Plug-In modules for TapBar Thank you for downloading "Plug-In modules for TapBar". Description 12 plug-in modules for TapBar. BatteryButton :Battery capacity ConnectButton :Connection Window CalcButton :Calculator ExtrasButton :Extras List Button (Use this when you rotated) LanchButton :Applet Launcher. Current version is alpha version. Not bug free. Setup window open very slowly, and there is no progress window for user. LightButton :BackLight ON/OFF (Only MP130). No Backlight check version is now included.(for German version MP) NotesButton :Open Notes PowerButton :To PowerOff by tapping, To Reboot by holding 3 secs. PrefButton :Preference Window StylesButton :Styles Window SoundButton :Set sound volume ToolboxButton :Toolbox window open for NTK user. Caution!!! Modules are not bug free. Sorry. You need to get Yosuke "Basuke" Suzuki's TapBar Program from his homepage. TapBar is freeware. Version History (Aug. 28 96)0.1 - first release (Only LightButton Module) (Sept.03 96)0.2 - Add 4 modules. (Sept.14 96)0.3 - Add 2 modules.(SoundButton, BatteryButton) (Sept.25 96)0.31 - No release. Add 1 modules.(LightButton for German MP130) (Oct. 05 96)0.4 - Add 1 module.(LanchButton) (Oct. 06 96)0.5 - Add 2 modules.(ToolboxButton, ExtrasButton) (Oct. 10 96)0.51 - Update 2 modules.(BatteryButton,LanchButton) BatteryButton:add display battery volts. LanchButton:now restore saved parameters. No release. (Oct. 10 96)0.6 - Add 1 module.(NoteButton) (Oct. 15 96)0.61 - Update 1 module.(LightButton) Now display light status icon. (Oct. 17 96)0.62 - Update 1 module.(LightButton) Bug fix. (Oct. 19 96)0.7 - Add 1 module.(CalcButton) Update 1 module.(LanchButton) Bug fix. Tested MP120 [2.0(515299)-1] MP130 [2.0(526205)-1] Distribution This program is freeware. It may be distributed freely as long as the program is unmodified and is accompanied by this README file. Contact Tomoyoshi Murai