J QuickFind) 2.5.2J Copyright ) 1994 by Thomas J. Volgger & noGravtiy Software All Rights Reserved ------------------- ShareWare - US$ 10.00 / DM 15,-- / S 100,-- QuickFind 2.5.2 enhances the Find function of the Apple Newton MessagePad in three ways. It maintains a lists of the last ten terms that were searched. It gives you more options than just searching the current area or in all areas. And it makes the Find button work as comfortable as the Assist button does. % Finding Recent Terms Easier Finally QuickFind 2.5.2 includes the functionality of FindRecent 2.0, one of my Newton FreeWare titles. The ten last terms that were searched are listed in the 'Look for' pop-up menu for your convenience. It also offers the possibility to store up to ten more terms permanently in this pop-up menu. To add a term permanently just use the 'Add [some text]' item that shows up when there is some text in the Find slip. To remove it again select the term and the menu item changes to 'Remove [some text]'. The AutoFind check-box also effects the way this feature works. If the AutoFind is checked then the search is started automatically. Otherwise the QuickFind, the Find or the All button have be tapped to start it. (Fig.3) % More Options for Finding Usually the Find function gives you two options to search for data. If you hit the Find button (in the find slip) the search is limited to the current area. If you use the All button all areas are searched. QuickFind now adds three more options. Via an new 'Look in' pop-up menu you can limit your search to the three basic areas (Notepad, Names File, Date Book), to the Names File (for those who mostly look up names), and to everything but Newton Books (so it doesn't search the twothousendsomething pages of the Fodor Travel Manager). As the QuickFind replaces the Find and the All button with a single QuickFind button there is also a Current Area (instead of Find) and an All Areas (instead of All) option in the 'Look in' pop-up menu. (Fig.2) % More Comfortable Find Button Making the Find button work as comfortable as the Assist button does mean that selected text (or text that was just entered) is automatically entered into the find slip when the Find button is tapped. If the AutoFind check-box is checked it is also automatically searched. No need to copy and/or drag the text to the Find slip and hit the Find or the All button again. (Fig.1) Note: If text is selected in the Notepad and you go to a different area the text is still selected. Therefore this text is still used if you tap on find. Sometimes this is a feature, sometimes it is a bug. % Requirements QuickFind 2.5.2 just takes about 13K of the Newton memory (it occupies only about 0.7K of the heap) and it doesn't even show up in the Extras drawer. But of course, it can be deleted via the 'Remove Software' pop-up, just like every other software package. Note: QuickFind 2.5.2 does not work with Basukes BooksOff and my own FindRecent (both's features are included in QuickFind) and other utilities that tinker with the find slip. You should remove these packages before downloading QuickFind to the Newton MessagePad. If you've written or think about writing an utility that should work together with others, let me know. I've found a way to do so. The guidelines are outlined in the article "Patching the system" in the August 94 issue of PIE Developers magazine. % Disclaimer QuickFind) is provided 'as is'. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of QuickFind. % Shareware Notice QuickFind is ShareWare. You may test it for a reasonable time (i.e. 30 days). If you decide to keep it after that period, please register by paying the shareware fee. As long as QuickFind is unregistered it will show a reminder every time you use it. If you pay your shareware fee, you'll get a registration code that can be entered to avoid this reminder to be shown. QuickFind may be freely distributed, but it may not be sold. All commercial distribution is prohibited. Only nominal download costs may be collected in connection with online distribution. The fee is US$ 10.00 / DM 15,-- / S 100,--. Please send cash (no cheques please) to: Thomas J. Volgger noGravity) Software Volkertplatz 6 1020 Wien Austria/Europe Payment by VISA Card is accepted as well. Please send card number, name and expiration date to the electronic mail address below. Thank you for your support of the shareware idea. Please send bug reports and suggestions to: AppleLink: JACK.BOX Internet: jack@magnet.at Thomas J. Volgger / noGravity) Software PS: Thanks to J.D. Stack, John Brooks, Paul Finnigan, Roy (rwchen), Walter Scheuch and SMITTIE for their support during testing! PPS: If you're interested in the PIE Developers magazine you can contact them via eMail on AppleLink at CDS.SEM (or Internet: cds.sem@applelink.apple.com) or call them at (415) 621-4252. J