*********************** * FIGGLES' TYPOMATICA * *********************** Release 1.0 From the wacky mind which brought you "KEYBOARD" comes TYPOMATICA! Typomatica lets you type into your Newton directly from your Macintosh or PC. Simply connect to any terminal emulator and type to your heart's content-- into any Newton text field or paragraph area. (Guess what? You can also use Typo from a NeXT or a Sun or just about anything that puts out serial data!) You can also send text from your Newton back to your computer! FEATURES: * You can type directly from your computer. Tap on any Newton field and type from your terminal emulator. (Perfect for times when you are tethered up and want to enter some quick data but don't want to spare the time to enter it all by hand!) * Hilite text on your Newton and send it to your computer. A tap on the Arrow (send) icon sends hilited text upline to your Mac, PC, NeXT, Sun, Powerbook or other personal computer. This works nicely in combination with KEYBOARD's select-all function. * Send notes upline to your PC. This is a great way to use "Capture Mode" from your telecommunications program. Just tap the Note icon, select a folder and wait a few seconds. Tap a note and it will be sent upline to your PC. * A tap on the check box turns on/turn off the connection. * The smart blinking Caret appears only when connected--but if you want direct control over the caret, just tap on the small circle in the southwest corner to toggle. * Auditory cues indicate when the connection has been fully terminated. Just wait for the beep and you know you're clear. * The small app size takes up very little screen space as it floats to ensure visability no matter what application you are using. You can make entries in your Date Book, enter new Names or jot down notes. Type into any application with text areas. * The Typomatica window can be dragged around the screen--no obscuring of important information. Just drag to an unused corner when you want it out of your way. * The last location your placed the Typomatica window is remembered when you close the application. "WHAT IF I DON'T OWN A CONNECTION KIT?" Guess what? You don't need a connection kit to use this program! Really! All you need is a null-modem cable that connects from your Newt to your PC or Mac or Sun or NeXT or Powerbook or IBM Compatible Laptop or Indy or whatever box you own... SETUP Set your terminal for 2400 bps, 8bits, No parity, Xon/Xoff. WARNING 1. Do not attempt to run Typomatica when attached to the Inspector or to the Newton Connection Kit. Only one serial connection at a time is supported by your Newton. 2. Make sure to listen for the beep when disconnecting before reconnecting or trying to make any other serial connection. 3. Xon/Xoff is very very very poorly supported. Do not leave text Hilited for long while Typomatica is connected because an occasional Xoff character may be transmitted and delete the Hilite (if this happens, just hit "Undo") "I THOUGHT I SET IT UP CORRECTLY BUT IT ISN'T WORKING" I have run this program using a Mac (with MacTerminal), a PC (with Procomm Plus) and a NeXT (using tip). Occasionally when you make changes to the setup, they aren't recognized until the next time you enter the program. 1. Make sure you are connected via a null modem (pins two and three are crossed in null modems--data send and data receive) at the right speed and parity. 2. Make sure your emulator is set up for Xon/Xoff handshaking. 3. Try leaving and reentering your terminal program. (I had to do this when I turned on xon/xoff in the Procomm modem general settings area. It didn't start working until I left and came back in.) 4. Try leaving and reentering Typomatica (make sure to listen for the exit-beep before you start up again!) 5. Make sure you've tapped in a text field somewhere on your Newton. The text insertion caret should be blinking and visible. (The connection check box must be checked for this to be working). 6. In the worst case, try rebooting your Newton. (Turn it over, pull down the battery drawer and hit the reset button with the stylus). "I GET ERROR 48200" You haven't tapped on a field yet but you are trying to send hilited information back to your computer. Just tap on any convenient field and this error will go away. "DELETE LEAVES A LITTLE BOX" Use backspace rather than delete (rubout) when typing to the Newton. This option is usually easy to set in most terminal emulators. Backspace is equivalent to Control-H so you can access it directly using a control key combination if you can't set up your backspace correctly. "MY NEWTON WON'T SLEEP / MY NEWTON WON'T TURN OFF" This is normal. You will not be able to turn off the Newton while Typomatica is open. This prevents lots of nasty little surprises which crop up when you try to resume a live connection between the Newton and another machine when you turn the Newton back on... "IT GARBLES THE STUFF I DOWNLOAD TO IT" Typomatica will keep up with almost all the fastest typists but it isn't built for bulk "downloads" of data. If you do want to automatically download lots of information, make sure to set your ascii send to pause about 1/10th of a second between characters.