This application is used to group names and phone numbers together in a convenient group for easy access. It is called GROUPER. I hope you enjoy using it. Because it is shareware and not freeware, please send US$10.00 to: Tony Pitman 15248 North 35th Street Phoenix, AZ 85032 If you have any problems, please send e-mail to my compuserve account: 71441,741 or on the internet at Grouper is easy to use. When you start it you are presented with the group view. After you have entered some groups, this is where you will see them listed. To add a new group simply press the Add button. This brings up the group view. Here you can write or type the name of the group. When finished press the close button. This adds the group to the group list on the main screen. To delete a group check the Delete check box and press the group in the list that you wish to delete. WARNING: this will also delete all of the names associated with the group. You will NOT be asked to confirm it and you cannot undo it. Be carefull. You will also notice that the Delete check box turns off after use so that you do not delete more than the group you wish to delete. To edit a group check the Edit check box and press the group in the list that you wish to delete. This will bring up the group view again with the group in the group box. Make any changes to the group name that you wish. Making changes here with carry over to the names associated with this group. To bring up the list of names for a group, press the name of the group in the group list WITHOUT the Delete or Edit checkboxes checked. This will do a couple of things. It fills what was the group list with the names associated with the group. It is now the name list. You will also notice that the text next to the Group button contains the name of the group you selected. If you press the Group button at this time you will be returned to the Group list. To add a new name to a group press the Add button. Doing this brings up the name selection view. At the top of the view you will see the First, Last, Company and phone number. For a new item these are blank. In the middle of the view you will see the list of names that are contained in your standard newton name card file. At the bottom you will see the letters A-Z and 3 checkboxes. To move the list of names you can use the up and down scroll arrows at the bottom of the newton screen. You can also press a letter button and the list will go to the beginning of the names that start with that letter. To select a name you first check the boxes at the bottom of the view that correspond to what items you what in the name list for the current group. The phone number that is chosen is always the number in the first phone slot in your name card file. This may change in the future to be selectable. Once you have checked the items that you wish to have, press the name in the list that you wish to select. The name with appear in the top portion of the view. Press the close button to save the selection. If you press the close button without selecting a name in the Add mode, no name will be added. To delete a name in the name list first check the Delete check box and press the name that you want delete. WARNING: you cannot undo this and you will not be asked to confirm it. Be carefull. The delete button turns off after deleting and item so that you do not delete more than one. To edit a name, just press the name in the list and the name selection view will come up. Make you change the same as adding and press the close button. To return to the group list from the name list, press the Group button. To exit Grouper press the close box from the group or name list view.