Labels v2.1 READ ME FILE INTRODUCTION ********************************* Labels v2.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to take names from your Names application and add them to a list of Labels to print. You can setup the contents and layout of the labels. You can add and delete items from the label and even set style, size and font of each item in the label. You can setup the number of labels on a page and create your own Formats, with a max. of 4 coloms by 10 rows. You can set border size, gutter and offset in the Format. You can specify on which label position you start to print for the first page. The following pages will start at the top. EXPLAINED ************************************ Labels v2.1 allows you to take Names from the Names-app in your Newton and add them to a print list. Each entry in the print list is a label. Adding Names to the print list 1. You can add name per name. Tap on a name in the Names list. Extra info about the selected name will be displayed to make sure you have selected the right name. Tap on ADD to add the name to the Print list below. 2. You can add all names of the Names app at ones. Tap ADD ALL. 3. You can add names that apply to a filter that you set up. Tap FILTER... . The "Filter Names on..." window appears. You can filter on: Folder % Company Name % Last Name % First Name % Address % City % Country. You can combine several categories. You can filter the categories with the functions: "is", "is not", "begin is", "end is" and "contains". By default all Names that apply to the filter will be added ONE TIME to the print list. If you want them to be added more then one time, you can do so by setting the "Times to Add" option to the wanted number. Deleting names from the Print list 1. You can delete one item at the time. Tap on an item in the Print list and Tap on DELETE. (if no item is selected Labels will tell you so) 2. Delete all items in the Print list by tapping DELETE ALL. No further warning is given. Multiplying items You can multiply an item in the Print list as many times as you want by selecting an item in the Print list and tapping on MULTIPLY... . If no item is selected Labels will tell you so. In the Multiply window you enter the times to Multiply and tap on MULTIPLY. example: you want 50 labels of one persons address. You make sure the print list is empty (tap on DELETE ALL). You select the person in the Names list and tap on ADD. The person will be put in the Print list. There you select it, tap on MULTIPLY..., and in the multiply window you set the times to multiply to 50. You tap on MULTIPLY and 49 copies will be added to the Print list. Labels setup Labels v2.1 will create 2 labels for you while installing the application. They're the US Label, and European label. You can create new labels, rename existing labels or delete labels. There will always be one label, because Labels v2.1 will automatically create a new "empty label" if you delete the last label. New/Edit... By tapping on the picker "Label:" beneath the Print list you can select an existing label to use, or tap on Edit/New... to create a new label or modify an existing label. By tapping Edit/New... you'll open the Label SetUp window. At the top you'll see the name of the selected label. Beneath you'll find the "NEW", "RENAME" and "DELETE" buttons. The "Labels SetUp" window has 2 modes: 1. Preview mode: The "Label SetUp" window will always open in the preview mode. The preview mode will show the contents of the label in the styles, sizes, linespacing and fonts as it will be printed. Each item in the label can have a different style, size and/or font combination. By tapping the picker "Label:" at the top of the L"abel SetUp" window you can look at all the existing labels. 2. Layout mode: The layout mode shows a label mock-up. With the DELETE and ADD buttons beneath the mock-up, you can add items to or delete items from the label and determine the contents of the label. You can position the items in the label by tapping and dragging the item to where you want. The items are: Honorific, First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, Address line 1, Address line 2, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Comma 1, Comma 2 Each item that is part of the label can be given a: font: simple font, fancy font size: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18 style: plain, bold, italic, underline You can also specify that "All the items" have a certain font/size/style. The line spacing can be set to 9, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 points, and has effect on the whole label. Format setup Labels v2.1 will create 8 formats for you while installing the application. They're "Label 3x7", "Label 3x6", "Label 3x4", "Label 2x8", "Label 2x7", "Label 2x4", "Label 2x3", "None Print Area". You can use the "None Print Area" format to determine the none print area of the printer you use. For more info see "Preferences" below. You can create new formats, rename existing formats or delete formats. There will always be one format, because Labels v2.1 will automatically create a new "New Format" if you delete the last format. New/Edit.. By tapping on the picker "Format:" beneath the Label picker you can select an existing format to use, or tap on Edit/New... to create a new format or modify an existing format. By tapping Edit/New... you'll open the "Format SetUp" window. At the top you'll see the name of the selected format. Beneath you'll find the "NEW", "RENAME" and "DELETE" buttons. To be able to print the contents of the labels at the correct position, we need to define the exact position of the labels on the printed page. % Paper size: can be set to A4 or Letter (default is A4) % Coloms: can be set from 1 to 4 % Rows: can be set from 1 to 9 % Border: the borders for print labels can be completely different from label page to label page. The border is the distance from the border of the page to the label. Labels v2.1 wants to know the Border from (Left, Right, Top and Bottom) % Gutter: is the distance between the labels. Labels v2.1 uses the same gutter in the horizontal and vertical direction. If the gutter hor. and vert. are different you can best take the smallest of the two distances. (default = 0). - The items above will determine the size of the label. The label size is displayed at the bottom of the "Format SetUp" window; Label Dimensions (width, height). % Offset: The above items determine the positions of the labels on the page. The Offset is the begin position of the text in the label. OffSet Top 5 mm, Left 5 mm will let the label text begin with an offset off 5mm to the right and 5mm to the bottom. % Units: is set to the unit set in the preferences. You can change the unit here without changing it in the preferences. Units are in inches and mm. The distances shown in Labels v2.1 aren't saved in inches or mm. The values in inches and mm are calculated values. That's why the value that you've entered can be different from the one that's saved. Begin C/R: x/x It often happens that you finished printing your labels, and you didn't use all labels on the page. As these Laser Print Labels are expensive it isn't nice to throw them away. Therefor Labels v2.1 allows you to start printing the first page at a desired position. The Begin C/R stands for: begin printing the first page at position C (Colom) and R (Rows). The "Begin C/R:" is a bottom you can tap on and it will open the "Start Printing First Page on..." window. It allows you to tap "Colom" to set the colom position, and "Row" to set the row position. Below a page is shown with the number of labels (as set in the format). It will put the used labels in white, and the available labels in grey. If you select a new the Format beneath the Print List, the Begin C/R: will be set to 1/1. Preferences Labels v2.1 has a preference file that saves the last selected label, last selected format, the Registration Number, the Default unit (inch/mm), the None print area. % Registration Number: when Labels v2.1 starts up it will check the Registration number which is based upon your Name and Company name. If the Registration number is not correct, the Register window will be shown. Even if you haven't got the registration number, you can apply every function in Labels v2.1. The only thing you can't do, is print without DEMO all over the page, but you can print the page. % None Print Area of your printer. Every printer has got an area where it can't print. To be sure that the print-out of for example a LaserWriter and a StyleWriter are the same, you need to know the None Print Area of the printer you use. This way we can use the same Formats for all printers. We only have to set the None Print Area to that of the used printer. HOW TO GET THE NONE PRINT AREA (1) 1. Select the "None Print Area" format that is created by installation of the Labels v2.1 application. 2. Go to Preferences 3. Set the the None Print Border in the Preferences to left =0, top =0. 4 . Close the Preferences 5. Make sure there is one item (or more) in the Print list. 6. Print the Print list to the selected printer. 7. Measure the distance from the Left border of the page to the printed text, and from the top of the page to the printed text. But the values in the None Print Border left and top in the Preferences window. HOW TO GET THE NONE PRINT AREA(2), MAKE YOUR OWN NONE PRINT AREA FORMAT 1. Set the None Print Area in the Preferences to Left =0, Top = 0. 2. Close the Preferences 3. Go to the "Format SetUp" window by tapping on "Edit/New..." in the Format picker beneath the Print list. 4. Create a new Format. Name it "Border Setup". Tap on New. 5. Select the "Border SetUp" format from the Format picker at the top of the "Format SetUp" window. 6. Set the Borders to Left =0, Right =0, Top =0, Bottom = 0. 7. Set the OffSet to Left =0, Top =0. 8. Close the "Format SetUp" window. 9. Be sure there is at least one item in the Print list. 10. Print the page with the "Border SetUp" format. 11. Measure the distance from the Left border of the page to the printed text, and from the top of the page to the printed text. But the values in the None Print Border left and top in the Preferences window. i - for info i shows Labels v2.1 explained in short. Topics are About, ShareWare, Add, Filter, Multiply, Delete, Label, Format and Printing SOUPS AND APPLICATION ************************** Labels v2.1 has the following soups: - LabelFormats:JADG on internal: holds the formats. - LabelLayout:JADG on internal : holds the label contents - LabelPref:JADG on internal: holds the preferences - LabelsPrint:JADG union soup (internal & card): holds the print list Labels v2.1 takes 1 188K of space on your card or internal memory. HISTORY ************************************** % v2.1 Put on CompuServe on 21 june 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 21 june 1995 - added posibility to start printing first page on a specific label position (ex. row3 /colom2) - added a 10th row, making the maximum number of labels on a page 4 coloms by 10 rows % v2.0 Put on CompuServe on 6 june 1995 Dramatic Upgrade from v1.02 - added customizable labels - added customizable formats - added registration number - improved filter function - improved error handling - deletes soups of Labels v1.02 at start up % v1.02 Put on CompuServe in april 1995 - creates list of labels to print. CONTACT ************************************** Geert Jadoul Reuzenpoort 1A 2140 Borgerhout Belgium - EUROPE CIS: 76217, DISCLAIMER *********************************** Labels along with this ReadMe file and the Register file may be put on other bulletin boards as long as they stay together. It is copyrighted! This program may not be sold or included with any other software collection (CD ROMs, etc) without my written permission. Do not alter the copyright notices or any other portion of this program. I claim no responsibility to damage induced by this package to your system. The user will be using it AT THEIR OWN RISK.