QuickFind 3.0 - works on (and only on) Newton MessagePads with OS version 2.0. QuickFind 3.0 enhances the Find function of the Apple Newton MessagePad in three ways: 1. It maintains a lists of terms that were searched in the "Look for" pop-up menu so they can be easily found again. 2. It gives you more options than just searching everywhere, in selected applications or in the current one. 3. It adds an AutoFind function that usually lets you use the find slip without hitting a single button. Enhanced 'Look for' pop-up menu. With QuickFind 3.0, the nine last terms that were searched are added to the 'Look for' pop-up menu for your convenience. It also offers the possibility to store up to nine more terms permanently in this pop-up menu. To add a term permanently, just use the 'Add ' item that shows up whenever there is some text in the Find slip.