X-Master v 2.0 ============================================================================== Copyright ) 1994 Ricardo Guerra, Jr. & Impossible Dreams, All Rights Reserved. This utility can be copied but is copyrighted. You may make copies for others as long as no charge is involved (other than for electronic media or transfer costs) and this document is included. However, making copies for any commercial purpose is prohibited without express written permission from the author. ============================================================================== Thanks for downloading X-Master! X-Master is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily launch applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras drawer. It is unobtrusive and simple to use. X-Master's basic design is similar to launching utilities such as Now Utilities NowMenus* for the Macintosh which provides a popdown list of applications and documents to open. INSTALLING X-MASTER: Use the Newton Connection Kit or Package Installer utility to load the package into your Newton. X-Master is relatively small (roughly 14K after installation) and therefore can be loaded into either internal memory or onto a storage card. After installation, you will see a small dot in the upper right hand corner of your screen. The position (left or right side) of the dot is user configurable as described below. X-Master will automatically restart itself after resets or card swaps from this point on. USING X-MASTER: X-Master is easy to use. Simply tapping on the dot will display a popdown menu of all the USER INSTALLED applets and Newton Books in either alphabetical order or the order in which they were installed (user-configurable). Selecting an item from the list will open that app or book (or, if the app is already open, it will be closed). To open BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (eg., In Box, Prefs, Time Zones, Styles, etc.), touch the dot and hold for about 2 seconds. At that point you will hear a beep. Lift the stylus from the dot and a popdown list of the BUILT-IN apps will appear. Selecting from this list will launch the desired function. In either case, simply clicking anywhere outside the popdown list will dismiss the menu. By holding for a bit longer until a warble sound is produced will invoke the Preferences/About Box dialog. X-Master can ALSO be popped down by tapping AND holding on the Extras Button until you hear a plink sound (user-installed list), holding longer for a double-plink sound (Built-In apps), or holding a bit longer until a warble sound is produced (Preferences/About Box). These options can be configured from the Preferences/About Box. **** MULTIMENUS **** X-Master can list ANY NUMBER of items that have been installed in the X-tras drawer! To do this, it uses what I call "MultiMenus". While not scrolling menus, per se, the MultiMenu feature will allow the display of any number of items in a standard Newton popdown menu. If the number of items in the applet list is larger than can be displayed in one screen, you will see down arrows at the end of the menu. Selecting the arrows will result in another menu which displays the remainder of the list. Tapping on the up arrows will return you to the previous portion of the list. Please let me know if you like this feature on the Newton system since it may be possible for me to generalize it or extend it to be even more useful. As always, ideas are welcome! EXTRAS BUTTON POPUP If you don't like the little dot in the upper corners, you can popup the X-Master list by tapping AND holding briefly on the Extras Button untill you here a "plink" sound. The USER-INSTALLED list will drop down for use. For the BUILT-IN apps, tap AND hold until you hear the double plink sound. To popup the about box/prefs dialog, hold the stylus on the button until the warble sound occurs. You can then configure X-Master to hide the corner dots and be accessed solely through the Extras Button. If you install X-Master on your storage card and try to remove the card while X-Master is OPEN, the Newton will ask for the card back. This will occur with ANY Newton program that is running from an ejected card. To safely remove the card, simply select X-Master from the popdown list or tap its icon in the extras drawer to toggle it closed. Then the card can be removed. X-Master will automatically reopen itself when the card is placed back into a Newton. X-Master has been tested on an MP Classic, 100, and 110 with no problems noted. However, in the rapidly changing Newton world, it's difficult to test for all possible situations. As always, one should back up your PDA before trying out new software. SETTING USER PREFERENCES & ABOUT X-MASTER: X-Master allows a user to set several features. You can set the side in which it appears to enhance ease of use for left handed Newton owners. The ORDER of the USER-INSTALLED items can be set to be either alphabetical or by order installed. You can also set whether the X-Master menu pops up by tapping on the Extras Button AND/OR tapping the dot in the upper corners. To invoke the preferences dialog (which doubles as the About X-Master box), tap and hold your stylus on the dot OR the Extras button. After about 2 seconds you will hear a beep. Continue holding for about 2 more seconds. You will then hear a warble sound. Lift your stylus AFTER the second sound -- a dialog box will appear. There are several radio buttons and checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog. Select the desired display options. The dialog box also contains shareware information and eMail/Snail Mail addresses for the author. Tapping on the Impossible Dreams Star logo will display acknowlegements to some special people. Tapping the star again will toggle back to the original notice. Tap on the close box to dismiss the dialog. HISTORY: As noted above, the inspiration for X-Master was from various launching utilities for the Macintosh. Since I was the original author of MultiMaster, a launching utility published as part of Now Utilities 2.0x and 3.0x (and now incorporated into NowMenus of NU 4.0x and beyond), it wasn't too great a leap to put together something similar when I decided to learn how to program for the Newton platform. I hope that you will find this little utility useful! SHAREWARE: If you like X-Master, please send $12 US to the address listed below. For those who prefer to register online, you can use Compuserserve's SWREG service. Simply type GO SWREG at the online prompt and follow the directions. X-Master's ID# is 3620. Don't forget to include your preferred email address so I can can contact you about updates, etc. Also, please drop me a note with your comments or suggestions for improvements. Any input would be appreciated! X-Master 2.0 is FREE to users who registered version 1.0 up to November 15. After that, the shareware fee for X-Master has been increased. Also, please note that the author address has changed. Compuserve Registration (SWREG) info: To avoid the hassle of registering your software by mail (especially overseas users!), you can now register X-Master on Compuserve. Simply type GO SWREG at a prompt and look for ID# 3620 or search for "X-Master". Thanks again for your registrations!! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: As mentioned above, I got my start in the Mac programming world by writing a little hack that could launch programs under MultiFinder. This hack eventually grew to become MultiMaster*. Recently, most of my time has been occupied finishing my M.D.followed by Internal Medicine training at UC, San Francisco. I've since moved to Stanford University where I'm doing a Fellowship in Cardiology which not only includes clinical training, but also basic science research on the mechanisms and possible treatment of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries which can lead to heart attacks and strokes). The Newton technology has very clear application to all levels of the medical system from administration to "in-the-trenches" patient care. At some point in the near future, I would like to become involved in medically related Newton projects either as a programmer or a consultant. I'd love to hear from those with similar interests in applying Newton technology to the medical or scientific field. If you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please send mail to: Rich Guerra Impossible Dreams 2711 Brighton Place Fullerton, CA 92633 (Or better still, send email so I can easily answer!) Electronic Mail Addresses: NewtonMail/eWorld: rguerra; CIS: 71041,1371; AppleLink: IMPOSSDREAMS; InterNet: rguerra@eWorld.com RELEASE HISTORY: v2.0: 9/24 - upgrade released. v2.0b2: 7/15/94 - Added Extras Button popup. First PUBLIC beta release. v2.0b1: 7/4/94 - Added new preferences to about box. v2.0d1: 7/1/94 - Implemented "MultiMenus" to display LONG lists. v1.0.1 6/24/94 - Minor Bug Fix. Added the "noAutoClose" flag that eliminates the annoying "disappearing X-Master" problem when the Card applet is opened. Added a version string to the about box. v1.0 6/6/94 - first public release ============================================================================== X-Master is Copyright ) 1994 Ricardo Guerra, Jr. & Impossible Dreams. All Rights Reserved. ==============================================================================