More Folders 1.1 - More Folders is a utility to improve the accessibilty of the filing on the Newton, as well as to allow for more filing categories. Normally, when you file an item, you tap on the the folder icon, and a window pops up. You select the folder you want to file the item in, and tap the "File" button. This seemed like a lot of work to me (I'm pretty lazy ;-) So now, when you want to file an item, you tap on the folder icon, and a pop up list pops up. The current folder has a check mark next to it, and you can file an item simply by tapping on the new folder. To edit your folders, you tap on the "Edit Folders" item (the last one on the list.) Included in the package is Scroll Menus, so that if you want more than 19 folders you can view them all on screen.