TheButton v0.9b1 README - Thu Feb 12, 1994 - 12:50 AM All files in this distribution are Copyright )1994 Robert Stone and Graviton, All Rights Reserved Internet: Snail: Robert Stone Graviton PO Box 829 Athens, GA 30603-0829 Please contact me if you have any bug reports, comments, etc. TheButton is a program that gives you complete life-or-death control over your newton's little world. Ok, so all it does is reboot the newton, but it accomplishes this in a new and unique way. Not only do you get a nice little icon of a "failsafe" cover, but clicking on the icon reveals a big friendly-looking button that "nukes" the screen and reboots when pressed. Oh yea, just in case you carelessly leave the failsafe cover open don't worry; it will close by itself about 6 seconds after it was opened. This program falls into the category of "cute, but not extremely useful, by-products of my learning process." Feel free to send comments or offers to improve on my artwork. Future plans: % Add an item to the preferences roll. Why? You'll see.... But not if it takes up too much of the "frames" heap. % Make a "fat" version for those who aren't worried about using a bigger chunk of ram. This would mean the addition of sounds and possibly a better "nuke" animation than the standard "poof" cloud. (Want to donate some artwork? Send me mail....) Standard Legal Stuff: These files are freely distributable. Anyone can use this code for non-commercial purposes, and may distribute it if nothing is charged for the distribution excepting cost of media and postage. This includes all parts of this distribution including, but not limited to, the source and executable code. Anyone who wishes to make use of this distribution in some other capacity must obtain special license from Graviton (which can be contacted at one of the above addresses.) As usual, neither Graviton nor any of its constituants (including myself) may be held responsible or liable for any damage or unwanted problems associated with the use of this material. Use at your own risk. In addition, Graviton can not be held responsible for any bad decisions you make in your life, or anything else that you'd rather blame on someone else. Sorry about that, but we'd rather not be scape-llamas.