AddCity Information AddCity was originally written to allow me to add Calgary, my old home town, which isn't in the Time Zone app. Now it has appeared in the MessagePad 110 and beyond, and I have a feeling I know who put it in... ;-) (Thanks if it was you, Dr. Newton!!) This latest version, 1.6, adds full support for routing. You are able to fax, print, mail, and beam a city to your friends around the world. Please let me know if this isn't the case! The format of the entry in the soup is exactly the same as documented in the Newton Toolkit documentation, as below: name: a string of the city name latitude: the encoded city latitude longitude: the encoded city longitude gmt: the offset of the city, in seconds, from GMT country: a symbol that identifies the country areaCode: the area code, in integer format. When you click on the RI am hereS button, AddCity will also change the following things: % local area code for dialing % set the current country. % and then it will close AddCity automatically. NOTE: The change in location is reflected in the Time Zones application, but each city you enter is not added to the Time Zones pop up list - not yet anyway. AddCity is freeware, feel free to give it to whoever you want. IUd love to get a postcard from your city, if you would like! Or email me your city! Install Instructions NOTE: If you have an old version of AddCity installed, you will need to remove that before installing this version. Install AddCity as you would any other package. When you open AddCity for the first time, it will read your current location, and add that location to it's storage (aka soup). To create a new location, tap the "New" button. This will bring up an entry that has example values in it. You can go ahead and enter in the new values now. Description Of The Values: City: this contains the name of the location you are entering. Latitude: this has two entry areas, for the degrees and minutes of the latitude of the location. The button to the right of these fields sets which half of the Earth this location is in: North = upper from the equator, and South = lower from the equator. Longitude: this also has two entry areas, degrees and minutes of the longitude of the location. The button to the right of these fields sets which hemisphere you are in, West = Western, and East = Eastern hemisphere. Hours From GMT: this is the number of hours away from GMT. An example is my hometown, Calgary, which is -7 hrs away from Greenwich Mean Time. Country: this is the country that this location is in. Area Code: the telephone area code of the location. AddCity will only accept the first number you enter in here, because of Apple's guidelines on the structure of the location entry. Thank You's Thanks to David Dunham and Scott Shwarts for the conversion code from the encoded value to the latitude/longitude value. Thanks to the Newton guys and gals for bringing back the RmagicS. If you donUt understand then read Dave JohnsonUs column in develop #16. "Let's Go Find DIG!!!!!!!!! YAAAA!!!!!!" To Kevan Austen, for Rthem great ideasS. :-) Also to Tuckerman Moss, for some excellent suggestions and beta testing. To Andrew Ang, for helping test the later versions, and some excellent ideas for future versions. Thanks to my family and friends, for being there. And last, but by no means the least: To Allie Hamilton, just for being who she is - British accent and all! I miss you! About Arborlon Technology, Inc. Arborlon Technology, Inc. is a company that was formed for the sole dedication of developing Newton software. We have some commercial stuff planned, as well as doing Newton consulting. I firmly believe in what Newton technology can do, and will do in the future. I can't wait to walk into my local airport, and have my Newton notify me when the plane I am waiting for lands, or if it will be half an hour late. Or using my Newton to check when my flight leaves, rather than trying to find one of those monitors with the arrivals/departures. (Or the "roll" boards). Contact Info (Please note the new address!) Arborlon Technology, Inc. R.R. #2 Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, T4B 2A4 E-Mail AppleLink: ARBORLON Compuserve: 73132,3711 eWorld: LDUPONT Internet: Future Products From Arborlon Technology, Inc. One of these days, honest! AddCity Version Release Notes 1.6 - Added full support for routing of cities. Yaaa, eWorld is in Canada! - Used the appropriate functions to access the userConfiguration frame of info. 1.5.1 - Fixed some problems with the saving of the preferences, and a small problem with the buttons for the latitude and longitude. Made things a bit faster in terms of soup performance. Fixed a bug which lost the city you set with AddCity when you reset your Newton. 1.5 - Added support for soups, ie. multiple entries. 1.0 - Original program - allowed you to change the current city you are in, and that was about it. Future Enhancements (I would love some comments on these enhancements, good or bad, and any possible international problems. Thanks!) - a checkbox for each city, saying whether this place is on daylights savings time or not. Comments on what the interface should look like? - importing in cities from the Time Zones application. - adding cities from AddCity to the Time Zones list - find a city - anything else anyone can think of? Please send them to the email addresses above.