Stand Alone Menu Editor Custom Menus for the Newton Table of Contents 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Stand Alone Menu Editor 1.2 Registering Stand Alone Menu Editor 1.3 Contacting Stand Alone,Inc 1.3.1 Email 1.3.2 Phone 1.3.3 Regular Mail 1.3.4 World Wide Web 2 Installation 3 Creating New Menus 3.1 Creating New Menus 3.1.1 Selecting Menus 3.1.2 Creating a New Menu 3.1.3 Edit or Remove Menus 3.1.4 Default Caret Menu 6 3.2 Adding New Items to Your Menu 3.2.1 Adding New Text Items 3.2.2 Separators 3.2.3 Adding Grids to the Menu List 3.2.4 Changing the Grid Characteristics 3.2.5 Removing Grids From the Menu 3.3 Editing Items 3.3.1 Modifying Text Items 3.3.2 Icon Items 3.4 Testing Menus 3.5 Clearing Menus 3.6 Deleting Menus 4 Installing Menus 1 4.1 Selecting Menu Locations 4.2 Installing Menu in New Locations 4.3 New Menu Options 4.3.1 Extras Icon 4.3.2 Statusbar Button 4.4 The Caret Menu 4.5 Conflicting Menus 5 SAME Actions 5.1 Appman 5.2 Change Volume 5.3 Clean and Display Memory 5.4 Clean Memory 5.5 Close all Apps 5.6 Connect 5.7 Cursor Left 5.8 Cursor Right 5.9 Dates Keyboard 5.10 Launch Extra 5.11 Numeric Keyboard 5.12 Paste Space 5.13 Paste Accent 5.14 Paste % 5.15 Paste Delete 5.16 Paste Forward Delete 5.17 Paste My Name 5.18 Paste punctuation 16 5.19 Paste Tab 5.20 Paste the Date 5.21 Paste the Time 5.22 Paste Return 5.23 Phone Keyboard 5.24 Receive a Beam 5.25 Remove Space 5.26 Restart Newton 5.27 Retrieve Eudoratm Email 5.28 Rotate Screen 5.29 Run Script 5.30 Send eudoratm email 5.31 Sleep Newton 5.32 Super Capstm 5.33 System Info 5.34 Toggle Backlight 5.35 Toggle Guest Mode 5.36 Toggle Recognition 5.37 Toggle Stores 5.38 Typewriter Keyboard 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Stand Alone Menu Editor Welcome to the Stand Alone Menu Editor (SAME), an enhancement for the Newton 2.0 OS or higher that lets you create custom menus. The new menus can be placed at any of the four corners of the screen, the text caret, a button on the status bar, or in a special icon in the Extras Drawer. Included in this archive are the following packages: SA Menu Engine.pkg This package powers the SAME application. It performs this action quietly, and will do nothing if tapped. However, it needs to be installed for SAME to function. SA Menu Editor.pkg You interact with SAME through this package. All new menus are created, tested and installed through this application. When you have your menus set up how you want them, you can remove this from your Newton. Chapters 3 to 5 deal specifically with the Menu Editor. Icon Editor The third package is not actually a part of SAME, but is complementary to it. It is the Icon Editor, and is used to customize the icons that you create through SAME. You can use it to design your own icon for both the Extras Icon and the Statusbar Button. SAME.pdf This is the usersU manual for Stand Alone Menu Editor. SAME.txt. The text only version of the manual. If at all possible, use the pdf version, as it has layout and graphics that cannot be included in the text version. The pdf version of the manual can be viewed using Adobe(Acrobat Reader(. You can obtain this free of charge at SAStuff.txt A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone Inc. SA reg.pkg If there isnUt a registration option under the button, install this package to register your software. 1.2 Registering Stand Alone Menu Editor The Stand Alone Menu Editor demo works for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30 Days, it will stop working. To avert this tragedy, you need to get in touch with Stand Alone to register your software. You can register with us by several different methods. You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose to register. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it is entered in your Newton, including spaces. We use this to generate your password, so it must be precise. You need to specify which programs you wish to register, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well. Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of card you are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email is the preferred way, followed by your address and phone number. An Email address is not strictly necessary, but it results in much faster service. For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa or Mastercard. Call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over the phone. Alternatively, you can send us a check to the address below. You can also Email us one of several ways. The application has a Register section under the button. Tap on that to open up a registration slip. If you fill out that slip, and have an Email client on your Newton, it will automatically Email us and we will send you a registration code. You can also just Email us the relevant information from your Newton or a desktop machine, and weUll send you a code. If you are registering through Compuserve, use, GO SWREG. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. You can install this password one of two ways. There is an option to Enter Password under the menu. Tap on it to bring up a screen that has a space to enter the password. Alternatively, just install the SA Register package enclosed in the Stand Alone Menu Editor archive. Select RStand Alone Menu EditorS from the pop-up menu at the top, and enter the password. When you enter the correct password you will get a message confirming the entry. Afterwards, you may remove the SAS Register application from you Newton. 1.3 Contacting Stand Alone, Inc. There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone, Inc. Email is the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don't hesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below. 1.3.1 Email: internet: AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 1.3.2 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 1.3.3 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA 1.3.4 World Wide Web: 2 Installation 2.1 Installation The first thing that you need to do to get your software up and running is to install it on your Newton. To do this, you need to have Newton Backup Utility, or Newton Connection Utilities, set up to talk to your Newton. If you have problems with this part of the installation, please contact consult the documentation that came with your Newton. Once either Utility is set up, just follow the steps listed below to for each of the packages you wish to install. 1. Open the Newton Backup Utility , or Newton Connection Utilities on your Desktop machine. 2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon . 3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sure your cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton. 4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following: % Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility % Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package. % Click on the RInstallS button 3 Creating New Menus This section chapter takes you through the heart of SAME: the Menu Editor. To use the Menu Editor, you first need to go to the ExtraUs drawer and tap on the icon to open it. When it is launched, a screen appears where you create, test and install any new menus. 3.1 Creating New Menus The picker at the top of the screen lets you choose what menu you are working on. Tapping on it brings up a list of all the available menus, as well as the choice to create a new menu from scratch. 3.1.1 Selecting Menus Menus are selected by tapping on a menu in the Current Menu picker. The menu with the check next to it is the selected menu. 3.1.2 Create a New Menu Select New Menu with the picker to create a new menu. When you select New Menu, a window appears that asks you to name the menu. Write in the name and tap Create to start editing the new menu. 3.1.3 Edit or Remove Menus To edit or remove menus, select the menu you wish to modify and then choose Edit Menu Title under the Current Menu picker. You can rename the menu by replacing the current name with a new one, or you can remove the menu by tapping the remove button. To change the name without removing the menu, just change the name and tap the close button. 3.1.4 Default Caret Menu SAME starts with the Default Caret Menu already on the editor. This is the menu that pops up when you tap on the text caret. You can add to this menu, but you cannot delete it from the Newton. 3.2 Adding New Items to Your Menu SAME makes it easy to add new items to any menu. You can add new actions as a text line, or as icons in a grid. We will deal with the text entries first, as the grids are slightly more complicated to work with. Chapter 5 is devoted to a full explanation of all of the actions that can be added to a menu. 3.2.1 Adding New Text Items To add a new item, just select the item that you wish to add to the menu, and drag it onto the Menu Window. If you later decide that you donUt want that function, all you need to do to remove it is drag it off of the Menu window and back to the list of actions. If you drag an action by the icon, an icon will appear by the text in the menu. If you just drag it by the text, only text appears. 3.2.2 Separators Separators are a useful tool to separate a list of actions into distinct sections. They are found in the Add picker. There are two separators that you can place in a menu. The first is just called a Separator. The other, a Solid Separator, is a thicker line, which makes a stronger distinction between groups of actions. 3.2.3 Adding Grids to the Menu List If you are using menus with many action, it may be easier for you to use icon grids. Under the Add picker, select Icon Grid to add one to your menu. When you are using icon grids, the features that you include in the grid are represented by icons, rather than text. This lets you store a large number of features in a relatively small space. 3.2.3 Changing the Grid Characteristics Tap on an installed grid to bring up the Edit Grid window that will let you customize the grid. Height The sets the number of vertical spaces in the grid. Across This sets the number of horizontal space in the grid. Icon Height determines the size of the spaces in the grid. Tap here, to set the pixel height of the square. Icon Width brings up a picker that sets the pixel width of the squares in the grid. 3.2.4 Removing Grids From the Menu To remove a grid from your menu, tap on the grid to bring up the Icon Grid Detail. Tap the Delete button to remove the grid from the menu. 3.3 Editing Items Both the text items and the grid icons can be modified as needed. 3.3.1 Modifying Text Items Tap the text item to bring up the Text Item window. Rename the Icon You can rename the icon on the name line. Set Indent You can also set the indentation using the indent picker. This sets the number of pixels before the first letter of a text item. Show Icon in the Menu You can show the icon to the left of a text item with the Show Icon button. Remove Text Item From Menu You can also delete a menu item with the delete button. If you tap on the icon, and have Icon Editor installed, you can customize the text itemUs icon. 3.3.2 Icon Items To edit an icon in the icon grid, just tap on the icon you wish to modify. A window will appear that lets you customize the icon. Action This tells you what the icon does, and it also will pop up any sub menus that are associated with the icon. Delete This function removes the icon from the grid. Edit Grid Edit Grid brings up the Edit Grid window. Icon If you tap on the icon itself and you have the Icon editor installed, you can customize the icon as you want. For more information on the Icon editor, please refer to the Icon Editor manual. 3.4 Testing Menus When you are finished designing a menu, you can see what it will look like by tapping on the Test button. When it is tapped, a screen appears that shows you exactly how the new menu will appear when installed. This menu is for visual reference only, and tapping on any of the menu actions will do nothing. 3.5 Clearing Menus There is an option under the Action button that lets you clear a menu. 3.6 Deleting Menus An alternate way to delete a menu is to select a menu and then tap on the Action button. There is an option there to delete the current menu. 4 Installing Menus To use a new menu that you have created, you need to install it with the action button. To install a menu, you first need to select the menu using the Current Menu picker at the top of the screen. Once the menu that you wish to install is chosen, tap the Action button. This will then bring up a number of options. Use the install menu option to install the menu to any one of a number of places on the Newton. A list will pop up which gives you a list of places to assign the menu. 4.1 Selecting Menu Locations Check the box next to the location to install a menu there. 4.2 Installing Menu in New Locating When you have decided where to include the selected menu, tap Install/Remove to set the menu to the checked locations. Because tapping Install/Remove is the only way to exit this window, make sure that you have the desired locations selected before tapping it to close the window. 4.3 New menu options The New menu gives you two new places to place menus 4.3.1 Extras Icon This creates an icon in the Extras Drawer with an menu assigned to it. When it is selected, a window appears where you can name the menu, and, if Icon Editor is installed, customize its icon. Tap the Create button to place the icon in the Extras Drawer. When the icon is selected in the Extras Drawer, the menu associated with it pops up. 4.3.2 Statusbar Button This option creates a small button with a menu attached to it. Tapping this option brings up a window with a number of options. Rename the button through the name line. If you have Icon Editor installed, you can modify the icon by tapping on it. The list of check boxes lets you select where the button appears. If a location is checked, the menu button will appear there. If a location isnUt checked, it will not. When you are finished customizing the menu button, tap Create and the button will appear at all of the assigned locations. When this button is tapped, the menu assigned to it will appear. 4.4 The Caret Menu The caret menu is slightly different from the other menu locations. A menu is required to be in this location, but it doesnUt need to be the default caret menu. Installing a menu to this location is slightly different than other locations. Select the menu that you want to install with the Current Menu picker, and then tap the Action button. From the menu that pops up, choose Build Caret Package. It will then prepare the menu to be installed into the caret location. 4.5 Conflicting Menus Only one menu can be installed to any given location. If you try and install multiple menus to the same location, a screen will appear that gives you two choices. You can either cancel the action which leaves the original menu in place, or you can choose the Reassign option which places the new menu in the location. 5 SAME Actions There are several dozen actions that come pre-installed with SAME. In addition, other applications can install their own actions, which will be listed in the action list in the application. Any item that pastes text or character will paste that information directly after the current location of the caret (). If there is no caret on screen, selecting the item will do nothing.Below is a list of all the pre-installed actions, along with a brief description: 5.1 AppMan This item cannot be added to the caret menu. When placed in a menu, this item generates a list of all currently open applications, allowing you to jump from one to another. In addition, it offers choices to jump to the NotePad, the Styles palette, and the Connection app. 5.2 Change Volume When you add this to a menu, you will assign it a volume level. When chosen, it sets your NewtonUs volume to this level. 5.3 Clean and Display Memory This calculates and displays the amount of free heap memory both before and after clearing unused memory. Heap memory on a Newton is similar to RAM on a desktop machine. For a full explanation of heap, please refer to Stand AloneUs FAQ sheet at 5.4 Clean Memory This clears unused memory, but does not display the results. 5.5 Close All Apps This closes all open applications. 5.6 Connect This opens the Connection app and attempts to initiate a connection using whatever method was last used. 5.7 Cursor Left This moves the caret left one character. 5.8 cursor Right This moves the caret right one character. 5.9 Dates Keyboard This opens the Dates keyboard. 5.10 Launch Extra You need to select a particular extra to launch after you add this to a menu. You do this by tapping on the menu item. The icon then changes to reflect whatever you have chosen. When selected from a menu, this opens the desired application. 5.11 Numeric Keyboard This opens the Numeric keyboard. 5.12 Paste space This pastes a space. 5.13 Paste accent This pastes an accent. When this is included in the menu, you have to choose which accent to paste by tapping on the menu item. The accent is applied to the character just to the left of the caret. The accent can be any of the following: T, +, ^, ~, ,, , or . 5.14 Paste % This pastes a bullet, %. 5.15 Paste delete This deletes the character to the left of the caret. 5.16 Paste forward delete This deletes the character to the right of the caret. 5.17 Paste My Name This pastes your name, as entered in your Owner Info. 5.18 Paste punctuation This pastes an item of punctuation. You have to choose which character to paste by tapping on the menu item. It can be any of the following: ., ,, @, !, ?, :, ;, T, R, R, S, _, -, *, &, \, /, (, ), {, }, [, ], T, U, and #. In addition, you can paste sets of the following: RS, TU, RS, and TU. Pasting a set pastes both the left and right elements, and then place the cursor in between them. Two versions of each icon are available, so that you can create regular and small sized icon grids. 5.19 Paste tab This pastes a tab. 5.20 paste the date This pastes the current date. You can select the format for the date in the SAME prefs. 5.21 paste the time This pastes the current time. You can select the format for the date in the SAME prefs. 5.22 paste return This pastes a return. 5.23 phone keyboard This opens the Phone keyboard. 5.24 receive a beam This opens the In Box, and automatically sets the Newton to receive a beam. 5.25 Remove space This removes all spaces from any currently selected text. If there is no currently selected text, it removes all spaces from the chunk of text that currently contains the caret. This is useful for properly formatting email and web addresses. 5.26 Restart Newton This restarts your Newton. It is equivalent to pressing the restart button in the battery compartment, and is not harmful to your data. For more information on different types of restarts, please refer to the Stand Alone FAQ at 5.27 Retrieve Eudora* Email If Eudora* is installed. This tells Eudora* to check your email. 5.28 Rotate Screen This rotates your screen. If you have a Newton with more than two screen orientations, it pops up a menu from which to choose a new orientation. 5.29 Run Script This runs a section of NewtonScript code. After you add it to a menu, you need to choose a script to run. You can create and edit scripts from the Script Editor, but you need to have some knowledge of NewtonScript to use this feature. 5.30 Send Eudora* Email If Eudora* is installed, this tells Eudora* to send any email in your Out Box 5.31 Sleep Newton This puts your Newton to sleep. 5.32 Super Caps* This properly capitalizes the selected text. If no text is currently selected, it properly capitalizes the chunk of text in which the caret is currently in. It will change words to lowercase, capitalize the beginnings of sentences, and proper nouns. 5.33 System Info This brings up a small window listing your free heap, and free storage space on each card and your internal store. 5.34 Toggle Backlight If your Newton has a backlight, this toggles it on or off. 5.35 Toggle Guest Mode This places your Newton in Guest recognition mode, or, if itUs already in Guest mode, return it to user mode. You should do this before letting other people try out your Newton, so that it does not learn their handwriting in place of yours. 5.36 Toggle Recognition This toggles recognition between Cursive and Printed styles. 5.37 Toggle Stores This lets you set the store on which new information and packages are stored. 5.38 Typewriter Keyboard This opens the qwerty style keyboard.