Vitamin A copyright 1996-97, Stand Alone, Inc. 1. Introduction 2. Installing Vitamin A 3. Using Vitamin A 1. Introduction Vitamin A is an application that lets you create and edit popup menus. You can create up to 11 different menus: % One in each corner of the Newton's screen (4) % One under the text of each silk screened button (6) % The Caret popup menu ( ) Each of these can consist of many different items and actions, giving you a great deal of control over the way your Newton operates. You will only need to use the main Vitamin A application once in a while. Initially, you will want to use it to set up your popup you use your Newton and your menus, you may find slight changes are required, and so you can use the main application to tweak your menus. For the most part, however, you will interact with Vitamin A through it's menus. 2. Installing Vitamin A To install Vitamin A, you need to get the software package VitaminA.pkg onto your Newton. (Note: This assumes you've already set up the Newton Backup Utility to talk to your Newton. If you have not, please consult the documentation that came with your Newton.) 1. Open the Newton Backup Utility on your Desktop machine. 2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon . 3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sure your cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton. 4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following: % Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility % Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package. % Click on the RInstallS button 3. Creating and Editing Menus To create a new menu, or edit an existing menu, you will need to open up the Vitamin application from the Extras drawer (by tapping the icon) and selecting the menu you wish to edit from the list at the top. Greyed out icons indicate inactive menus After choosing the menu you wish to edit or create, a blank menu is shown on the right side of the screen. If the menu already exists (i.e., you're editing rather than creating) then it's items will be in the menu. To the right of the popup items is a list of available actions. These can be dragged and dropped into the popup list. Items in the list can also be dragged to re-order them, or dragged to the trash can (at the bottom of the screen) to remove them from the menu entirely. Note: You cannot drag items within an icon grid to reorder them. To add an item to the list, drag it from the action list into the menu. To add an item to an icon grid, drag it to the grid square you'd like to assign it to. To see a brief description of an item, tap the "i" button next to the item. Using the Add button, you can add separators and icon grids to the menu. Tapping next to an icon grid will bring up a window in which you can configure the grid. By tapping on any of the numbers, you can set new valuesfor the size and number of items in the grid. The only limits on any of these are the size of the menu itself. To edit an individual icon grid, tap on that square in the grid. You can tap on a text item to modify it. Checking or unchecking the "Show Icon" checkbox will determine whether the icon is shown to the left of the item in the menu. The indent is the number of pixels in to set the text of the item. To see what your menu will actually look like, you can tap the "Test" button, which will popup your menu (selecting anything in this test menu will do nothing.) After you are satisfied with your menu, you'll need to install it. To do this, tap the action button, and select "Install into Location", where location is the current menu (i.e., for the caret menu, this would be "Install into Caret".) If you make any changes to the current menu, you'll have to re- install it to access them. If you decide not to keep your changes, select "Reset Location" from the action button. This will reset the menu to the last time you selected the menu from the picker list at the top of the screen, or opened the application, whichever was later. If you decide you no longer want to have a menu in the current location, you can remove it by selecting "Remove Location" from the action button (if you select this for the Caret menu, the default caret menu will be used.) If a button has only one item associated with it, that tapping it will not popup a menu, but will execute that action. 4. Vitamin A Actions There are several dozen actions that come pre-installed with Vitamin A. In addition, other applications can install their own actions, which will be listed in the action list in the application. Any item that pastes text or character will paste that information directly after the current location of the caret. If there is no caret on screen, selecting the item will do nothing. Below is a list of all the pre-installed actions, along with a brief description: AppMan This item cannot be added to the caret menu. When placed in a menu, this item will generate a list of all currently open applications, allowing you to jump from one to another. In addition, it will offer choices to jump to the NotePad, the Styles palette, and the Connection app. Change Volume You will have to select a particular volume when you add this to a menu (by tapping on the menu item.) When chosen, it will set your Newton's volume to this value. Clean and display memory This will calculate and display the amount of free heap memory both before and after clearing unused memory. Heap memory on a Newton is similar to RAM on a desktop machine. Clean Memory This clear unused memory, but will not display the results. Close all Apps This will close all open applications. Connect This will open the Connection app and attempt to initiate a connection using whatever method was last used. Cursor Left This will move the caret left one character. Cursor Right This will move the caret right one character. Dates Keyboard This will open the Dates keyboard. Launch Extra You will need to select a particular extra to launch after you add this to a menu (by tapping on the menu item.) The icon will change to reflect whatever you have chosen. When selected from a menu, this will open the desired application. Numeric Keyboard This will open the Numeric keyboard. Paste Space This will paste a space. Paste Accent This will paste an accent. You will have to choose which accent to paste (by tapping on the menu item.) The accent will be applied to the character just to the left of the caret. The accent can be any of the following: `, +, ^, ~, ,, , or . Paste bullet This will paste a bullet. Delete This will delete the character to the left of the caret. Forward Delete This will delete the character to the right of the caret. Paste my Name This will paste your name, as entered in your Owner Info. Paste Punctuation This will paste an item of punctuation. You will have to choose which character to paste (by tapping on the menu item.) It can be any of the following: ., ,, @, !, ?, :, ;, ', ", R, S, _, -, *, &, \, /, (, ), {, }, [, ], T, U, and #. In addition, you can paste sets of the following: "", '', RS, and TU. Pasting a set will paste both the left and right elements, and then place the cursor in between them. Two versions of each icon are available, so that you can create regular and small sized icon grids. Paste Tab This will paste a tab. Paste the date This will paste the current date. You can select the format for the date in the Vitamin A prefs. Paste the time This will paste the current time. You can select the format for the date in the Vitamin A prefs. Paste Return This will paste a return. Phone Keyboard This will open the Phone keyboard. Receive Beam This will open the In Box, and set up to receive a beam automatically. Remove Space This will remove all spaces from any currently selected text. If there is no currently selected text, it will remove all spaces from the chunk of text in which the caret is currently in. This is useful for properly formatting email and web addresses. Restart Newton This will restart your Newton. It is equivalent to pressing the restart button in the battery compartment, and is not harmful to your data. Retreive Eudora* Email This will tell Eudora* to check your email (if Eudora* is installed.) Rotate Screen This will rotate your screen. If you have a Newton with more than two screen orientations, it will popup a menu from which to choose a new orientation. Run Script This will run a section of NewtonScript code. After you add it to a menu, you will need to choose a script to run. You can create and edit scripts from the Script Editor. You will need to have some knowledge of NewtonScript to use this feature. Send Eudora* Email This will tell Eudora* to send any email in your Out Box (if Eudora* is installed.) Sleep Newton This will put your Newton to sleep. Super Caps This will properly capitalize the selected text. If there is no currently selected text, it will properly capitalize the chunk of text in which the caret is currently in. This consists of changing words to lowercase, capitalizing the beginnings of sentences, and of proper nouns. System Info This will bring up a small window listing your free heap, and free storage space on each card and your internal store. Toggle Backlight If your Newton has a backlight installed, this will toggle it on or off. Toggle Guest Mode This will place your Newton in Guest recognition mode, or, if it's already in Guest mode, will return it to user mode. You should do this before letting other people try out your Newton, so that it does not learn their handwriting in place of yours. Toggle Recognition This will toggle recognition between Cursive and Printed styles. Toggle Stores This will let you set the store on which new information and packages are stored. Typewriter Keyboard This will open the typewriter (qwerty style) keyboard.