A Word about Newton Memory --The Heap The Newton has two types of memory: (i) the memory for permanent storage, which shows up as free space in the "Card" app and the "Memory" preference button and (ii) the "free heap space". Almost always, when the Newton tell you that it doesn't have enough memory to complete an operation and asks whether you want to restart or cancel," the heap space is too little to perform the given task. The Newton OS uses the heap for a lot of things. In addition to storing a bunch of semi-permanent objects, such as the "views" that each application may use, it also it used for a lot of temporary structures. Basically, I seem to need at least 20,000 bytes free in the heap to function without out-of-memory warnings, and any time the heap is smaller than about 35,000 bytes, there is a real risk of an out-of-memory message. Quickies will show the amount of free heap space, after recovering freeable space, when you pop it up. The simplest preventive measure is to restart the Newton every now and then--Quickies is designed to make it easy to see when the heap has shrunk significantly and to perform the restart. The system heap in the Newton 110 seems be about 90,000 bytes and in the Newton 100 seems to be about 15,000 bytes smaller. You'll never see the maximum numbers, however, because by the time the "card" slip appears, a lot of this space has already been filled up. The built-in systems and apps take over about 10,000 bytes immediately after a restart. If you have installed 20 applications you may see 30,000 bytes less than the maximum at the very beginning. If you use the Newton for a while, you will notice the heap space keeps getting smaller. Quickies provides you with some tools for both increasing the initial amount of free heap space and for recovering some of the heap space that seems to get lost as you use the Newton. To use these tools effectively, however, you need to understand a certain amount about the inner workings of the Newton. The largest portion of the stuff that fills up the system heap is the "root." The root contains over 100 items even if you have installed no Extras. Almost everything a user ever sees starts its life as the template for a "view" in the root. (The root is, in fact, the base view you are looking at any time the Newton is on.) Normally a template in the root starts its life with 3 "slots", called "_parent", "_proto" and "viewCobject." (viewCobject, which is initially 'nil', is the slot where the actual picture information is stored when the view is visible.) When you open a view, such as by tapping an extra in the extras drawer, more slots are added to the template. Some of these slots are transitory. Others store information that the view is using and may be removed when the view is closed. For example, an open view usually has a slot called "viewBounds", indicating where the view is placed. If the view is a draggable floater, viewBounds will change every time the floater is dragged. If the view doesn't get rid of the viewBounds slot when its closed, if you reopen it again, it will be in the place you last moved it to. This, of course, is good. But a lot of applications also add slots to the their root template for other purposes and then don't remove the slots when the application is closed. This causes a "permanent" decline in available heap space. Oddly enough, two built-in applications, Names and Dates are major offenders. If you use both for a little while, even when closed they are often holding onto about 7,000 bytes of the heap. I've seen them grab as much as 12,000 bytes. Names and Dates, incidentally, have the symbols CardFile and Calendar in the views list. Isn't Apple wonderful? Another oddity is Graffiti. Graffiti grabs about 7,000 bytes when it is opened. Selecting the "Close" choice in Graffiti (or tapping the Graffiti icon in the Extras Drawer again) will not recover that memory. However, if you iconize Graffiti by tapping its icon button, Graffiti does an intelligent clean-up that reduces its heap usage to about 1,000 bytes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --"Clean Specified Views" The "Clean Specified Views" option presents you with a list of views which are not visible at the moment and which have extra slots. Tapping the "Do It" button will cause Quickies to remove all the extra slots from all the checked views. This can have consequences. First, for system versions before 1.3, this may be remove patches. On an MP 100 or 110 which has no other app that modify the contents of the start-up heap, there are no extra slots in any views immediately after start-up except: (i) The application "backupslip" (the slip you see after the restart installs the card, or whenever you tap the "Card" app or insert a new card) will have an extra slot (resulting from its having been opened) and (ii) the application "copperfield" (which is the application that presents a NewtonBook) has extra slots containing information about the books. Cleaning copperfield will make the Newton forget annotations, current page and bookmarks, but will not damage the system. (Actually, Names and Calendar also can have extra slots, but removal of these will have no effect, since the information is stored in a global which is reaccessessed when the application is opened.) Other applications may well install slots in some view that are needed to modify behavior. For example, the various applications that do something special when you tap the bottom part of one of the printed "silkscreened" buttons on the bottom of the Newton screen all add slots to the views representing the buttons. (You won't see these buttons listed among the cleanable views because the buttons are always "visible", even though they are hidden by the printed sheet, so much for English.) Other applications modify other things. Find Recent, for example, an application that provides a popup of recent find queries in the slip that opens when you tap the "Find" button modifies the slip (called findDrawer) which, unlike the Find button itself is not visible until you tap the button. The "Exclude Apps From Cleaning" option will let you remove from the list of apps to be cleaned apps that will suffer if cleaned. You must tap "Do It" to store the changes in the list. If you are using the "Remove Icons From Extras Drawer" option, you should put Accsym (if you are using it) on the list. If you are using GraffitiPlacement, you should exclude Graffiti:PALM, GraffitiIconized:PALM, findDrawer, and assistant as well. The name of most views in the root is the same as the package name you would see if you tried to remove the package. A few have other names. The built-in apps tend to be the worst offenders. In addition to CardFile, Calendar, Copperfield and backUpSlip, mentioned above, you should note that the almost anything with "docker" in its name is connected with Newton Connection. The notepad is "paperRoll"; "zap" refers to the beaming functions, and startUpScreen is the screen you see when the Newton wakes up from sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------- --"Remove Icons from Extras Drawer Quickies provides another tool for increasing available heap space. The information stored in the Extras Drawer for each icon can take up a lot of space (about 400 bytes on average, but particular apps vary from 8 bytes to almost 1,000 bytes). So far I haven't found any nonbuilt-in applications that need the icon information to be there. Quickies lets you remove any icon except a built-in. The removal is only effective until the next restart of the Newton. This is not an "archiving" of the app (the kind of thing NewtCase and ScrollEx do) and should not cause backup problems or problems with one app trying to access another that has had its icon dropped. For example, if you use Graffiti, both Graffiti Shortcuts and GraffitiHelp are normally accessed from Graffiti itself, so removing them from the Extras Drawer is free. This lets you at least recover the space for apps you don't normally open from the Extras Drawer. (The menu item "Open Dropped Icon" will let you open an app whose icon has been removed from the Extras Drawer.) A more extreme strategy can work wonders. I have twenty added app on my Newton right now and I remove all 20 that Quickies will let me remove at start up. This gives me about 7,000 bytes of extra heap space. How do I get to my apps? Well, first, I have a bunch of buttons for the ones I use often, two at the top of the screen, 6 on the status bar, 4 on the silk screened buttons. (I created all of mine with Roll Your Own III, which I wrote and is freeware, but there are lots of other applications that will create some buttons). Second, I have modified my launcher Accsym to read the dropped icons from Quickies. A version of Accsym and a small package that makes the word "Extras" on the Extras button pop it up, should be included with this download. Third, Quickies itself will reopen dropped applications. An extra item is added to the Free Heap Space popUp to do this. I haven't had any trouble with removing the icons for any apps, even a few I expected to cause trouble, but I'm sure there are some out there that need to have the icon in the extras drawer. You can only find out by experimenting. Worst case SHOULD be that you may have to reset the Newton, but its your risk, not mine. The only real oddity I have found is that on the MP 110 (not the 100), if you add a package when the only user-added icon left is "Quickies", sometimes Quickies is removed from the Extras drawer and from the heap!!! I generally reset the Newton before adding packages to avoid this risk. You are strongly urged to explore these option for a while in noncritical circumstances. Remember, the Restart option in Quickies will generally take you out of trouble. That's it. Use these however you find them useful. If you have questions or reports of incompatibilities or bugs, my preferred Email address is StephenM35@AOL.com.