------------------------- Gesture Mosaic Quick Start ------------------------- Welcome to Gesture Mosaic, the fastest pen-based method of data entry available. The quickest way to get going is to load and use the Rapid Fire tutorial game. Open the package and tap the 'Begin' button to start a new game. Your goal is to destroy the falling words by typing them in on the Mosaic. Help arrows will automatically appear to assist you. To enter a letter, just trace the stem of the that appears in the Mosaic template. Once you begin to learn these gestures, try to draw them before the help arrows appear. Another good start for beginners is to load the GM package and, while viewing the reference card on your desktop computer, practice going through the alphabet a little bit at a time until the entire sequence can be gone through smoothly and without the assistance of the reference card. The complete User Guide may be browsed at: ------------------ Gesture Mosaic Pro ------------------ A professional version of Gesture Mosaic is available which contains numerous shortcuts and extra features including the consolidation of button functions as gestures, shortcut comma and apostrophe gestures, and a greatly expanded symbols section, with symbols represented as gestures. These features serve to further increase the speed and ease of input by making all characters and functions available as gestures, easily drawn within the Mosaic template. This special upgrade offer is available for $39.95 (5/15/96) For more information contact: Mosaic Input Technologies 4800 Curtin Drive McFarland, WI 53558 amtelmit@aol.com info: 608-838-4194 orders: 800-696-6724 -------------------- Memory Requirements -------------------- GM2.01f 64K Rapid Fire 75K ----------------------- Mosaic Input Technologies ----------------------- We welcome your questions and comments at Developers inquiries welcome. Visit our home page for the latest information at: