Better Find 1.0 by Chris Page ) 1994 Chris Page. All rights reserved. DESCRIPTION: Better Find is a Newton package which improves Find a little bit by making it behave more like Assist: if you select some text, then open Find, the text will be placed in the Find window. This makes it easier to search for text that is already entered in your Newton. FREEWARE NOTICE: Better Find is free, but if you want to you can send me e-mail praising my creative genius. You may feel free to distribute Better Find as long as: % You include this Read Me file. % You donUt change Better Find or this file. % You donUt charge for it (publishers of shareware and freeware who charge small fees for packaging and distribution may distribute Better Find). INSTALLATION: To use Better Find, just install it into your NewtonQit operates automatically. If you tap Better Find in the Extras drawer, you will see a copyright notice and a brief reminder of what Better Find does. DISCLAIMER: Note that Better Find works by using possibly unsupported knowledge about Newton internals. It tries to be extra safe and will only work if the things it depends on look okay. If any of these things are different in your Newton, Better Find will not work and will display R(Not Installed)S below the copyright notice (if this happens, please send me a note and let me know). Although I believe Better Find to be safe, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to or loss of information stored in your Newton as a result of your use of Better Find. Use at your own risk. THANK YOU: Now that the doom and gloom notice is over with: I hope you find Better Find useful. Please feel free to send me a note if you like it or have any suggestions for improvement. Enjoy! Chris Page