PowerNavigator2.1 / - 5/28/1997 from the developers of Backlight Control Button PowerNavigator gives you instant access to your most used packages and instant Fax and Beam receive . Important : Be sure that your pen is calibrated. If it isn't , calibrate it with : - Extras -> setup -> prefs -> handwriting recognition -> Align Pen - tapping the "A" button in the notes application statusbar -> choosing preferences ("i") in the popupMenu -> floating view appears with a button called "Align pen". By tapping the "Align pen" button the calibrating application starts. This "Newton Extension" places a floating, dragable button on your Newton screen. By clicking the button, a popup menu becomes visible with ten predefined list items named "Fax receive; Beam receive; Rotate screen; Password on; Password off; Align Pen; Memory info;CleanHeap; DS Intern (DS = DataStore); DS MyCard1; DS MyCard2 (only on MP2000); Sleep; Drag Navigator; Configuration" . Password on/off display's the PowerOnScreen with or without Pin-Code keyboard. AlignPen starts the function to calibrate the screen and Memory info shows you the memory situation. Sleep puts newton to sleep (power off), Memory info shows the free memory on your Newton and additional memory cards, CleanHeap simply make a garbageCollection, DS intern, DS MyCard1... sets the default dataStore to the selected card, and Drag Navigator enables the drag mode. You can leave the drag mode by double clicking on the powerNavigator button (sound is playing). By choosing the "Configuration" list item, a floating view is opened where you can add your most used newton applications which will be choosable over the popup Menu. Description of Buttons : - "i" Info-Button about PowerNavigator where you find the information how to registrate your copy of PowerNavigtor. PS : To registrate PowerNavitgator you have to start PowerReg. There you can select the application you want to registrate and you have to type in the registration pin code that you get from us (see below). - "Sep" Add or Insert a pickseparator line _ "Del" Delete selected list items. - "Add" Add a package which resides on internal or external memory If a list item is selected the "Add" button is removed by an "Ins" (insert) button. - check box "1 click conf.". If checked, the popupMenu with the installed functions "Fax receive; Beam receive; Rotate screen; Password on; Password off; Align Pen; Memory info; Clean Heap ;DS Intern (DS = DataStore); DS MyCard1; DS MyCard2 (only on MP2000); Sleep; Restart; DragNavigator; Configuration" becomes visible by a single click on the powerNavigator button and the user defined package list becomes visible by a double click on the powerNavigator. Otherwise the user defined package list becomes visible by a single click on the powerNavigator and the popupMenu with the installed functions "Fax receive; Beam receive; Rotate screen; Password on; Password off; Align Pen; Memory info; Clean Heap ;DS Intern (DS = DataStore); DS MyCard1; DS MyCard2 (only on MP2000); Sleep; Restart; DragNavigator; Configuration" becomes visible by a double click on the powerNavigator button. - check box "Sound ON". If not checked, the click sound is off, otherwise it is on. - check box "DragMessage". If checked, floating view is opened with message "Double click button to leave drag mode" if you choose "Drag Navigator" from, the built in popup list. Button can be draged by pick it on the edge, too. But it's more comfortable to drag with "Drag Navigotar" because it can be picked not only on the edge. - check box "Thaw/Freeze". If checked, a freezed package selected by the PowerNavigator PopUp is thawed and opened, and after quitting this application, it is automaticly freezed again. - check box "Thaw". If checked, a freezed package selected by the PowerNavigator PopUp is thawed and opened, but not freezed after quitting this application - check box "Backlight". If checked the light is turn on when tapping on the PowerNavigator. After you configured your list, the configuration become active by closing the configuration view. Have fun! If you like to use the PowerNavigator, please send your name as you used to personalise the newton (name is displayed in startup screen or in the registration information of PowerNavigator) and US$ 15 or more (send bills please) to: Compower AG Stefan Pulfer Bernstrasse 217 CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland If you have any questions about the PowerNavigator please e-mail to: spulfer@newton.ch To get the newest versions check out: http://www.newton.ch/compower/ The file is located at: http://www.newton.ch/compower/Software/PN.hqx Version history: -- Version 1.0 - 10/18/1996 - first release of PowerNavigator ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.1 - 11/20/1996 - After reseting the MP the position of the Navigator Button is the same as it was before reseting the MP - Now new with FaxReceive popup element - Now new with BeamReceive popup element ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.2 - 11/20/1996 - Now new with Rotate screen popup element. - Double Button, one for predefined popupelements, the other for user defined packages ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.3 - 12/4/1996 - Reduced Double Button to one Button - double click / single click for predefined popupList / user definde popupList - you can configure double/single click function - sound on / off configuration ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.4 - 12/19/1996 - Now new with Password on/off popup element - Now new with Align Pen popup element - Now new with Memory info popup element - Now new: app userInfo can be configured - Now new: app card can be configured ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.5 - 1/7/1997 - Bug Fix - About Dialog now shows if PowerNavigator is registered (to register PN use new PowerReg which is comming with PN 1.5) ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.6 1/13/1997 - Now new with Sleep popup element (puts newton to sleep) - Now new with Drag Navigator element (for easy draging the powerNavigator) - Now newton books can added to userconfigurable popup list - Now MP2000 compatible with following special popup elements (only on MP2000): - left/right rotate screen - flip screen ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.7 1/29/1997 - Fixed bug while freezing PowerNavigator ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.8 2/13/1997 - Fixed Bug with MemoryInfo - Now new with Clean heap element (makes a garbage collection) ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 1.9 2/13/1997 - Fixed Bug in MP2000 version - Now new with Restart element (restarts Newton) ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.0 2/13/1997 - Built-in registration in "About"-dialog (i in configuration view) ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.1 5/28/1997 - Now thaw freezed packages and open them, and freeze them again, after quitting, automaticly ! - Easy setting the default data store via "DS intern", "DS Cardxy", "DS Cardxy" - For MP130 and MP2000 users: if Backlight is turned off, a tap on the PowerNavigator button turns the light on! ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.2 6/13/1997 - Bug-fix with freezing/thawing when a damaged packages is lunched ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.3 7/5/1997 - If you use PowerFreeze and the package is active, a new popup element called "PowerFreeze Setup-manager" is visible in the built in popup elements. This new element let's you open the power-Freeze startup manager, to have fast access to your powerFreeze setup's (powerFreeze version 1.1 and higher). ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.31 8/14/1997 - Compatible with eMate Screen Size - BugFix with powerFreeze Startup-Manager (check Box 1:1 now the same as defined in Prefs of Powerfreeze). ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** -- Version 2.4 8/9/1997 - New functions in PowerFreeze SetupManager. Now you can freeze a setup (all selected packages of the setup) or thaw a setup without change the state of the deselected packages of the setup. ************************************************************************** -- Legal stuff -- Newton, MessagePad, and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PowerNavigator is shareware. PowerNavigator can be distributed freely as long as this ReadMe file accompanies it. You can't sell PowerNavigator. Contact Compower AG for permission if you wish to distribute PowerNavigator as part of a shareware bundle. By using this software, you understand and agree that it is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Compower AG makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event will Compower AG be liable for damages, including any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of use or inability to use this software.