BSAVER 1.0 This package check the battery level each 60 seconds and adjust the sound volume to match your settings. Optionally it can control the "Receive beam automatically" feature. This package works in background until you tap again on it's icon in the extra drawer (cross over it means "off" state) ALL KNOW BUGS REMOVED ! Version 0.1 user's : please remove the old package and do a restart before installing. - Actual battery level is now a "real time" indicator - % added on each slider - no more error or reset when removing - reinstall - now enable and disable "receive beam automatically" if needed - show state in the extraDrawer - I don't store the settings in the system soup to avoid system "chaos". It's up to you to refresh your settings after a restart. Permanent settings could be done if someone ask for. Unfortunately I can't find how to force the extraDrawer to redraw it's sound slider so you have to close it and reopen to see the actual sound level. Programmer's note : I do update the system's prefs and broadcast the change but extrasdrawer:dirty(), sync() or refresh does'nt redraw the extraDrawer sound slider when it's open. If you know the solution please mail me - Thank you. I include the source code because I appreciate code from other Newton pioneer's. It's sometimes the best help. Package only is BSave1.Sit and source code is BSavC1.Sit file. Freeware. If you use it please send me a postcard (Geee! someone is using my soft there, behind the corner, or on the other side of the world !!!) Enjoy ! Harold G. Polet Rue Saint Georges 33 1050 Bruxelles BELGIUM Fax +32 2 640 65 11 Alink POLET.HAROLD Cserve 72510,407 PS : English bugs in this read me document are also free. Sorry, I do my bestI