HnewTML 1.00

What It Is

HnewTML is an application that helps you write HTML on the Newton. When used in conjunction with Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape HnewTML allows you to create Newton books on your Newton.

This book was created using HnewTML. and NewtsCape entirely on an MP100.

NOTE: We assume you know HTML and so we do not try to teach it.

How Do I Pronounce HnewTML

I prefer H-new-tum-L, but you can use H-new-TML or the actual H-newt-ML.

How To Use HnewTML

Creating a book using HnewTML is easy.

You can do the following steps iteratively:

  1. Write the text portion of your book in the Notepad.
  2. Use HnewTML to add HTML formatting.
  3. Use HnewTML to send the formatted text to NewtsCape.

When satisfied, use NewtsCape to save a stand-alone book.

HnewTML controls are simple.

HnewTML has two buttons that do all of the work:

  1. The HTML button brings up a hierarchical picker of all major HTML items.
  2. The web button launches NewtsCape and instructs it to image the formatted text.

Most of the items in the HTML picker require text to be selected in the Notepad. The selected text will be "wrapped" in the HTML commands. Certain items which stand-alone (such as the horizontal rule) require only an insertion point. If you make a mistake, HnewTML will tell you.

If you are formatting text that requires multiple items such asa list, merely select all the items before choosing the item in HnewTML.

You should note that the HnewTML window is draggable.

Template Information

The "template" item builds the basic structure of an HTML document. It requires six items seperated by carriage returns:

followed by the text of the document.

This is the code Template generates:

<!doctype html public \"-//W30//DTD W3 HTML 2.0//EN\">
<TITLE>Your title</TITLE>
<BASE HREF="Your base href">

Your html

NOTE: The "template" item does not require you to select text.

More info

Q and A

Q: How come nothing images when I send my note to NewtsCape?

A: This is usally due to your misformatting the text. For instance, not having any HTML at all or using commands not implemented in NewtsCape.

Q: How come HnewTML only formats a part of my selection?

A: Either you have multipke chunks of text on your note instead of a single note or the HTML command you chose does not allow more text to be formatted.

Q: My text is bigger than one note how do I get NewtsCape to image it all?

A: Send each note in order and make sure only the last note has the </HTML> closing.

Q: Why do I get ***MISSING TEXT*** when I select items from HnewTML?

A:This is the only error message that HnewTML generates. It means you selected too few items or the text items were not separated by carriage returns. The number of ***MISSING TEXT*** indicates the number of items missing.

Registering HnewTML

To register HnewTML tap on the ( button to register electronically. You need to have Register installed and an email account as well as a modem attached to your Newton.

Optionally you can register via Snail Mail. Send $15 in US funds to:

Serg Koren
485 Brown Briar Circle
Horsham, PA 19044-1974

Check out my web site too:

Check out Steve Weyer's web site too:

Thanks To:

Steve Weyer
for lots of neat products, help, and ideas.

HnewTML was created entirely on the Newton using Steve Weyer's Newt development environment and my own forthcoming VisualNewt*.

This help book was created entirely on the Newton using HnewTML and Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape.