PopExtras )1994, Gavin Maxwell, All rights reserved. What is PopExtras? PopExtras consists of two parts, the first being a button which is attached to the bottom of the NotePad next to the keyboard icon etc. Tapping this button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable list of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that app! The second part of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select which apps will be displayed in the popup button. This utility consists of a scrolling list which contains the apps installed on the Newton. Tapping on an item in the list will place a check to the left of the app name, tapping again will remove the check. Simple. There is also a Clear button which will uncheck all items. Next to the Clear button is an Open button which can be used to open the selected app (whether it is checked or not). This is useful if you have filled your Extras Drawer. Checking and unchecking items will be immediately reflected in the popup menu (only visible if you close the Extras Drawer after opening PopExtras). Some Important Information PopExtras will create a union soup called RPopExtras:cometS, at install time, on your Newton. This soup is used to store the items that will be displayed in the popup. I have tested PopExtras rigorously to ensure it does not incur the wrath of the TGrip-O-DeathU god. This is not a guarantee, just a fair amount of reassurance ;-) ShareWare notice PopExtras is shareware, so if you like this app and intend using it for any reasonable length of time, you are encouraged (pleaded with!) to send a cheque made out for $10 in Australian funds, (money orders are also acceptable!) to the below address. In countries where converting funds is expensive, you may send an equivalent cash amount. Just place it inside a card or similar (to keep prying eyes out!), and mail it. Gavin Maxwell, 5 Dolomite Rd, Mt Pleasant, NSW, 2749 Australia. Please include an e-mail address where you can be contacted. This fee entitles you to upgrades and bug-fixes plus releases of any software I produce in the future (yes, some new and hot apps are in the pipeline). Registered Users When you pay your shareware registration fee I will send you a personalised copy of PopExtras. If you have already paid (thanks!), but have not received your personalised copy, please drop me an email message. Bug Reports, Ideas, etc. Either send snail-mail to the above address, or preferably, send e-mail to gkm@jolt.mpx.com.au. If you have an idea for a Newton application, or need a custom solution, drop me a line. Distribution of PopExtras You are hereby encouraged to copy and distribute PopExtras for non-commercial use with the following restrictions: % You may copy and distribute the RPopExtras PackageS file (containing "PopExtras.pkg", "READ ME" (MS Word) and "READ ME.txt"), but not the individual Newton application and document files. This will ensure that users receive a complete package with all documentation. % You may not modify the contents of the RPopExtras PackageS file in any way. Re-packaging into other formats (eg .ZIP) is ok, just include all the original files. % You may not charge any fee for the use, copying, or distribution of the product. % Organisers of 'shareware library' CD-ROMs (eg 'AMUG - BBS In A Box' - hello Michael, Ashley et al!) etc, who wish to include the RPopExtras PackageS file, should contact me first. Under most circumstances, I will allow its inclusion. Last but not least. Special thanks go to Jesse Divine for his Button Development Kit (contact jester@apple.com for more information on the BDK). Thanks also go to Peter Marks for the initial idea and his continual tips for improvement. Peter was also the poor soul who did most of the initial beta-testing. Upgrading from PopExtras v1.0: Users of version 1.0 who upgrade to 1.2 do not need to do anything special. Version 1.2 will upgrade the existing soup on your Newton! Version Log: 1.2 % Attended to 'PopExtras Most Wanted Fix'. When an app was deleted from the Newt, and it appeared in PopExtras' soup, it was impossible to remove that single item. You had to clear the soup and re-enter all your apps. This problem has been fixed by showing all apps that appear in PopExtras' soup. Apps that are in the soup, but not on the Newt, are displayed in bold (and underlined, you can't miss 'em!). To clear them from the soup just remove their 'tick' by tapping on them. % Suppressed the stray 'ink-spots' which sometimes appeared when tapping an item in the application list (purely cosmetic problem, but it annoyed the hell out of me!). % Added ability to access the Card package. % Increased speed of PopExtras startup. % Added registration name in about screen. 1.1 % Added Notification (other than a beep), if the item that is selected from the menu cannot be found on the Newt. % Added support for opening books. % Added company logo to about screen (sorry John!). % The popup list is now sorted alphabetically. % The list of installed apps is also sorted alphabetically. % Scrolling within PopExtras is now a bit quicker. 1.0 % Initial Release