) 5/21/95 )1995 Lee Moon. All rights reserved. This version of the Newton Movie Player (NMP) is a freeware application for displaying animation frames on the current family of Newton MessagePads (OMP, MP100, MP110, and MP120). NMP 0.91 contains the following changes over NMP 0.9: - smaller window (eliminates most of the white space around the movie). - the window is now draggable. - playback speed has been improved by around 25% (much smoother now). - 3 playback speeds: slow, normal, and fast. - cleaned up display system, you can tap on the "i" information button any time, the time/power bar is no longer overwritten by NMP buttons. - removed alert sound from the information screen. - less demanding on power. NMP will attempt to play a "film" back in real-time. Since NMP relinquishes control back to the operating system periodically (to help preserve battery life and allow for normal background operating system functions), real-time playback is not guaranteed. You can help NMP out by closing the Extras Drawer after launching NMP. In any event, playback speed is quite good. Using NMP: 1) Install the NMP application (Movie.pkg) using traditional means. Installation on a memory card is recommended due to the large size of the demo (300K). 2) Launch NMP via the Movie icon in Extras. 3) Close the Extras Drawer (not necessary, but recommended for better playback). 4) Tap the "Play" button to start the film. The "Play" button toggles to a "Pause" button while the film plays. Tapping the "Pause" button halts the film and toggles back to a "Play" button. 5) Tapping the "i" button pops up an information screen. 6) To change the playback speed, tap on the "Normal" button. It will toggle the speed settings between "Slow", "Normal", and "Fast". You may change this setting while the movie is playing or paused. 7) Dragging the pen within the NMP window will move it around the screen. NMP will remember the last position between launches. 8) To remove NMP from your MessagePad, simply use any of the normal Remove Software methods. Notes on the demo: The film included in the demo was captured with the Connectix QuickCam in 1-bit mode. The resulting QuickTime video was broken apart and imported into the NMP application. Running time before looping is approximately 15 seconds. Yes, I am normally this goofy looking and acting! Smaller films will be uploaded later (they were actually the earlier prototypes and need to be compiled into this version of NMP). The NMP player code is small, the film data consumes most of the memory. Battery life will suffer somewhat since NMP doesn't give the Newton much time to rest. Future enhancements: 1) Add user choices for single-frame playback and loop type (forward looping or forward-backward looping). 2) Make a real information screen instead of the current "lazy developer's version"! 3) Make a slideshow version with special effects transitions (a digital photo album). 4) Allow for multiple films. Let the user choose which film to view. 5) Investigate storing NMP and films in compressed format. I'm not sure how badly playback performance suffers with compressed packages. If you'd like to have QuickTime movies or PICT files imported into NMP, please let me know. For further information, you may contact me via the following: AOL: LeeMoon ( eWorld: LMoon ( CompuServe: 76641,3317 Thanks for trying NMP! Lee Moon