NDcrypt v1.6 READ ME FILE ***** DESCRIPTION NDcrypt v1.6 is an application that allows you to encrypt / decrypt the Notes in your NotePad application. The current Note is the note at the top of the screen. If a Note is coded, you'd want to know how it's coded. stands for Unreadable. stands for Password. With password coded Notes, there will always be a comment. You can determine the content of the comment yourself. If you don't select comment, the comment will be "No comment". If you do select comment, you'll get the 12 first characters of the Note as a default, but you can change this into any text you want. This is FreeWare. If you like the app, send me an e-mail. ***** SOUP AND APPLICATION NDcrypt v1.6 has a preference soup: "NDcrypt16Prefs:JADG" on internal. NDcrypt v1.6 (NDcrypt16:JADG) takes 1 24K of space on your card or internal memory. ***** HISTORY version 1.6 - Password based on 8 digits - Comment to encrypted Note - Preferences for Password and Comment - Only 1 warning message (decrypt older Notes NOW) - the "All Notes" option is removed - slightly changed Icon (holding the version number) Put on CompuServe on 2 oct 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 2 oct 1995 version 1.5 - Password based on 4 digits was added Put on CompuServe on 5 august 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 5 august 1995 version 1.1 - repairs bug in decrypting/encrypting of a few mostly non-english characters Put on CompuServe on 27 juli 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 27 juli 1995 version 1.0 - first release Put on CompuServe on 26 juli 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 26 juli 1995 ***** CONTACT Geert Jadoul Reuzenpoort 1A 2140 Borgerhout Belgium - EUROPE CIS: 76271,2121@CompuServe.com DISCLAIMER ***** NDcrypt along with this ReadMe file may be put on other bulletin boards as long as they stay together. It is copyrighted! This program may not be sold or included with any other software collection (CD ROMs, etc) without my written permission. Do not alter the copyright notices or any other portion of this program. I claim no responsibility to damage induced by this package to your system. The user will be using it AT THEIR OWN RISK. ***** OTHER APPs *** LABELS v2.1 *** Labels v2.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to take names from your Names application and add them to a list of Labels to print. You can setup the contents and layout of the labels. You can add and delete items from the label and even set style, size and font of each item in the label. You can setup the number of labels on a page and create your own Formats, with a max. of 4 coloms by 10 rows. You can set border size, gutter and offset in the Format. You can specify on which label position you start to print for the first page. The following pages will start at the top. *** CLIP v1.1 *** Clip v1.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to copy selected text (from any application) into Clip's database or copy it to any Folder in the NotePad. Text in Clip's database can be Pasted . If there is hilited text, you can Paste the entry BEFORE the selection, BEHIND the selection, or you can REPLACE the selection. If no text is hilited but there is a insertion point, the text will be inserted.