AffiliatePlus Demo Read Me Thank you for trying AffiliatePlus. AffiliatePlus is an extension which replaces the built-in Affiliate feature within the Name File. You are most likely accustom to being able to add an affiliate for a person or company from within the Name File. Unfortunately, it limits you to the a person's name and affiliation. AffiliatePlus allows you to add a person's name, affiliation, two phone numbers, an e-mail address and even their birthday. This information is all displayed when you display the "All Info" view from within the Name File. INSTALLATION AffiliatePlus must be installed on the internal store. Please be sure to store it internally. Once installed, AffiliatePlus is automatically activated and will: * Replace the Affiliate option for a person or company within the Name File. * Adds a new "Unlock AffiliatePlus" option to the built-in Prefs application. Note: Since AffiliatePlus uses the existing Affiliate information that already exists for your names, you need not re-enter any information but rather add to what exists already. FILES INCLUDED IN THIS ARCHIVE: 1. This Read Me file. 2. APlus.pkg DE-INSTALLATION If you wish to remove AffiliatePlus, be sure to reset (hit the reset button behind the battery case) of your Newton after it has been removed. This is necessary because it replaces the built-in Affiliate options in the Name File which can only be restored by a reset. AffiliatePlus Demo Version This Demo Version of AffiliatePlus is fully functional! There is one important differences between this demo version and the real version. This demo version only allows you to use AffiliatePlus for 30 days from the time you first install it. After those 30 days, the additional information AffiliatePlus allows you to add will no longer be visible. At any time, this demo version can be unlocked and made a full working version (see Unlocking AffiliatePlus demo outlined immediately below). Unlocking AffiliatePlus DEMO VERSION This Demo version of AffiliatePlus can be unlocked with an access key allowing you to convert it to a full working version. If you have decided you would like to purchase AffiliatePlus, go ahead and contact SilverWARE with your seed key to get your access key to unlock this demo version. To get your seed key, open the built-in Prefs application (located in the Setup folder of the Extras Drawer) and tap on the "Unlock AffiliatePlus" option. This will display a window which will show you your seed key and also allow you to enter your individual access key. Once you have received your access key, go ahead and enter it in the access key field by first tapping the keyboard icon beside the access code field. This will display the built-in numeric keypad. Then go ahead and enter your access key and then tap the Unlock button. You will then get a conformation screen telling you have successfully unlocked MoreInfo. You only need to perform the unlocking procedure once. After you have unlocked the Demo version, you will then be able to download subsequent versions via your preferred online service and have it be a full working version. MoreInfo SilverWARE is also the author of MoreInfo, a full-featured integrated contact manager for the Newton. MoreInfo is currently in version 4.0. MoreInfo contains a powerful At-a-Glance screen which allows you to view your upcoming entries for a time period you can choose. MoreInfo has many, many other features such as the ability to link together all of your items. PowerNames SilverWARE is also the author of PowerNames. PowerNames keeps a popup list of frequently used names and their respective phone number. It also contains a very handy Find screen for locating names quickly. FlightRecorder SilverWARE is also the author of FlightRecorder. FlightRecorder allows you to record your plane flights and have them appear within the built-in Date Book. HOW TO ORDER AffiliatePlus is available from SilverWARE and sells for $15. AffiliatePlus can be purchased by mail, e-mail or fax. COMPUSERVE USERS CompuServe users can purchase AffiliatePlus via CIS by typing GO SWREG at any ! prompt. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DEMO VERSION This Demo version of AffiliatePlus can be freely distributed amongst fellow Newton users. It is required that the demo version always be accompanied by this text file. In addition, the demo package cannot be altered in any manner except as to compress it with a convenient compression program. Those parties wishing to distribute it cannot charge the receiver any fee except for the standard fees associated with downloading the package from an online service. All others are required to request the express written permission of SilverWARE. SilverWARE P.O. Box 6379 Haverhill, MA 01831 USA Phone: (508) 521-5262 Fax: (508) 373-7282 AOL: SILVERWRE (notice the missing 'a') CIS: 74774,3715 Internet: We accept Check/Money Order & Visa/Master Card /American Express and Discover. AffiliatePlus )1994-1996. All Rights Reserved. AffiliatePlus is a trademark of SilverWARE Computer Software. MoreInfo and PowerNames are trademarks of SilverWARE Computer Software Newton is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc