ToDo Shortcut 1.0 December 3, 1994, 7:08 PM Hey! Welcome to ToDo Shortcut 1.0! The saga of ToDo Shortcut is as follows: December 3, 1994, 5:40 PM: I was browsing comp.sys.newton.misc on UseNet and I came across a post by a user who wanted to be able to split his Dates button into two parts, one to take him to dates, the other to take him to the To Do list. December 3, 1994, 5:53 PM: Well, in the interests of future Newton compatability, and ease of programming, I changed the idea a bit. The new method of operation is: Click on the Dates button to go to the Schedule, Click on Dates and drag off of the button before releasing to go directly to the To Do list. December 3, 1994, 6:46 PM: I finished writing the program and finished debugging it, after having a little problem with removing the package without crashing the Newton, but it's all better now. December 3, 1994, 6:53 PM: I realized that I have to write a ReadMe because everything has to have a ReadMe. And so it goes... Compatability: ToDo Shortcut is fully compatable with the OMP, the MP 100, 110, and 120, and should be compatable with all Newtons which have a dates button to be released in the future, up to, and perhaps including, the future release of Newton OS 2.0. We'll see. It can be stored on a card without the grip of death (Thanks to Maurice Sharp) and doesn't take up a silly icon in the extras drawer (Thanks to Mike Engber). To install it, just load it onto your Newton. To remove it, remove it like anything else. It takes up 2K (UNcompressed) so it won't break anyone's bank. Errata: ToDo Shortcut is FreeWare. The thing took me just under an hour to make, and that was while half-heartedly watching 90210, the Early Years (I know, I'm ashamed...) so I'm not about to ask for any money for the thing. Distribute freely but always include this ReadMe. Share and enjoy. If you have any comments, or any other ideas on keeping me busy on boring evenings, I can be reached at, or as KFOX on America Online. I hold no liability for any damage or data loss that may be incurred by, or in conjunction with, this program. I will say though that it's been thouroughly tested, and it's stabe. If anything should go wrong, reset and everything should be A-OK. Have fun. Kevin Fox Lore Enterprises