HnewTML 1.00 ------------ HnewTML 1.01 is )1995 by Serg Koren All rights reserved. 12/09/95 NEXT RELEASE WILL SIMPLIFY AND OPTIMIZE THE INTERFACE OF HnewTML, AS WELL AS UPDATE ALL OF THE DOCUMENTATION. Changes in 1.01 ---------------- This release updates HnewTML to be compatible with the current version of NewtsCape. Version 1.01 now supports: % Tables % INPUT=HIDDEN % INPUT=IMAGE % SUB % SUP % BIG % SMALL % S In addition, HnewTML 1.01 can be dragged off the edge of the screen in order to help maximize use of Notepad screen space. Please note that the documentation packages have NOT been updated with this release. ---------------- HnewTML is a helper application for Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to your pc or Mac in order to create web pages. However, HnewTML is of most use when used in conjunction with NewtsCape, in that it makes creation of Newton Books ON the Newton easier and faster. HnewTML's interface consists of two buttons. One button brings up a hierarchical picker that allows you to format text. The other button allows you to quickly launch NewtsCape and sends the formatted text to it for imaging and book creation. HnewTML currently supports all documented features of HTML 2.0 as implemented by NewtsCape. As NewtsCape evolves, so will HnewTML. HnewTML 1.00 includes online help in the form of Newton Books created on the Newton using HnewTML and NewtsCape. The original HTML source is included for reference. The books/documentation can also be viewed online at the following URL: This location also includes the latest version of HnewTML for downloading. HnewTML can also be found on eWorld, AmericaOnline, CompuServe, and HnewTML 1.00 is shareware. You can either register via the included Register application through Kagi, or directly via the postal service to: Serg Koren 485 Brown Briar Cir Horsham, PA 19044-1974 The shareware fee is $15 in either case. If you send your registration through the mail, I can only deal in US funds. Bugs and Suggestions: These are always welcome. Plese send them to me at either of these two addresses: Future Enhancements: % Support for additional HTML features as NewtsCape adds them. % Optimizing the user interface. % Any user suggestions. Thanks for investigating HnewTML 1.00. If you like it please register. Also, please register NewtsCape. NewtsCape - HnewTML - ---- End Doc ---