[IF THIS LOOKS STRANGE, SET YOUR FONT TO COURIER AND YOUR TABS TO 8] KB.PKG: KEYBOARD MANIA (version 2.0) -- See release notes! (c) 1993 by Erica Liebman Sadun. All Rights Reserved. STANDARD +============================================================================+ | [MinMax][Extras] +--------------+ [del->] [bullet] [<-del] [Notes]| | | keyboard | [tab] [space] [return] | | [Styles][Keybds] +--------------+ [left] [slct all] [right] [Close]| +============================================================================+ ALTERNATIVE USING SUSTAINED TAPS (tap and hold until you hear the "poof" sound) +============================================================================+ | [MinMax][Builtins] +--------------+ [del->] [bullet] [<-del] [Strainer]| | | keyboard | [tab] [space] [return] | | [Misc][StdKeybds] +--------------+ [left] [slct all] [right] [Close]| +============================================================================+ F E A T U R E S: * PERSISTANCE: Kbd sticks on your button line next to the alphabet chooser and the standard keyboard icon for easy access. * CUSTOM KEYBOARDS: Define your own macro keyboards in the bundled Keyboard Maker applet. * NOTES SCRAPBOOK The Notes Scrapbook lets you rummage through your filed notes and paste the information into other Newton applications. You can access the scrapbook through the "Notes" key on the top right of the keyboard. Select the file to rummage through and then select the note to paste. * ICONIFICATION: The MinMax button will let you hide away the keyboard when you don't need it and pop it back when you do. The MinMax button looks like a little square attached to a bigger square. This is especially convenient when the persistant icon is covered by an app. When you iconify, the flashing cursor is hidden. * REMEMBERED LOCATIONS: The floating keyboard and icon locations are remembered for consistancy. To move the keyboard or icon, drag the border. * POPUP EXTRAS: The Extras button which looks like a file folder will let you access your applets and the builtin extras conserving screen space. Just click for a list of applets or press and hold until you hear the "poof" sound and release for the builtins and books. * REPEATING KEYS: Delete, Space and the Left/Right keys all repeat after a delay. Just keep holding the key to start multiple deletes, etc. If you undo after this operation, >all< changes are restored! * MULTIPLE KEYBOARDS: Current keyboards include Punctuation, Numbers, Control Keys and the Alphabet. You can easily create or load others through the Keys Maker application too. To the south east of the minimize button, the Keyboards button leads you to a list of keyboard alternatives. Send in your ideas for new keyboards. The keyboards button looks like a stack of keyboards, a filing cabinet or a triple domino depending on the time of day and degree of inebriation. You can create your own simple keyboards using the Key Maker application. Source code is included for third parties who want to create more complex keyboards. Tap on the KEYS icon in KeyMaker to access a whole bunch of prebuilt keyboards. * QUICK BUTTONS: The four dots between the upper and lower button sets lead you directly (if somewhat myopically) to the Punctuation, Lower & Upper Case Alphabet and Number keyboards. Not for the visually impaired, but a keen feature nonetheless. * TURN ON AND OFF KEYBOARD SOUNDS You can turn on and off keyboard sounds in the alt-Styles menu if you prefer a more subdued keyboard. (Button sounds can be turned off in the Preferences applet--a tap/hold away in the alt-Folder button). * KEY QUICK KEY QUICK gives you instant access to Keyboard Pro. When you tap it on through the extras draw or through Keyboard Pro's extras folder, a small dot appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen. This dot should be visible in all applications and gives you instant access to Keyboard. If you are running out of memory, Key Quick gives you an memory efficient alternative to iconifying the keyboard when you're not using it. * SOUP STRAINING! Remove unwanted soups by tapping and holding the Notes button. A list of non-system and non-backup soups will appear. Select to delete. You must confirm twice--just in case you made the wrong choice! * DIRECT ACCESS TO BUILTIN KEYBOARDS: Tap and hold the keyboard button for a second ('til you hear the "poof") for access to the built in keyboards--alphabetic, numeric, phone and date/time. * TIMESTAMP: A special timestamp in the alt-Keyboards (tap and hold the keyboard button for a second until you hear "poof") lets you mark the date and time. * DIRECT ACCESS TO STYLES: The Styles button, next to the folder, gives you immediate access to the styles slip. Super convenient! The styles button looks like a set of line widths with a check next to them. * MOVEMENT AND EDIT KEYS: A standard palette appears next to the keyboard supporting forward and backward delete, SuperBullet (bullet, return, space), tab, space,. return, move left and move right. * SELECT ALL: tap on any part of the text (get the cursor blinking in the text, that is) then press the square "select all" button between the left and right movement keys. All the text is selected. Perfect for changing font for long notes--just "select all" and then tap the styles button and select the new font. * "IT'S NOT A BUG--ITS A FEATURE" -- When iconified, you can still get access to the "extras" by tapping on the right hand side of the icon. Its best to drag the iconified keyboard from the top or left sides. -- An "alt-tap" of the close button will make your newt go to sleep. -- The "Space" option (in alt-styles) for the scrapbook helps get rid of a Newton bug which does not allow correct pasting to the first character of a paragraph. Instead, the space option puts a space character first and then the pasted note. However you can turn this off when you are entering data into other applications than the NotePad paper-roll. * KITCHEN SINK (forthcoming: version 2.999) =============================================================================== HELP! I CAN'T REMOVE MY CARD Make sure you have closed both Keyboard Pro and Key Quick before attempting to remove a card. HELP! I CAN'T BACK UP MY DATA 1. Try rebooting the Newt (Flip him over, pull down his battery drawer and poke him in the reset button with the stylus) and try the backup again. 2. (if #1 doesn't work), Try removing Keyboard Pro and then do the backup. I betcha that when you reinstall KbdPro and try backup again it will work. Hmmmm. =============================================================================== FORTHCOMING: 1. Moving up and down as well as left and right...(if possible) 2. Copy/Paste 3. Multisized keyboards KNOWN BUGS 1. The order of punctuation is task oriented rather than the standard qwerty keyboard. 2. Its almost impossible to delete the last remaining character of a paragraph without doing a select all then delete...Sigh. 3. I am relying heavily on postCommandParam's which is non standard. 4. I am relying on only two (at most) stores... perhaps a problem here! 5. Newt does not support movement of text bigger than a screenful. Be warned when you select all then try to move it via the clipboard. 6. Make sure you turn off all and any applications before removing the card. =============================================================================== * RELEASE NOTES * 2.0 RELEASE NOTES 1. Cleaned things up a little, improving speed getting rid of a few useless appendages and recompiled with Debug turned off. Got rid of a lot of keyboards. 2. Fixed up Maker to install the keyboards removed from #1. Just tap on the KEYS icon.(Formerly a useless picture). Maker actually reuses the 3rd Party layout now. 3. Custom Keyboards are stored in the kbdArchive soup. Each keyboard takes up a few hundred bytes. Try Mark Underwood's stewpot applet to peek at 'em. 4. Note: KeyQuick is separate app because I couldn't figure out how to stick it into KBPro...I wanted something that took up very very very little memory that gave access to KBPro--iconification does not lower the memory used by KBpro 5. Note: KeyQUICK has to be "toggled" from Extras, not from KbdPRO (which only sends "opens"). 1.9 RELEASE NOTES 1. Jessie-fied my button (thanks Jester, you're divine!) 2. Updated 3rd Party access to KbdMaker 3. prettied KbdMaker, 3->4 buttons. More elegant. Added picture 4. Added 3rd party app which demos how to call KbdMaker 5. Unbundled modem, unix, inspector keys, inspector phrases and added 'em to the 3rd party demo. Developers can figure out how to add 'em back in anyway and they would be the ones to use 'em. Should I unbundle Control Keys too? 1.8 RELEASE NOTES 1. Added quick access buttonlets -- hard to see, hard to tap but awfully convenient nonetheless. 2. Fixed up the builtin keyboards a lot. Please test 'em all. Whatcha think of the new Inspector Kbds? 3. Alt-Close now does power-off. Tee hee hee. (Should I keep this?) 4. (Fixed bug with parentheses in phone keyboard) 5. (Resized slightly to improve layout) * Are we ready to release? * 1.7 RELEASE NOTES 1. Important: I changed the signature to uppercase Figgles from lowercase figgles so be sure to delete the old version before installing the new! 2. I added power-off in alt-styles and a few cosmetic things as well as fixing an existant false/nil bug. 3. Built Key Quick. 1.6 RELEASE NOTES 1. Minor fixes, especially to README file. 1.5 RELEASE NOTES 1. Fixed bugs in Time, Date, Alpha and Number keyboard callup. 2. Changed lightbulb to a "notes" icon. 3. Moved Info/GC(), Modes, Key Sounds to alt-Styles 4. Installed "Scrapbook" as default notes button. 1.4 RELEASE NOTES 1. Did a major redesign (again) of functionality. Every button has access now to tap and tap/hold. 2. Much better memory management (thanks to static arrays) 3. No more "Card needed" errors! (Whee!) Just be sure that Keyboard isn't actually RUNNING when you try to remove the card. 4. Moved Extra keyboards to alternate version of multi-keyboard key. Now has access to Alpha, Number, Phone, Dates | turn on/off cursor | timestamping. 5. Fixed timestamp as first thing bug by always adding a space before the timestamp. 6. Changed from beta to "Pro". Restored all icons and got rid of separate trace toggle button--made that into separate app--but kept toggle in Notes menu. 1.3 RELEASE NOTES 1. changed info button to popup scroller with turn on/off sounds, add timestamp (moved from info panel), perform garbage collection, hide/restore the cursor, alpha/phone/etc keyboard calls 2. moved around left four buttons to take advantage of a bug with the iconized form. 3. changed most open/close actions to setvalue's. 4. added in inspector/toolkit keyboards. 5. temporary easter egg on styles button for sounds. 6. this is the "Beta" version with a beta icon and a beta "trace" on/off immediate access. 7. Toggle is restored and works fine now. 1.2 RELEASE NOTES 1. Icon now toggles instead of opens (thanks jesse!) 2. added control keyboard and common controls 3. keyboard is now remembered between uses. 4. still no soups... 1.1 RELEASE NOTES 1. Persistant icon on the status line. (WHEE!!!) 2. By massive request, much bigger function keys on the right side of the keyboard. 3. ";" and bullet in punctuation replaced by < and > by popular request 4. Super-slimmed down number keyboard 5. Added new Modem, Unix and Task keyboards 6. Books now work and are under the standard apps rather than the builtins. 7. Added in "select all" option (little square) -- especially convenient for changing fonts. 8. Time stamp fixed and is now in the [?] info box. 1.0 RELEASE NOTES 1. Added in forward delete 2. Added in time stamp 3. Added in Bullet "macro" 4. Reordered some of the standard keys 0.5 RELEASE NOTES 1. The return key points left rather than down as per standard keyboard. 2. The parentheses keys now work correctly in the numbers keyboard. 3. Delete, space and left/right now repeat after a delay. 4. Repeated deletes can be undone as one operation. 0.4 RELEASE NOTES 1. I figured out how to shrink protokeyboards (set saveBounds rather than viewBounds) so the caret is now implemented. 2. You can move left and right (but not yet up and down) non-destructively. I used Unicodes FS and GS but still haven't found the right ones for the UP/DOWN... 3. Keyboards now include (a) standard (b) short movement/delete/etc (c) numeric (d) alphabet. If you have ideas for others send 'em to me. User custom kbds are still in the future. 4. The script "i" leads directly to the styles dialog. 5. Click on the folder pick from user applets. Press and hold on the folder, releasing when you hear "poof" and you will get the builtins and books. 6. Common keyboard functions: (tab, delete, left, right, space, return) have their own palette area to the right of the keys. 7. The multiple keyboard icon has changed to "stack of keyboards". (Use your imagination. 0.3 RELEASE NOTES 1. Multiple keyboards are supported, even if the alternate ones are pretty dumb. The heavy [+] button gets you there. [CHANGED in 0.4 to the keyboard stack] 2. Popup menus get you extra applets and builtins. The folder button goes to user added apps, the file cabinet gets you the builtin ones [Changed in 0.4]. 3. Info box is no longer a popup but rather a floatnGo 0.2 RELEASE NOTES: 1. You can move the keyboard around the screen 2. You can "iconize" the keyboard (use the button in the upper left hand corner) 3. You can move the icon around the screen. Both the position of the keyboard and the icon are remembered. 4. I haven't figured out how to do popup stuff bigger than the parent window so the info box ([?] key) is a stupid popup list. [Changed IN 0.3]