Barfly 1.0 (C) 1994 by Todd Courtois for AllPen Software. Barfly provides a floating button for use with TPS barcode wands & the Apple Newton series of products. % To install, install the BarFly.pkg file using your favorite Newton package installer. % Connect a TPS Barcode wand to the Newton. % Tap the barcode icon which will appear in your extras drawer. You will be rewarded with a floating box sporting a barcode and an infodot. You may drag this button to a convenient corner or center of you screen. % To begin scanning, tap the infodot and then select "Begin Scanning" from the popup picker. Tap in any text field to bring up a text insertion cursor, then swipe a barcode. If the barcode was scanned successfully, the barcode will be inserted at the cursor location. % Tapping the barcode on the floating box re-enters the most recently swiped barcode. % When you're done scanning, tap the infodot and select "Stop Scanning". Warranty, License, and other Details This documentation, and Newton Software are provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. AllPen Software, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind (expressed or implied) with regard to this software and documentation, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. AllPen Software, Inc. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or usage of this documentation or product. AllPen Software, Inc. grants you permission to use this product for a limited time of reasonable length at no cost for evaluation purposes only, and distribute this product freely over electronic services and networks such as CompuServe, the Internet, America Online and so forth. If you use this product for anything other than evaluation purposes, you must register by sending a check or money order in the amount of (US) $25.00 to: AllPen Software, Inc. 51 University Avenue, Suite J Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 399-8800 This registration will allow us to defray our costs for developing the application, and provide you with an electronic copy (via email) of any upgrades we may provide. About AllPen Software, Inc. AllPen Software, Inc. is the premiere source of pen-based solutions. AllPen Software has had experience working with: % GPS Location, including work for the Office of Emergency Services for the State of California % Wireless LAN and WAN connectivity % Barcode & inventory applications % Medical device control & data processing % Automated forms management for data procesing and other commercial applications. If you're seeking Newton solutions for your business problems, please give us a call. We can be reached at: AllPen Software, Inc. 51 University Avenue Suite J Los Gatos, CA 95030 USA Phone: (408) 399-8800 Fax: (408) 399-4395 AppleLink: ALLPEN Internet: ALLPEN@APPLELINK.APPLE.COM About TPS Electronics, Inc. TPS Electronics is a leading supplier of bar-code and magnetic strip solutions. They can be reached at" 4047 Transport Street Palo Alto CA 94303 USA Phone: (415) 856-6833 Fax: (415) 856-3843 AppleLink: BARCODE Internet: BARCODE@APPLELINK.APPLE.COM