CopyMachine V.1.01 ) by Detlef Beyer, Cologne, Germany FREEWARE *** NEW in version 1.01 *** Maybe it is usefull to copy only the notes and/or names in a selected folder. With the new version you can do this. Just select the desired folder with the PopUp "Names" and/or "Notes". CopyMachine will now copy only the entries in the selected folder. If you would like to count (not move) the entries in the selected folder tap on the "move" button without (!) selecting the checkBox. I hope you like this new functionI *** NEW in version 1.01 *** Some people will have problems when they get their localized version of the NEWTON and used an US-version before. When you try to get your data (names, dates etc.) from your US-NEWTON to the new localized (I tried it with a German NEWTON), you will notice that there is no easy way to do it. When you backUp your data on a PCMCIA card or on your Mac using the Connection Kit, the NEWTON will allways do a complete backUp - including system data. Because of some different parts in the system data of your localized and US-NEWTON there is no way to get the data to the new one on this way. With the CopyMachine you get an easy and safe (I hope) way of moving your data to a PCMCIA card and back to the internal store - without the system data. You can also use the CopyMachine to merge your data to a selected store. The CopyMachine is very easy to use and there is no risk of deleting the wrong soup (like with other tools). When you start the CopyMachine it counts all your entries. This will take some time. When you move the entries the CopyMachine will again need some time to do the job (because I use a save way to move the entries). I hope there are no bugs inside the CopyMachine. If you have any ideas - let me know. If somebody would like to use the CopyMachine in a commercial way he/she needs my OK before using it!!! Detlef Beyer AppleLink: BEYER1