App Memory by DMP Systems v2.1 ------------------------------ App Memory) is a shareware program for disposing of unused memory that applications leave behind and thus eating up memory. If you ever get the "There is not enough memory: Cancel or Reboot" message (who has not !), then this program is for you. Why does this happen ? Because programs don't free up all the memory they use when they quit. Even the built in apps don't. So, every time you run a different program, some memory gets left behind. Soon, not enough memory is available for program data. Then that message pops up and, if you reboot, you have to reset the Names, Notes and other apps to show what you want. Caution #1 ! While most applications can have the memory they leave behind removed, some applications may malfunction or ask for a registration number again. If one does, just un-check it from the list and it will be bypassed and not be touched. By Using App Memory, you accept and agree to the risk involved. Caution #2 ! If you get an error while running App Memory, Reset your Newton. Do NOT do any memory removal. If you still get an error, please notify me of the error , when it happened, which Newton and OS version and what Apps you have installed and how much free heap there was before running App Memory / how much it showed. Try removing App Memorys soups (AppMemory:DMP) with a soup utility program in case something is amiss in it. If you have a PCMCIA card, remove the soup from there too. What Memory Does APP Memory Reclaim ? ------------------------------------- App Memory can operate on three different memory eating items: 1. Application Base View Memory. This is the biggie. It's where applications store their data while running. Many Apps donUt clean up when they quit and may not need the memory they leave behind the next time they run. Some Apps just need a little base memory to keep track of where you were, when you quit. This memory is recovered when you use the RNormalS & RFree App MemoryS button. The amount of memory reclaimed depends on the App. Unselect an App if it malfunctions or if it needs to remember where it was and you want it to. 2. Install Script Memory. An Install Script is run when an App in installed in Newton or you Reset. The memory is then not generally used after that and can be removed. This memory is reclaimed when you use the RAdvancedS option of Kill Install Scripts. An App without a functional (see below) Install Script uses about 624 bytes . You will also reclaim the memory used by the functional part of the Install Script. 3. Icon Memory. The copy of the icon in the extra drawer is removed when you use the RAdvancedS option of Kill Icons. An icon uses about 416 bytes so you can use this option to free up a lot of memory. Add it Up. You can save over 1000 bytes per App. If you have 20 Apps in your Extra Drawer, you save/reclaim more than 20k of memory + any real Install Script Memory. Note: Use the Install Script and Icon options only on an original MP. One with v1.05 O/S. That is the only one that the options are usefull. On a 100/ 110, there is nothing to be gained as Install Scripts and Icons don't use memory. How To Use App Memory --------------------- Launch App Memory with other programs closed. App Memory needs memory to run also. If you run it with other programs open, you may run out of memory. So, run it between programs, to clean up after them. Select applications by tapping on them. A check mark next to the App name will show it's selected. Use the scroll arrows to show all the Extra Drawer Apps. Press the "Free App Memory" button to have the program eliminate the memory left behind by applications. The amount of disposed memory is displayed on the right. How App Memory Skips Certain Apps: --------------------------------- App Memory first scans the applications in the Extra Drawer to see if they can have memory released. If an App has certain things in its base view (code blocks ), it is marked with "Nope!" and is deselected. You can still select it but it won't do any good as it is un-checked when you press the RFree App MemoryS button and bypassed. It's shown just to let you know about it. If an App is currently running, it is marked with ROpenS. It will also not be touched. Certain Apps are marked with RMaybeS as they cannot be checked to see if they are ok for memory release. If, in the Extras: it's not a type 3 package, or no App slot, or no Form slot, it won't even listed. App Memory remembers the selected Apps in its own soup (AppMemory:DMP) when you close it so you donUt have to reselect the next time you run it. Any new Apps that you install are deselected. App Memory maintains separate selection lists for all three ways to reclaim memory. Any newly installed App is unselected for all functions. Orig. MP & Soup Options : ----------------------- By using Orig. MP Options you accept and agree to the risk involved. Install Scripts: It's 99.99% safe to remove Install Scripts as they are restored and used when only when Newton is re-booted or the App is installed. Other programs do it. Apple has said that at least One commercial app. needs it's Install Script afterwards - but did not say which ones(s). Actually, there are two Install type scripts: An "InstallScript" is present for all Apps. Its purpose seems to be only to run the real Install Script. If an App does have a real Install Script, it is called a "DevInstallScript" internally. Both Scripts removed with this option. Icons: Caution! Safety Unknown but seems to be Ok. The copies of the App Icons in the Extra Drawer are removed. You will still see the names and may click where the Icon was to select an App. An App that changes its Extra Drawer Icon may fail if the Icon is removed. Unselect it if this is the case. You only need to use the Advanced Options Once. Use them after a Reset or when you install a new App to remove Install Scripts and Icons. Once they are gone there in no need to use the option again. Use the Normal "Free App Memory" button after running a program to free its left over memory. Please Note: Install Scripts and Icons are restored when you Reset your Newton or Re-install the package. Removing the Soup ----------------- If you remove AppMemory from your MP, the list of Extra Drawer Apps will remain, in AM's soup. Press the "Remove Soup" button and the soup will be removed when you quit. You can press it again to cancel a soup remove. App Memory vs Free Memory ------------------------- App Memory (AM) replaces Free Memory (FM). Although FM would reclaim more memory, and never caused any loss of data, it was found to be incompatible with some Operating System Patches and programs. If you have a copy of FM, please delete it and inform anyone else that may have it. FM and permission to use it has been withdrawn. App Memory only works on programs installed in the Extra Drawer. Free Memory would work on all programs. AM looks at a number of things in the extra drawer to qualify a program. AM will not touch an App that has a Code Block in its base view. AM (&FM) will not touch an app if its ViewCObject is not nil, meaning that it is running. I decided to make App Memory completely manual so you, the user, can select which programs it works on and when. Another reason is that some programs are doing some real wacky things and now you will now be able to bypass them. More Ways to Save More Memory ----------------------------- There are a few things that you can do to keep memory usage at a minimum. 1. Only have one App open at a time. 2. Set the RFilling FolderS for notes to Unfilled and donUt have any notes in that folder. Every note showing eats memory. 3. Close the Names and Dates when not in use. When you close Dates, donUt leave it on the To Do List. DonUt close Names with the Overview open. Don't open Names or Dates after a Reset. 4. Keep the Extra Drawer closed. 5. Reset Newton and then donUt use the built in Apps. Just run the App that need a lot of memory. 6. Complain to the authors of programs that leave a lot of base view memory. But donUt be too hard on them. It was not realy explained too well in the manuals. Programming the Newton is a new thing. There are a couple of things that have changed in manuals on advising what to put in memory. Wait awhile, look for new versions of programs, not just for functional inprovement but for added knoledge gained in memory usage. Distribution: ------------ App Memory may be freely distributed on any non-profit media and/or Information services (this includes disks, Compuserve, AppleLink, AOL, etc) under the condition that the package and documentation shall not be altered in any way shape or form. Commercial distribution is prohibited. Any company wishing to include this in a shareware type disk shall need to contact me and agree to my terms and conditions. The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. App Memory is Shareware. Please send $10 to: David M. Pompea, DMP Systems, 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 to register Please address all corespondence to me at: AOL: DPOMPEA (best) or CIS: 74736,172 . Who owns this Software: ---------------------- The program in this package is licensed, not sold to you, when you pay a Shareware fee of $10.00US. You have 30 days to evaluate this program before you must decide to send the shareware fee or stop using it. The program remains owned by DMP Systems. The program and documentation are Copyright ) 1993 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. You may use the program only on one Newton at a time. No copies of this software shall be made except for backup needs. If you transfer ownership of this software, all copies of this software shall be destroyed. This software may not be disassembled or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, verbal, mental telepathy, recording and playing backwards or any other way. The App Memory program was developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Release Notes: 2.1 Updated Docs. Minor program tweeks. Released to AOL. 2.0b7 Revised InstallScript delete to just nil, not remove, the scripts. Updated docs. Dist. to beta testers. 2.0b6 Added a "Remove Soup" button & code. 2.0b4 Removed something I'm not going to tell you about that may be a future option of reclaiming more memory ! 2.0b3 Made Warnings show only once. 2.0b2 Reversed App names list so newest are at top of list, fixed quit script to remove self slots. 2.0b1 Added selection for all three memory removal types, not one for all. 2.0b0 Complete re-write from FM. Initial testing. Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Comments & Questions & Checks (Thank You !) to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 AOL: DPOMPEA CIS: 74736,172