QuickPrefs* v.1.0 by Ricardo E. Martinez Date: 10/20/94 ====================================================================== Why this application: I found my self messing with the preferences every time I walked into a meeting or a conversation and needed to take notes. I got kind of tired of manually changing some of the preferences every time. I also found my self accesing other applications in the Newton like the styles to change settings there too - over and over again. This application allows you to do it once and then just recall it with fewer steps. QuickPrefs* was born! ====================================================================== Objectives: QuickPrefs* is an application that allows users take a snap-shot of the currently active preferences in the Newton*. Then, by selecting the archive's name the user can switch all the preferences at once. In order to create a new preference archive the user must use the preference application built in the Newton. Set all the preferences he/she may want captured. Then launch "QuickPrefs*" and tap on the button "Capture". A dialog prompting for the name of the archive will appear. Enter a descriptive name then you are ready to recall it at a later time. There is also a "Set" and "Remove" buttons that appear as soon as you have selected an archive. The "Set" button makes the preference values stored in that archive active. And, the "Remove" button removes that archive from the list. To replace an existing archive with new preference settings simply capture the preferences and the assign it to the same name. Or, you can used button installed in the "Notes" application once you tap on it will present the list of archives saved by QuickPrefs*. QuickPrefs* comes with some pre-determined archives that the user may use, replace or remove. These are provided to illustrate its use. These are: Demonstration, Development, Guest, Meeting, Protected. I use the following this way: Demonstration - to be used when showing off the functionality of the Newton or some application. For example it turns the volume all the way up, sleep to never, and the pen size to a medium size for visibility. Development - settings that I used when developing applications. Guest - when somebody else is going to use the Newton besides the owner. Meeting - settings to be used during note taking in a meeting. Protected - when you leave the Newton unattended. You could create your own communication settings to set the "Beam" flags on, etc. The following information is currently being capture from the Newton preferences: actionSoundEffects, address, alarmSoundEffects, beepSound, blindDialing, callingCard, carrierDelay, cityZip, commaDelay, commonCountries, company, country, countrySlot, currentAreaCode, currentCountry, currentDialNumber, currentDialSpeaker, currentFaxNumber, currentFaxTitle, currentPrinter, currentZone, curveShapeOption, dialing, dialingPrefix, doShapeRecognition, doTextRecognition, doubleTime, faxPhone, faxResolution, gravityShapeOption, guestAccessOption, lcdContrast, lettersCursiveOption, letterSetSelection, letterSpaceCursiveOption, location, longDistanceAccess, mailAccount, mailNetwork, mailPassword, mailPhone, mailSystem, manualDialing, modemSoundVolume, name, numbersCursiveOption, penSoundEffects, phone, punctuationCursiveOption, sleepTime, soundVolume, speedCursiveOption, symmetryShapeOption, timeoutCursiveOption, useDateDomain, useGeneralShapeDomain, usePhoneDomain, userFolders, usePassword, userPenSize, userFont, useTimeDomain, wordsCursiveOption, zapAutoReceive, zapAutoRoute, zapCloseInBox, zapConfirmReceive, zapOpenInbox. ====================================================================== Whats Next: 1) I will try to fix the known bugs in the application. 2) I will try to fix any new bugs that you report. 3) If response is positive and this application proves to be useful to Newton* users I will continue to add more features. ====================================================================== Discalimer: I have not detected any problems when I have installed "QuickPrefs*". But I will strongly recomend that you make a backup of all your data prior to installing this or any new software. ====================================================================== Contact: I will appreciate your feedback concerning " QuickPrefs*" in particular bugs or features that might make this application more usefull. Ricardo E. Martinez AppleLink: RICO.REM AOL: REMartinez eWorld: REMartinez