(OPEN) Pops up a list of apps in the Extras Drawer, excluding a user-selected group. Tapping one opens it. "Set" lets you choose which apps to exclude (only 23 will fit on the main menu) and lets you open any Extra (except Card). (Open) is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com) CHARS Pops up a table of many ascii characters. Selecting one inserts it at the current selection point. "bs" means backspace, "cr" means carriage return, "tb" means tap. The diamond and checkmard characters only appear correctly in certain Newton fonts. Chars is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com) QUICKIES Pops up a menu of short cuts for things which are somewhat cumbersome to do on the Newton: "Sleep" puts the Newton to sleep, just like the switch does. "Restart" does a restart, just like the restart button in the battery compartment. "Store xxx" will change the default storage from the current setting to the other. (Reads "Store Internally" when the card is the default, "Store on Card" when internal memory is the default). "Sleep After" pops up another menu to set the time to wait to sleep (or never). A number representing free heap memory. Tapping it lets you try to clean up a lot of memory but it has side effects--see message. Do not use on an MP running 1.05. "New Note" creates a new note in the notepad. "Select All, Delete All,Delete Selection" do what they say on the current view accepting keys. "Roll Extras" takes the 20 user-supplied extras in the extras drawer and moves them to the end of the list, then opens the Extras drawer. This will let you access items after the first 20 user-supplied ones. Also helps in displaying the extras drawer on an MP 100 with more than 20 user -supplied Extras. Quickies is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com) DUMBKEYBOARD The Newton has a "smart" keyboard: if it doesn't recognize a word you tap out with it, it asks if you want to add the word to the dictionary. Sometimes this is great. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass. DumbKbd opens the normal Newton alphanumeric keyboard with a temporary lobatomy to prevent it asking about each unrecognized word. Closing the keyboard restores it to normal. Dumbkbd will work from the extras drawer but a more direct access method makes it more useful. Roll Your Own II, a freeware application on AOL, is one way to create a status bar button or a part of a preprinted button to run DumbKbd. I personally use RYO to attach DumbKbd to the word "Undo", which seems to make sense to me somehow. Dumbkbd is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com) NOTEMARKER NoteMarker lets you create "bookmarks" in the Notepad. When you select one of the names from the popup menu, the marked Note is displayed. The app will take a little while to open the first time it is run, but is much faster thereafter. Verson 1.1 fixes a problem when the RAM card is changed. The specific items on the menu are: "Set" , which lets you name or rename the "current note". The current note is the top note of which some portion is visible in the Notepad. Selecting "Set" presents you with the "MarkNote" slip that has, from top to bottom: -The name of the note (or if none has been assigned, the words "No Name Yet"). -Sample text from the note. You can highlet and drag to the name. -The "Set" button to record your changes -The "Remove" button to make the note an unnamed note. -The "Remove Index" button for use immediately prior to a deinstall. (If you tap it accidentally, the app will take a little while to start up next time) "Last", which move you to the last note in the current view. The names of the marked notes, selecting one of which moves you to the note. NoteMarker is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com) STYLER Styler: ------ Styler is a relatively unobtrusive floating window that allows to set the family, size and style of selected text. (It doesn't look like a floating window because I removed the normal 5 pixel "matte" border). It will do anything the Style Palette can and much more. IT WORKS SOMEWHAT DIFFERENTLY THAN THE STYLE PALETTE SO PLEASE READ THE README PACKAGE. Overview: ---------- The Styler window can be dragged by the grey square near the right side. It can be closed with the close box at the far right, even though only part of the close box may be visible. The window is a list of buttons (I removed the frame that usually surrounds a button). The buttons act on the selected text (or the default font if no text is selected). Unlike the built-in Style Palette, the buttons work on font components, not the entire font description : if the selected text is an "ab" where the "a" is in plain font, 9 point size, bold and the "b" is in fancy font, 12 point, plain, and you tap the underline button, Styler turns the "a" into plain font, 9 point, underline and the "b" into fancy font, 12 point, underline. (The Style Palette would change both the "a" and the "b" to plain font, 9 point, underline.) Meaning of Buttons: ----------------------- (in order) U - Underline B - Bold I - Italic P - Plain style Sy- The system font (named "Espy"). This is the font the Style Palette won't let you pick but is the font the Newton uses for a lot of things. Apple reccommends against using this font, principally because it is a bit-mapped font and so will not print very well. Nonetheless, on the Newton it is quite useful if you stick to the built-in sizes and plain, bold or underline styles. Ge- The "Plain" font (named "Geneva"), called "Ge" here, because "P" was already used. Geneva may print as "Helvetica" on postscript printers. F - The "Fancy" font (named "New York"). New York may print as Times Roman on postscript printers. 9 - 9 point. 10 - 10 point. 12 - 12 point. 18 - 18 point. & - pops up a menu of styles to ADD to the present style (so you could produce, for example, Bold Italic Underlined). This is all the styles the Newton supports, as far as I know: Bold Italic Underline Outline (characters drawn as outlines) Superscript Subscript Some of these may not show well with the Espy font. 1 - pops up a menu of amounts to change the size of the selection by. E - does a quick attempt to fix all the text i n the selected paragraph. Should not be harmful, may not help. all - selects all the text in the paragraph cotaining the current insertion point or highlight. Other Information --------------------- Styler is "commentware." It is coppyrighted (S. Millman 1994) and freely distributable, but I would like comments back (StephenM35@aol.com), particularly about where it doesn't work but the Style Palette does -- Styler uses a totally different algorithm than the built-in Style Palette (which uses some undocumented calls). If you should suffer a true disaster and text becomes unusable or invisible, tap where the text should be, tap "all" and then open the Style Palette and tap one of the unselected buttons. I haven't had this problem with the current algorithms in Styler but this worked at earlier stages of development. By the way, both Styler and the Style Palette will falsely apear to work in some places where style information is not really stored. For example, if you edit a Name in the Names app, you can make it bold, but the application won't remember the fact once you close the editing box. There is no known fix. TYPEPALLETTE TypePalette is an unobtrusive palette containing some characters that are hard to enter by hand. The window can be dragged by dragging the grey square near the right end. The close box is drawn oddly, but works fine. All of the options require that there be a current "insertion point." Tap once in the text where you want changes to apply if you aren't sure where the insertion point is. In order, the options are: <- delete previous character cr (carriage return) return key (space) space key & types a space followed by the & symbol % types a carriage return followed by the % symbol (for bullet lists) . types . , types , ( types a space followed by the ( symbol ) types ) ' types ' : types : - types - ? types " tb types a tab character all selects all the text