NameIndexer version 1.1 )1994 Jason Grazado & Ben Gottlieb NameIndexer adds an option to the Names Button that, when clicked in the bottom half of the button, pops up the alphabet to zap you to the first entry starting with that letter in the Names File. It also offers you the option of quickly creating a new card in just one step. It uses less than 10K of uncompressed RAM and just a few hundred bytes of system heap. We hope you find this program useful and problem free. However, we are not responsible for any problems or damage resulting from its use or misuse. The program is shareware and can be registered for a mere $4.99, or five bucks if you feel better thinking about money that way. Although inexpensive, we are serious about this shareware fee request. We welcome suggestions, bug reports and comments. I can be reached at and you can register by sending your check to Jason Grazado, 20 Taylor Avenue #3, Norwalk CT 06854. Special thanks to Ben Gottlieb for his patient assistance on this and other projects. Good luck. Jason Grazado Ben Gottlieb This documentation must travel along with the package. Any user is free to convert this file and archive for use on non-macintosh platforms as I don't intend on doing so. Revision History: 1.0.2 initial release. 1.1 fixed cosmetic disply bugs in "show all info" mode as well as problems when activated from within the names app.