DSR-1 v1.20 by DMP Systems -------------------------- DSR-1 (copyright 1996,1997 by DMP Systems) is a program that will enable you to record notes on the MP2000 without opening the lid. DSR-1 uses the Power Switch to start and stop recording. Recording may be done with Newton on, off or by using buttons in DSR-1. V1.20 adds lots of options, has more internal error checking and other code changes from previous versions. Using DSR-1 ----------- DSR-1 has three modes of use: 1. Newton is off. Use the power switch to turn Newton on, and then within 3 seconds, press the power switch again. Recording will start about 1.5 seconds after the double beep. Press the power switch when done. If the recording time was greater than two seconds, it will be saved and another simple beep will be played. If the recording is less than 2 seconds, it won't be saved (as you may have made a mistake) and a fun beep will be played. Newton will turn back off. All mentioned times and sounds are user configurable. Note: It takes anywhere from .5 to 2 seconds for Newton to startup. During this time the power switch is inactive. So, you'll have to wait a second or so, after you press the switch to get Newton going, before you can press it again to start recording. Experiment on your Newton to see how much of a delay is needed. I use Sunrise (http://www.lothlorien.com/~dove/pda/sunrise.hqx) to play power on and power off sounds so I know what Newton is doing. 2. Newton is on. Press the power switch twice within one second to start recording. Press the power switch again when done. If the recording time was greater than two seconds, it will be saved and another simple beep will be played. If the recording is less than 2 seconds, it won't be saved (as you may have made a mistake) and a fun beep will be played. Newton will stay on. All mentioned times and sounds are user configurable. 3. Launch DSR-1. Press the Record button to start. Press the Stop button to stop. Press the play button to play what was just recorded. Press the Save button to save to recording. You can put DSR-1 on the Button Bar for easy access. When you use the power switch to activate a recording, DSR-1 is shown on the screen and you can also use the buttons for control. Using the buttons will leave DSR-1 on screen. You may close DSR-1 as it will open as needed. How to install DSR-1 ---------------------- Use the Newton Backup Utility or Newton Connection Utility or Newton Package Installer for installing DSR-1. If you are using Windows and UnStuffit, then be sure to set the Cross Platform Options to Never so that the WIN package installer won't complain about " ... not a package". Install it to Internal Memory. If you do not install DSR-1 to internal memory and then if you remove the card, DSR-1 will go with it. DSR-1 Options ------------- When you press the 'I' button, you will get a list of options. Select each one to show a window containing the options for that category. About: Shows version number and contact information. Delays: Lets you set the delay times for power switch activation and minimum recording time. Sounds: Lets you select the sounds you want played, and how many times for recording start, stop and too short a recording to be saved. Also lets you set the volume of the sounds or to use the System volume. Misc.: Lets you have the backlight turn off while recording; Playback a recording right after recording is done; specify that the recording is always saved to internal memory - or not; specify the NotePad folder to save the recording to; and how DSR-1 interacts with Librarian. Recording Prefs. will open the standard preference slip for Recording. Librarian traps the power switch to turn pages in a book. If you have this option checked, then Librarian will turn a page as soon as you press the power switch as DSR-1 allows the power switch event to be sent to Librarian. If unchecked, then DSR-1 will function normally but Librarian will have a small delay before it turns a page. Auto Plackback after record: When you end a recording, activated by the power switch, DSR-1 will play it back so that you can hear what you recorded. To end the playback, press the power switch. Or just wait until the playback has ended. Then the recording will be saved to the NotePad as usual. Heap Space used by DSR-1 --------------------------- DSR-1 uses about 900 (or less) bytes of your precious heap (frames) memory for traps to detect power on, off and when the power switch was pressed. The package itself uses about 32k. It using no CPU time unless active on screen. Much Thanks to: --------------- John Solon for noticing that DSR-1 leaves the NotePad open if it is not the Backdrop app. David Stein for reminding me about using Stand Alones Librarian 2 - which also uses the power switch. Andrew Lee Sheward, long time beta tester, for ideas and harping to do the impossible. Jason Kulas for many thoughts and ideas. Registering DSR-1 -------------------- DSR-1 will work in your Newton for 45 days after you first install it. If you do not register it, then after 45 days it will stop working. 30 days after installation, DSR-1 will announce that it is not registered once per day. This gives you plenty of time to see if it works for you and register it. If you tried a previous version of DSR-1 and it has expired, this new version will give you 30 more days to try it, if it's been longer than 30 days since the older version expired. The registration fee is $10 USD, until September 1st 1997. After September 1st 1997 the fee will be $15 USD. When you send the registration fee, DMP Systems will send you the unlock code. Your Newton's Owner -> Name is used to generate the code. Use the Register DSR-1 program to enter the code. You may have to reset after closing the program (or freeze / unfreeze) as DSR-1 only checks for the correct code upon install / reset to save time. The CIS SWREG ID # is: 15496. Go SWREG to register on Compuserve. The Kagi Register ID is S5 , which identifies DMP Systems as the payee. If using Newton Register, please fill in the amount of $15 ($10 before September 1st, 1997). For WWW on-line registration using a Secure Server, surf to my home page: http://www.netacc.net/~dmpsyst and there you will find a link or find a link on the Kagi home page: www.kagi.com If you have registered any of my other programs, you qualify for the $10 registration after September 1st, 1997. But, you must register directly to me, not Kagi or Compuserve. For postal registrations, please send directly to me. Do not send to Kagi. They only do credit cards / on-line / fax orders. DSR-1 v1.20 Registration Form for postal registration --------------------------------------------------- Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address Line 1: _____________________________________________________________ Address Line 2: _____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________ State / Province: _____________________________________________________________ Zip / Postal Code: _____________________________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________________________ (From other than USA / North America, please deduct up to 25% of the fee for your postage) Newton "Owner -> Name, First & Last" (for unlock code): _____________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ For $10 registration after September 1st, 1997 please note what other DMP Systems program you have registered and the aprox. date: ______________________________________________________________________ Please send $15 USD (before September 1st, 1997 or if any other DMP Systems registration: $10) to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany circle Rochester, NY 14618 USA For email contact: 74736.172@compuserve.com All my Newton programs are at: http://www.netacc.net/~dmpsyst . Check there for new versions or email me as I release beta versions to registered users and people that ask. The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. Who owns this Software: ------------------------- The programs in this package are licensed, not sold to you when you pay the Shareware Fee. They remain owned by DMP Systems. They are Copyright ) 1996,1997 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. You may use the programs only on one Newton at a time. No copies of this software shall be made except for backup needs. The registration of this package may not be transferred. This software may not be disassembled or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, or verbal or any other way. The program were developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1996 Apple Computer, Inc. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton or Mac. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. DSR-1 code and documentation is copyright 1996,1997 by DMP Systems Release Info: 1.20 7/27/97 General public release. Text changes. Uses less heap when not in use. 1.2b2 7/4/97 - released to registered users only Added prefs for: sounds, sound volume, delays, folder to save to, backlight, auto playback, where to store recordings (internal/card) and more. Added Auto Playback. Added code to check for internal recorder problems. No longer needs to open / close the NotePad. Turns off backlight when recording. Now allows Go To Sleep events to be passed to other application - like Sunrise. Better estimate of recording time displayed in NotePad. Changed the way a new recording is saved to the NotePad. 1.1 - not released to anyone V1.05 5/30/97 Fixed two problems dealing with registration. Added text display for number of days left before unregistered program expires. Disabled graphic buttons on recorder 'cause I have BIG buttons. Added internal information for Newton Register program to register with email via Kagi. Changed reminder message to display later in the day. Added CIS SWREG ID info and other minor doc changes. V1.04 - Not released to public. v1.03 5/27/97 Added compatibility with Stand Alones Librarian 2. Removed opening the NotePad upon startup, closed NotePad after saving recording if it was not open while recording. Minor documentation changes (DSR-1 *is* card friendly), additions and corrections. Released to beta testers only. v1.02 Never released to public. Added a small delay between the double beep sounds to separate them as sometimes they weren't. Changed playing Fun Beep function so that the whole sound would play before shutting down. Minor rearrangement of some code. v1.01 5/25/97 Fix unregistered reminder as it was displaying before 30 days. Added more to documentation about recording from off. Corrected documentation about time interval for double switch press when Newton is on. Other minor documentation changes. v1.0 5/24/97 First public release. v1.0b1 5/23/97 Last release to beta testers.