CaretPro 1.2.1 - This is a set of utility applets for the Newton. CaretPro replaces the current caret popup keypad. In addition to the conventional keypad, CaretPro maintains configurable word lists, where you can store words or phareses you frequently use. CPeditor is an applet for editing the word lists that CaretPro uses. CPremover permanently removes word list soup. If you currently use the version 1.2, you need to update only the CPeditor. Other applets are identical in this version. These programs were tested on the MP-130 with Newton OS 2.0J (Japanese version). Reportedly, they work on German and English OSes as well. They will not run, however, on OS 1.3 or earlier. CaretPro takes up about 5KB of memory and consumes about 2KB of heap. CPeditor and CPremover need about 9KB + 2KB and 5KB + 1KB respectively.