Quickies, v. 5.0 )1994-5 S. Millman (StephenM35@aol.com) Freeware ------------------- A collection of Shortcuts. Quickies is designed to be used from an on-screen button created by some other app such as Roll Your Own (now RYO III, freeware) or ScrollEx 2.7 and above. Alternatively, the autopart QuickiesOnAssist will cause Quickies to popup when the word 'assist' under the Assist button is tapped. ------------------- Sleep--puts the Newton to sleep, like the on-off button. ------------------- Restart--restarts the Newton, like the reset button in the battery compartment. ------------------- Change Storage From: toggles the default storage between Internal and Card. ------------------- Sleep After: Pops up a menu to set the sleep period ------------------- Free Heap Space: Selecting this will pop up a menu with a warning and several options relating to getting more heap space. Before using these, please read 'A Note About Newton Memory' which should have accompanied this file. ------------------- New Note--creates a new blank note at the end of the NotePad. ------------------- Select All--selects the entire paragraph (or more) in which the cursor lies. ------------------- Delete All--selects all and then deletes. ------------------- Delete Selection--does what it says. ------------------- Bullet--types a carriage return and a % character. ------------------- Cut--adds the currently selected text to Quickies clipboard and deletes the text. ------------------- Copy--adds the currently selected text to Quickies clipboard. ------------------- Paste--presents a menu of previously cut or copied items that have not yet been pasted plus the last pasted item. Selecting one pastes it into the current text. ------------------- Font--This is for Michelle Sagara. Font changes the font characteristics of selected text: -If there is no selected text, it changes the user preference. -These routines are slower than Apple's but they do different things. --First, you can choose the system font (Espy). --Second, you can change one or two of the characteristics, instead of all three. ----In fact, if you select texts with several styles, you will retain the different values for characteristics you don't select. --Third, the face characteristic includes options Apple doesn't give you. If you check more than one, you will get all the checked options. ------------------- About--gets you this text. ------------------- And that brings us back to Sleep--puts the Newton to sleep.