Kill Find -------- )1993, William Kearney & The Novanto Group, ALL Rights Reserved. Beta (really beta) version, oh I dunno, how about .4? DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM KEARNEY CHANGES FROM .3 12/3/93 ----------------------- It now saves the changes to the System Soup. Yeah! However, this is still not perfect. it seems apps are supposed to add/remove themselves to the findapps slot when their installscript and removescript methods get called. This would be no problem except for the fact those scripts get called more than just during an install or a remove software event. They get called when you remove and install the card the app resides on and when you reset the Newton. Ah well. I can't see a clean way to get around this, so you'll have to Kill again after inserts and resets. 'est la vie! I fully intend to implement this as a prefs template that leaves no icon in the extras drawer. However, since the dev conference is next week, I've got no time to figure it out. Soon. If anyone has any tips on creating the Newton equivalent of an 'appe', mail me with the details. Also, can apps reside outside of extras? Thanks, Bill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read Me ------- Well, I don't know about you, but I really hate it when the Newton goes wandering around in World looking for stuff. I basically only want the Newton to search the Names and the Notes. With the advent of books, it's a HUGE inconvenience waiting for it to finish with The Jungle Book when I'm just looking for Rob's phone number! What it does: It modifies the findApps slot. This is an array that the Newton looks through when doing finds. It was a pain to find this stuff, not to mention how irritated the Newton gets when you whack something it _really_ needs. Don't write to ROM, it just irritates the ROM. This is yet another attempt at scoring some Shareware bucks. I'll be completely amazed if I get a single dime (don't you DARE mail me change!) Send US$5 to the below listed address. As usual, the standard disclaimers apply. It's not designed to trash yor Newton, but if it does, I will not be held responsible. If you're going to use this, please Backup first to the Connection Kit and then install it. Since it's mine, I want to get a feel for where it goes. Please, if you'd like to post this program to your system for others to retrieve, you must get my permission first. Simply mailing me a request (email is best) with the particulars of your system and that's it. This also applies to distribution on any form of disk media. Ask and ye shall receive. Compuserve, this means you. Special thanks go out to Rob Bruce and Kent Sandvik. Rob and I hammered out this idea in about 2 seconds. I coded it for a mad 6 hours and here we are. Kent deserves a real pat on the back, one attaboy, a case of beer and perhaps children named after him. But for now, just thanks, and yes I'll still be harassing you on the net for answers RIGHT NOW. Well, good luck! I can be reached as follows: William Kearney The Novanto Group P.O.Box 201 Timonium, MD 21093-0201 Electronically: This file is currently only to be posted to the ftp servers at: It can also be posted to America Online and AppleLink. I've gotten no mail from anyone else, so these are the only sites granted permission to distribute this app. Any other posting is prohibited without my express prior permission.