EditCities This auto part adds functionality to the 'Time Zones' app, allowing users to edit the locations (Apple are you listening?). Changes persist across resets. It also fixes the UK international code from 010 to 00. To install: Like any other package. No icon will appear in the Extras drawer. To use: Tap 'Time Zones'. Tap the new button marked '6' to the left of "I'm Here". From here you're on your own - plug & play. If you mess everything up, use a suitable soup editor (e.g. StewPot) to remove the EditCities entry from the System soup. You don't need to remove EditCities itself: it will revert to using the built-in locations again. Notes: This package supercedes my ExtraCities, recently reviewed in _protoReality. Only countries from the menu are available, thanks to Apple hard-wiring ROM_Countries inside :MungePhone(). I'm working on it. EditCities is freeware. Comments, bug reports, suggestions gratefully received. Andrew Pitkin apitkin@cix.compulink.co.uk